My Dream Blog

If you'd like to have your own blog here, start yourself a thread. Use your member name somewhere in the title so people will know who you are. The blogs here should be mostly about your spiritual path and beliefs.
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My Dream Blog

Post by witch505 »

Well, I've posted some of my dreams in the dream thread.

But, I was asked to start my own dream blog.

Which is exactly what I'm doing. I'll try and post as often as possible. But, I won't post the annoying ones. I.E. The ones where I'm just shoe shopping or something.

I hope you find the dreams that I'll be posting helpful.
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Post by Moon_Stone »

(Ooh, shoe shopping! I wish I could dream of that... I love shoes- my biggest weakness) :wink:

--Looking forward to reading your dreams, thanks again for sharing with us!

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Post by witch505 »

This is the dream I posted in the other forum thing...

I'll post this dream a had two nights ago, it's rather lengthy... and I feel that it's unusually detailed.
It was from third person point of view, so... I will refer to the person committing suicide as Ashley [which is me.] I will refer to the person watching Ashley committing suicide as I, me, mine, my [which is also me.] If for some reason I need to interject at any point, I'll put my thoughts in brackets.

I was walking along a path in the woods. I could hear and smell the ocean. The trees started to clear and thin out. The path eventually found its way the edge of a cliff where Ashley was standing, illuminated by the moon. Ashley was wearing a white flowing dress that was ripped in several places. Her hands and feet were stained with blood. I looked down at my own hands and feet [we were both barefoot, for whatever reason], and they were also covered with blood.

Ashley was crying and when she turned to face me, her cheeks were were stained red. I was standing face to face with her and she stopped crying. She took my hands in hers and she said to me "Don't be afraid."
She let go, and backed up, towards the edge cliff. Ashley just stood there for a little holding my eye contact. She smiled at me, and then spread out her arms and fell off the cliff. I ran to the edge and watched her fall, she was smiling the whole way down. I started crying when she didn't resurface, so I jumped in after her.

The fall seemed to take forever. But, when I finally hit the water, the breath was knocked out of me. The water was freezing, and the current kept me tumbling under the water. I finally saw the moon through the water, and started kicking towards the surface. But, I wasn't going anywhere. My feet felt like they were stuck. I looked down, and Ashley had a firm grip on my ankles. She was still smiling, and almost laughing. She said, "I told you, Don't be afraid." And she started pulling me down. I felt my chest sieze up. It felt like it collasped... and then reburst open.

The last thing I remember was looking at the moon.

[well, that's my dream. I woke up in a very heavy coldsweat with the sheets wrapped around my ankles. I wrote it down the second I woke up. I tried to keep all of the details that I thought were important. I've never had a dream like this before. Usually they are either, myself just comitting suicide, or just Ashley.]
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Post by witch505 »

Last night I had a very sad dream.

It was winter, and I was standing in the middle of a forest, when I heard a scream and a lot of people crying.

I started running towards the scream, hoping I'd be able to help who ever it was. I came to a clearing with a tree in the middle. But, the tree was chopped in half and there was blood everywhere.

Then, all of a sudden, more trees started coming into the clearing. They all had faces and they kind of rolled along the ground, using their roots. They were all crying and leaving flowers next to the dead tree.

After quietly watching the trees for while, I start to turn back, but I saw a young boy out of the corner of my eye. He was dragging the other half of the tree behind him, leaving a trail of blood. I silently followed the coatless and shoeless boy through the forest for a while, staying a few yards behind him.

Then, a shack appeared out of no where, so I stopped and waited for the young boy to enter. But, instead, he went around to the side of the house, and chopped up the dead tree that he was dragging. He then took the pieces inside, dripping blood along the ground as he went.

I waited a little while before approaching the house. I snuck up underneath the window and peered inside. The young boy had started a fire and was sitting down on the floor, nestled in a pile of dirty blankets. Next to him, there were two other sleeping children.

The shack had no furniture.

I started to back up, intending to leave, but I tripped over a tree root that had not been there before. I stood up, facing the tree. The tree put one of it's branches on my shoulder, and nodded.

And then I woke up.
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Post by Moon_Stone »

Wow Ashley, what a cool dream. If its okay with you, I'd love to interpret this dream for you. I see a lot of meaning in it.

