My Dream Blog

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Posts: 69
Joined: Sat Oct 11, 2008 10:37 am

Post by witch505 »

I would first like to thank RedWolf. Your sugestions are absolutely FANTASTIC! We do have the go green bags, but like MoonStone said, people want the free ones. My small town does not recycle. I collect my famililes recyclables and take them to my grandma's house (her town DOES recycle.) I think I'm going to try to rally the kids at my school. We can swarm the next school board meeting and bring up the issue of recycling. Every little bit counts. And, I already ride my bike everywhere possible, if it's not -10 F outside. I just feel like I could always be doing MORE. I guess I feel like that I need to A LOT to make up for the people who do NOTHING. Silly, I know.

And MoonStone, just for the record, I was joking about the raves. I like being in control, so I don't drink or drugs. And, I've already been bungee jumping... TWICE! Haha, and I already volunteer at the local animal shelter and soup kitchen. Fire eating seems like fun... but third degree burns aren't as appealing as I thought they were haha!! I think I'll try something silly, like tight rope walking.

And I dyed my hair a reddish color, blond, and bright blue. My mom freaked out when she saw the blue... so I redyed the blue to black to please her. *Sigh* Parents!

Alright, now. Let me get to the dream I had last night. It was very short and confusing. I remember almost nothing.

Basically, I was in an empty room. One wall was a giant window looking outside. It was night. And there was a big tree that Icould see out of the window. I walked in and set down a basin filled with water. I was also carrying a broom, which I dipped into the water and swept the floor with. (Yes, I essentially mopped the floor with a broom.) Next, I said some things that I cannot remember in an Irish accent. The last thing I said was, Leo, grace me with your presence. And outside, a man appeared. He was walking though. I saw his torso and legs clearly, but his face was blurry, like I couldn't focus on it.

I then woke up. And I had this weird tingly sensation all over my body. You know the feeling when your foot falls asleep? It was like that, but ALL over.

This dream was very odd to me because it's so unlike the ones I'm used to. And, to my knowledge, I have never met anyone named Leo.

Very strange.
Posts: 69
Joined: Sat Oct 11, 2008 10:37 am

Post by witch505 »

My titleless poem.

I cry out your name, you're not there.
I can't believe it, don't you care?

So long, then you're gone,
Another unsaid goodbye,
Standing alone,
I'm left here to cry.

Abandoned in the rain,
The drops mixing with my pain,
Growing numb, becoming cold,
So sick of those lies you always told.

Drops hit the ground, it isn't rain,
Just a steady stream of my red pain.
I've grown so numb, I've become so cold,
This is the solution your lies foretold.

I'm dead so you see,
You did this to me.
Your words were the knife that ended my life.

So long, you're gone,
I'm left alone here to die,
with a smile on my lips,
and not a tear in my eyes.

Don't you get it, can't you see?
You were the one who did this to me.
Your prints are the ones on that knife,
You and your lies just ended my life.

So long, I'm gone,
I no longer breathe.
Now, it's time to watch me bleed.
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