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Post by Lexi »

You should really start playing, you're gonna love it!

Yeah, the comic was funny. I think I still might have it around somewhere... If I find it, I'll scan it. I've made lots of comics, so sometimes it's tough to find them!
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Post by Suppose; »

I understand, I've got stacks and stacks and stacks of papers of stuff I've written in my room. Trying to go through is like....blah.. I'm sure you know.
I'd love to see it though :lol:

Anyway, lately on my DS I've been playing Super Princess Peach (which is really fun) and Mariokart (all-time classic).

They're both great.

Post by Lexi »

Ooh, I don't have a DS.
My mother wanted one for herself, to play those memory/mind games that had been released.
But then we bought the Wii. And did I mention I regret it? :D
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Post by stormer89 »

ddr and guitar hero
peace and love and blessed be
~ * ~ stormer ~ * ~
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Location: Kentucky, USA

Post by Suppose; »

There aren't enough games for me to want to buy a wii, but I'd be happy to play a friend's for Super Smash Brother's Brawl and the Zelda games.

I think the DS is a great invention. I love it. It's so much better than the gameboys.
If you ever like sell your Wii, the DS is the thing to get.

Post by Lexi »

Oh, if I do sell my Wii, it's going to be in order to buy a PlayStation 3. The good thing is my father wants it too, and my mother has no problem in helping me buy it, so even if I don't sell the Wii, I'd probably buy a PS3 by October.
But like you said, there aren't enough interesting games for Wii, so now it's just sitting and collecting dust. Which makes me feel really bad for asking my father to buy it for me. That's mainly the reason I want to sell it - I don't want my father to have to pay for lots of electronics that I barely use...
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Post by Suppose; »

That's awesome. I'd love to have a PS3 (mainly for Devil May Cry 4). The only thing with them is that the advertisements are so tricky. They don't tell you that if you want one that plays PS2 games and has internet you have to pay more.

D: Blah I hate corporations.

Post by Lexi »

You like Devil May Cry? I really like the series, although I haven't played the third one at all. My favourite was the second one. I remember that before I bought it I rented it from the video store for one week, took it to my village and was playing it ALL day! When the week was over, I returned the game finished. But I still got it anyway, i love playing it.

Yeah, you get the console and expect to have lovely online fun and then, more money. I'm talking more about XBox here. It was the first here with big online capabilities and one of my father's co-worker bought it and then complained when he found out you had to pay a subscription to play multiplayer and stuff. But there are some things that should really be told in advertisements, though of course they're never mentioned. It's how it works.

At least once you get the PS3, the Network's free. At least I think so..?
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Joined: Sun Oct 14, 2007 11:46 am
Gender: Female
Location: Kentucky, USA

Post by Suppose; »

Yeah, the second one was my favorite too. I really loved playing as Lucia. :D

I'm not sure how it works with the PS3 either.

Hey, do you have msn, or better yet, have I added you yet? lol I can't remember.

Well, if you want to, mine's:

Post by Lexi »

Added you just now!

I'm amethystlexi.
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