(Just wanted to ask before clogging up your blog with a lengthy response post... if you'd rather I PM the interp., just let me know.) :28:

~Bright Blessings~
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Post by witch505 »


You don't even have to ask. At all. Interpret away!

I'm very interested in the meaning behind dreams, pespecially my own.

So, just pick out the ones you feel are worthy of your expertise.

: )
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Post by Moon_Stone »

Aw, thanks Soap! I understand the curiosity of dreams-- mine have been very few and far between lately, so I love looking into other people's minds and exploring their dreams instead. :wink:
I had actually started interpreting your dream right after I read it & saved it as a working copy on my computer for later. :28: I am feeling a bit under the weather today though, (trying with all my might to fight it off with lots of green tea & vitamin c!) I'm actually not going to try to do the interpretation today... I will however, post the definitions I pulled that accompany the dream and its interpretation. There are quite a few, (and they cover a broad spectrum of the symbol's aspects -a lot of which don't fit your particular experience), so it's probably a good idea to post them separately anyhow. ...I'll interp on Monday, so long as I've beaten my battle against "the germ". :28:
-To see lush green trees in your dream, symbolizes new hopes, growth and desires. It also implies strength and stability. You are concentrating on your own self-development and individuation.
-To dream that you are climbing a tree, signifies that you will achieve your career goals and reach those high places in society. The degree of difficulty to which you climb the tree will measure the speed of your achievement of these goals
-To dream that you cut down a tree, signifies that you are wasting your energy, time, and money on foolish pursuits.
-To see a falling tree in your dream, indicates that you are off balance and out of sync. You are off track and headed in the wrong direction.

-To dream that you are in or walking through the forest, signifies a transitional phase. You may be following your instincts.
-To dream that you are lost in a forest, signifies that you are searching through your unconscious for a better understanding of yourself.

-To see the woods in your dream, represents life, fertility, rejuvenation, and spring. Alternatively, it symbolizes the unknown and unconscious. You need to be more open-minded to discovering your potential and instinctual nature.
-To dream that you are walking through the woods, signifies your return to an aspect of yourself that is innocent and spiritual.
-To dream that you are lost in the woods, indicates that you are starting a new phase in your life. You are expressing some anxiety about leaving behind the familiar and what you know.
-To see dried up, dying woods in your dream, suggests that there is a situation in your life that has not yet been resolved. You may also be overwhelmed with a problem or issue.

-To see blood in your dream, represents life, love, and passion as well as disappointments. If you see the word "blood" written in your dream, then it may refer to some situation in your life that is permanent and cannot be changed.
-To dream that you are bleeding or losing blood, signifies that you are suffering from exhaustion or that you are feeling emotionally drained. It may also denote bitter confrontations between you and your friends. Your past actions has come back to haunt you. Women often dream of blood or of someone bleeding shortly before or during their periods and when they are pregnant.
-To dream that something is written in blood, represents the energy you have put into a project. You have invested so much effort into something that you are not willing to give it up.
-To dream that you are drinking blood, indicates that you have a fresh burst of vitality and power.

-To dream that you are crying, signifies a release of negative emotions that is more likely caused by some waking situation rather than the events of the dream itself. Your dream is a way to regain some emotional balance and a way to safely let out your fears and frustrations. In our daily lives, we tend to ignore, deny, or repress our feelings. But in our dream state, our defense mechanisms are no longer on guard and thus allow for the release of such emotions.
-To see someone else crying in your dream, may be a projection of your own feelings onto someone else. If you do not cry in your waking life, then seeing someone else cry may be a little easier to deal with then seeing yourself cry.
-To wake up crying, represents some suppressed hurt or previous trauma that is coming up to the surface. You can no longer suppress these emotions. They need to be dealt with head on.
-To dream that no one hears or responds to your cries, represents your helplessness and difficulties and frustrations in trying to communicate with others. You feel that your words are falling on deaf ears. Perhaps your dream is telling you to be more vocal and work harder to get your point across.

