What's your least favorite element?

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What's your least favorite element?

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Post by Elem »

I find myself at great difficulty when trying to answer this question.. Because I have no favourite, and no least favourite :). I work with all equally, and connect with all equally.. I can't say there's any one in particular which I don't have an affinity for.

I love Fire - I love the shapes it makes, the light it casts, the energy, power and heat that emanates from it. It feel that it empowers me, fills me with confidence, energy and happiness.

I love Water - It makes me feel free, it makes me feel fresh. I love how it calms me, or how watching a storm (or just watching / listening to the rain) can be so relaxing.

I love Earth - It's strong, it's natural, the smells / touch / feel of nature and the Earth make me feel strong and confident. I love getting my hands dirty, out on a field or in a garden too (haha).

I love Air - Although the least tangible, I still love its calming presence. Listening to the wind, feeling the energy being carried all around me.. The power is more dispersed, but still ever-present and uplifting.

I know I've mentioned in the past that I do not, generally, consider the Elements to tie quite literally to their names.. The discreet energies of 'Fire', 'Earth', 'Water' and 'Air' are just named that way, because it's how that particular energy feels.. Not because it's literally carried within each of those physical objects. But, still, I find that for visualisation purposes, the presence of these physical objects enhances my experience with each Element.

Either way, as I said.. I love all the Elements, and certainly can't classify one as my least 'favourite'. In the past, I would've said it was Earth or Water, but I've grown to love those energies too as I've worked with them *shrug* :).

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Post by [Haley] »

Mine is earth. I think that even though I love the beauty of the outdoors, I just can't appreciate/connect with earth enough to really like it as well as the elements. It's a shame really, because I've always loved looking at pictures of earth, land formations, etc., but I never really could stand to be around it for too long. The funny thing is, from what I've read my element is supposed to be earth!! :P :D :lol: However lately, I've been noticing certain trees and hills in a different light than I used to......It's getting kind of strange really..... :?
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Post by jcrowfoot »

Well, Haley, it may be that you have an over-abundance of earth-energy in your soul. Overload, maybe?

Also... Elem... it's cool that you are groovin with all the elements. I just asked this question because I thought it would bring up interesting conversation. And it did! LOL! So even if you didn't answer my poll, we still win! :lol:
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Post by Broken2nite »

My least favorite is definately water. I don't like the ocean very much. I find it more gross than beautiful. And I really don't like to swim all that much. I don't connect with it in a spiritual way. The only time water calms me at all is when it rains, and that's more because of the smell and sound, not that actual water. Its strange, because my favorite element is actually fire, even though my greatest fear is fire.

Post by Courtney »

My least favrotie is fire. I just don't feel any real connection with it. The others I do, though. I probably connect with Earth the most. I LOVE landscapes and I've always had this weird thing for trees. If you ever see someone kissing a tree it is probably me so say hi!! :)
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Post by Sobek »

"you ever see someone kissing a tree it is probably me so say hi!! "

i would do that, but me and earth dont get along so great and the tree's around here are splinter material.

Post by Courtney »

LOL... I can see why you might not want to try that then. :wink:
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Post by jcrowfoot »

Well, if anyone could understand issues with fire, it would be me. It took me YEARS to get over my fear of... <lol> lighting matches.
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Post by [Moondaughter] »

My least favorite element is water, which kind if surprised me. I don't on any level dislike water, and I connect with it amazingly. And the ocean is my favorite place to be. But the other elements just capture me, and me and water just more relate. I don't know if that means that me and water connect more, or not. It was really difficult to choose my answer.
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Post by [EarthWitch] »

I feel less connection to water.
...not all who wander are lost... (tolkein)

I am the daughter of Earth and Water
and the nursling of the sky-
I pass through the pores of the oceans and shores
I change, but I never die.
Lady Garnet Eyes

Post by Lady Garnet Eyes »

I have to say i have the least conection to Air. Here is my relations with the elements:

Fire: Probably my closest friend as an element. We get along GREAT! All of my friends also describe me as fire if anything. I love the heat and the feeling. It makes me so HAPPY!

Water: Water sign, but i am not as conected to it as fire. It relaxes me and my energy feeling has actualy switched between Fire and water on occasion but fire really rules. I just get a strong conection to it.

Earth: It gives me alot of stability and if i am looking for something solid i go directly to earth. I like how it feels in autum and spring too!

Air: I conect with it, but it takes the most effort and alot more concentration. Once I get that initial connection, I am ok. Untill then it is probably the least i conect with.

i can connect with each but i feel least connected to Air out of them all.

Lady Garnet

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Post by Zero_TheBenevolent »

you could probably tell by reading my book (even the first chapter) that Earth is my least favorite element. in order of favorite to least favorite, the elements stand Air, Fire, Water, then Earth.
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Post by SeekerGray »

My least favorite element would have to be fire, but at the same time, I have the same feelings with air as well.


It's just so hard for me to connect with them. They represent everything that I dislike about the people I know, the bad decisions I make, and my life in general. I'm a very grounded person, and the thought of fiery tempers, flighty decision-making, ect. makes me very uneasy.

I voted fire though, just because I love combinations with air more than I do with fire.

I'm not saying that I hate any of the elements themselves, it's just that I have my preferred favorites.
-Seeker Gray-

"Intolerance is evidence of impotence."
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Post by LUNAAMOR »

mmm well actually for me this its a really hard desicion since i love all elements but if i had to pick it would be
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Post by Makbawehuh »

I have to go with water. I've always been very close to fire (some people might say I'm a borderline Pyromaniac, although I ALWAYS see to it that my fires won't get out of control), and Earth and Air both run on pretty much the same course for closeness... I'm happy with either one.

But water?

Put more than a bucketful of the stuff in front of me, or a sinkload, and it's too much in most cases. Occasionally I can handle a bath.

I hate the rain, and my family has oft pointed out that I -must- be witchy, cause I act like it's going to melt me. I absolutely detest large bodies of water- lakes, rivers, and especially oceans. Oceans scare the living daylights out of me on so many levels it isn't even funny. It's deep enough that I can't touch the bottom with my feet, and if anything were to happen, I'd be at the bottom of the food chain.

I've always been this way, from the time I was little. Getting me to swim with my cousins in our cousins pool was difficult, and I stayed right around the stairs. Getting me to take a bath? My mom and I used to go round and round in circles about that... I -hated- getting in the tub. Now I don't bitch because I understand the necessity, but it's like doing anything else I don't care to do, but do anyways- I need to, so I do it, but it doesn't mean I have to like it, damnit!

Magically, it's just an energy I don't handle well, and will usually only work with it if it's called for to balance out the others.

Suffice it to say, I'm hydrophobic. ...Maybe I should get my rabies shots updated? :P
~St. Makupuff the Awesome~

"The human race will begin solving it's problems on the day that it ceases taking itself so seriously." – Malaclypse the Younger

The Hell Law says that Hell is reserved exclusively for them that believe in it.
Further, the lowest Rung in Hell is reserved for them that believe in it on the supposition that they'll go there if they don't.

-Holy Book of Truth; The Gospel According to Fred, 3:1 (Principia Discordia)
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