what is the correct way to read?

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what is the correct way to read?

Post by euthena »

i have only started reading the cards (i got given a pack from my dad for christmas). i have read the book detailing what each card means etc. I have been fine with going by the book in the very few readings i have done (12 so far).
I did a very basic reading for my mum today and for the 1st time i actually felt something i knew what the cards were trying to tell me. so i gave my mum two readings one from the information from the book and one from my gut instint. my mum said both were good but my 2nd reading was closer. i explained why i gave her two reading and the feelings i got from each of the cards after i gave her the reading (she lives 350 miles away).
now my question is do you go with the feeling even tho it contradicts what is written in the tutorial book or, do you mix the two together or, last but not least, go only with the feeling?
im quite confused about it all as i know the cards all represent something.
any help would be great
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Post by The Judge »

In card reading you will notice these feelings. You want to remember that the book is only a guide, you will eventually become able to read the cards without the aid of the book. Your "gut-feeling" is something you should listen to when conducting these readings.

I can't really convey what I'm trying to say at the moment but I hope you are kind of getting the idea. I'll try to figure out a better way of saying it.
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Re: what is the correct way to read?

Post by roseonfire »

Once you have gained an understanding of the cards, you will find that the accuracy comes from those "gut instincts". As Judge said, the book is only a guide, and it is actually recommended that you try to forget the book interpretations after you read them.
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