-To see children in your dream, signifies your own childlike qualities or a retreat back to a childlike state. It is an extension of your inner child during a time of innocence, purity, simplicity, and a carefree attitude. You may be longing for the past and the chance to satisfy repressed desires and unfulfilled hopes. Take some time off and cater to the inner child within. Perhaps there is something that you need to see grow and nurtured.
-To dream that your own grown children are still very young, indicates that you still see them as young and dependent. You want to feel needed and significant.
-To dream that you are watching children but they do not know you are there, is a metaphor for some hidden knowledge or some latent talent which you have failed to recognize.
-To save a child, signifies your attempts to save a part of yourself from being destroyed. If you dream that you are separated from your children, then it symbolizes failure in some personal endeavor or a setback in some ideal you had.

-To see a blanket in your dream, symbolizes warmth, love, security and protection. You may be seeking for some form of shelter from the outside world. Consider also how your dream may be calling attention to a "cover-up" in some situation or circumstance in your waking life.
-To dream that you are wrapped in a blanket, indicates your fear of the unknown. You may feel some sort of threat/chaos or sense some coldness from those around you.
-To dream that you are covering or wrapping someone in a blanket, suggests you desire to care for that person.

-To dream that you or something is dirty, represents your anxieties and feelings toward sex. The dream stems from low self-esteem and feelings of being unworthy. You need to purify your mind, heart and body.

-To see a shack in your dream, represents your undeveloped self. You need to expand your Self.

-To see a house in your dream, represents your own soul and self. Specific rooms in the house indicate a specific aspect of your psyche. In general, the attic represents your intellect, the basement represents the unconscious, etc.
-To dream that you are cleaning your house, signifies your need to clear out your thoughts and getting rid of old ways. You are seeking self-improvement.
-To see an old, run-down house in your dream, represents your old beliefs, attitudes and how you used to think or feel. A situation in your current life may be bringing about those same old attitudes and feelings. Alternatively, the old house may symbolize your need to update you mode of thinking.
-To dream that your house is broken into, suggests that you are feeling violated. It may refer to a particular relationship or current situation in your life. Alternatively, it indicates that some unconscious material is attempting to make itself known. There are some aspects of yourself that you have denied.
-To dream of a haunted house, signifies unfinished emotional business, related to your childhood family, dead relatives, or repressed memories and feelings.

Living Room
-To dream that you are in the living room, represents the image that you portray to others and the way which you go about your life. It is representative of your basic beliefs about yourself and who you are.

-To see roots of the trees or plants in your dream, symbolizes the depths and core of your unconscious mind and soul. It represents your values and belief system. Alternatively, it denotes your family ties and bonds. You may be searching into your past.
....Ok, more to come later! *gulping green tea* :28:

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Post by witch505 »

That IS a very broad spectrum.

I'm most curious as to what the meaning is behind the trees with the faces... and the fact that they can walk.. well... glide... roll? Whatever they were doing. I sometimes wish I could record my dreams, and replay them for other people.

Eh. Maybe someday I'll invent something to do that.

I hope you feel better! Eat some soup and sleep a ton!
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Post by Moon_Stone »

...Just wanted to drop you a quick note, Ashley- I haven't forgotten about your interp (and I know, i was the one who was so eager to do it in the first place...) I just haven't had the time to sit down and dedicate to it yet.

I will though!! Thanks for being patient with me.

~Bright Blessings~
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Post by witch505 »

Haha. No Problemo!

Good things come to those who wait. : )
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Post by Moon_Stone »

Hi again... I'm so sorry it has taken me so darn long to get to this interpretation, Ashley. If it's not one thing in my days around here, it's another... and of course, a certain "mood" needs to be present for a good interpretation to come about. :28: So, with that said... here it is, in all its glory: :grin:

This dream speaks to you about your innermost feelings; your core, so to speak. It is the symbolic representation of the internal struggle you feel between your spiritual side, that which honors and respects nature as a living being; and your more conventional side that drives a car, writes wasteful notes on paper and leaves huge flattened footprints in the grass as she walks along. You're dreaming along with the state of your subconscious mind here, and the subconscious mind is often where spirituality is centered most. (At least that's what we strive for, to have such a center.) You clearly have a deep reverence for the earth and all its creatures but are feeling a bit torn that not only do you still have to leave your mark everywhere you go (by harming the earth as you feel you do at times), you deeply regret the years before you found your spiritual path, and all the harm you may have done during that time- simply taking and using whatever you needed to be warm and happy.

When I read over this dream of yours, I was moved by it. It's deeply profound to dream in this way... it's hard enough for many people to reach this level even in their waking lives, but to dream it is significant of a much farther depth to your soul. Your beliefs permeate throughout you and your spirit, which is truly a beautiful and wonderful thing to see. Thank you for sharing your dream with us. :28:

(I can also see significance with this dream and your previous suicide dreams you've been having... you have an internal battle going on inside you, I think you have a lot of guilt about your need to "use" the earth to survive.)

Brightest Blessings, Ashley. Keep dreaming! :28:

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Post by witch505 »

Wow. Just WOW! Your interpretation was a huge eye opener. I do feel very responsible for harming the environment. I know that mother earth's current state is not solely MY fault. But, I've contributed. I do drive a car, but how am I supossed to get to work (which is 20 minutes away) without it? My town is so small that we don't even have a unit of public transportation. I work at a pharmacy and I hate how we use plastic bags. I feel personally responsible every time I hand some one a bag. It's horrible how people ask for a bag for a toothbrush. I just look at them in disbelief and think to myself "Are you serious?" I wish that everyone would wake up and realize that the earth isn't going to be beautiful forever, especially if we keep destroying it.
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Post by witch505 »

I've just dyed my hair three different colors.

I should probably get a new hobby. Or have some sort of obscure goal. Any suggestions? I was thinking Fire Eating or maybe attending as many raves as humanly possible in two weeks or something.

Does anyone know of/like The Gothsicles?

Post by [RedWolf] »

OK for one thing - PLEASE don't do the raves thing - maybe I'm getting too old but that doesn't sound like a very good "hobby" :lol: to destructive...

I know how you feel about your own "footprint" on our lovely Mother Earth, but you've got to stop feeling guilty for everyone's else footprint or you will go insane! There are billions of humans on this planet and we can NOT take that kind of responsibility onto our own tiny little shoulders (OK, even if my shoulders aren't so tiny LOL). Don't take other's decisions personally - that's where anger and bitterness starts getting some major holds on your psyche

My feeling is this:
this issue is affecting you so deeply because you are meant to do something with it...

Start small - talk to your store manager about getting "green" bags in the store. You know, the cloth/canvas bags that so many stores are offering to customers to buy. My local Kroger has them for just 99 cents a bag and I can fit three to four plastic bags worth of groceries in one Kroger bag (I also use one as a book bag, one for a work bag...:lol: ) Many of the chain stores have them now with their own logos on them.

Then take another step up - being in a small town can mean YOU can make a huge difference about getting some changes in place. Does your town have recycling facilities? Think of a way to reach the kids there, for they can have a HUGH influence on getting their parents involved in recycling in the home. Maybe talk to someone on the local school board or newspaper to get some ideas and to get started. All this you can do when your not a work.

Become a teacher of living a greener life! You might even figure out how to turn this into your career.

Everyone, any more ideas?! We can help Soap come up with all kinds of ways to expel all her restless energy :lol:

Think about this for awhile and see how you feel...


PS, have you thought about buying a scooter for driving around close to your house - that leaves the car for longer distances and bad weather...
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Post by Moon_Stone »

Those are some great suggestions, RedWolf! I agree with all of that- but I do know too (living in a town of cheapskates) that if the bag is 99 cents and the other ones are free, people tend to go the "free" route, sadly. I have heard of some stores charging 5 cents per plastic bag they give out, in an attempt to get customers to either buy the bigger "green" bags (usually canvas) or to take paper sacks. It's definitely worth a try, and RedWolf's right, the more you do to try counteracting the guilt you feel, the less those little things you have to do out of necessity will plague you in both your sleeping and waking life. :28:

Just wanted to say, too, that I'm so glad the interpretation helped you understand what you're feeling a bit more- that dream was really touching and poignant, I'm so glad you shared it with us. :wink:

On to the "raves" idea, I agree that's not the best plan- there is a lot of drinking, drugs and police activity at raves generally, and I'd hate to have you in a situation that could cause harm to come to you. --Not that fire-eating is much safer, but at least no one else would be causing you harm. (You'll probably do a bit of that yourself though). :wink:

Perhaps try volunteering at your local animal shelter/no-kill shelter instead? Heck, even skydiving or bungee jumping would be a bit safer than fire eating, I think... :28: But regardless, whatever calls out to you, perhaps is worth looking into.

So, what three colors? :wink:

Bright Blessings!
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