Candle work advice sought

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Candle work advice sought

Post by seeker3000 »

I am doing candle work and wish to know the most simple, effective, and direct way to write a one sentence request as the foundation of my request/thoughtform to be energized by the candle. I understand timing of candle burning, choice of candle color, annointing with oils, etc.. I wish to burn the candle on the written request and burn to paper to release the thoughtform after the candle burns all the way down.

After much research th eonly thing I am still confused about is the most effective way to write the one sentence request on the paper. Let's use $10,000 as money I wish to obtain. Many books state to write it as an affirmation, "I have $10,000" Some say desire is the cause of all manifetation and it should be written, "I desire to have $10,000". Then there is "I will to have $10,000" There is "I wish", "I want"
I recently tried "I have" and did not see much in the way of results. I know there are other ways to make a request such as a symbol or to simply visualize the request while the candle burns. However, I wish to know how to write a one sentence request as the foundation of my thoughtform building to energize and release to the universe.

Can someone please tell me the best way to write this one sentence, simple, direct request as the foundation of my thoughtform?
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Post by Starwitch Stone »

I would write it in the present tense like, "I have $10,000." I've actually used past tense affirmations with great success too, pretending like it has already happened and you're talking about it in the present. "$10,000 came to me with harm to none." Something like that.

Good luck.

Bright Blessings,
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Post by Greymalkin »

I too would use 'I HAVE'. I always word spells as if they've already happened.

On a slightly different take, have you ever thought about using a sigil rather than burning bits of paper seeker3000?

All you do is write out your request in words - no numbers and no signs, so in this case you would write:


Then you disregard any letter that appears more than once, so you'll be left with:


Then you look up a magickal alphabet (The Theban Alphabet is good!) and you draw the symbols of I V U and R over one another to form your sigil.
You then carve the sigil onto your candle.

Easy. :D

Candle work advice sought

Post by seeker3000 »

Thank you for the replies to my post.

I using present tense affirmation wording, i.e. "I have"", as the core to build the thoughtform to be released. I am writing this on back of a seal which is consecrated and placed under the appropriate candle which is burned down completely and the seal then burned to release the thoughtform for manifestation. It has now been 29 days since I energized and released the thoughtform and I have not seen any tangible results. Assuming everything is correct how long before I should either see some movement or know something is not working? Any insights would be appreciated.
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Post by Greymalkin »

It's impossible to say. Some people say that if a spell hasn't worked within one moon cycle then it's not going to work - I don't really buy into that though.

Money magick is a strange thing. I have found over the years that even the most adept witch will have problems when it comes to doing spells for money.
Magick works best with things concerned with the natural world. Money isn't part of the natural world, it's purely a man made thing.

Having said that, there's no reason why we shouldn't try. Next to love, money is the one thing we would all like a little more of, right?

I have done money spells myself over the years and the results have always been different.

For example, I did a money spell a few years ago and within a week I had a phone call from my loan supplier saying I had been overpaying on my account for the previous 4 years - I got it all back.
I did another money spell last year and for the next two weeks recieved letters from companies offering me loans and credit cards.

The other thing I have found as well is that money spells tend to go badly if the witch is greedy.
If you only need a couple of hundred but ask for a couple of thousand then the spell usually doesn't work.

One way around all this I found is to do a spell asking for the opportunity to earn the extra money you need.
Whenever I have done this literally within a few days I have been offered overtime at work or some other way to earn extra money.

Post by truthseeker2 »

wow u guys ARE dillusional, this is nuts. why not ask for 10 million dollars . i mean if it was remotly possible then go all out
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Post by MidnightWolf »

truthseeker wrote:wow u guys ARE dillusional, this is nuts. why not ask for 10 million dollars . i mean if it was remotly possible then go all out
I think you will find that YOU are the delusional one!
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Post by Greymalkin »

truthseeker wrote:wow u guys ARE dillusional, this is nuts. why not ask for 10 million dollars . i mean if it was remotly possible then go all out
Why are you even here?
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Post by Mikhael »

truthseeker wrote:wow u guys ARE dillusional, this is nuts. why not ask for 10 million dollars . i mean if it was remotly possible then go all out
If you don't have anything nice to say don't say it at all. Lots of people come across things on this forum where you just go "yeah, right... *snorts*" but for the most part we keep it to ourselves because who are we to know whether or not it's true.

For example, I thought your reply to the Shadow thread showed a complete lack of knowledge, modesty, or maybe even sanity. I was going to just leave it to myself until I saw this, and to be honest I can't in my right mind even begin to comprehend on how you could think that the things you said could possibly make sense but money magick is 'nuts'. Man, this guy IS dillusional. *snorts*
Let me take you down cuz I'm going to.. strawberry fields.. nothing is real..

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Post by Mikhael »

[quote=truthseeker]this doesnt sound unusual to me phonex and i strongly beleive that these entitys have been a result of your own actions. first i thought it was a spirit called jathom known for pinning you down while you are in a inbetween state asleep/awake you can look but cant breath,talk or move i think most people have encountered this spirit and a few have seen it described as having donkey feet, two horns on its head ,having a tail and being extremly ugly. then when i continued reading i realised these r much more powerful and evil spirits trying to inflicit harm on you. first of its known to me that all animals can see spirits and from what you described its highly probable that there r spirits stalking u and following your every step trying to find the correct time to posses your body and taking over maybe ending up killing u in a way that looks like suicide. spirits find it extremly painful possesing a human being and if attempted in a wrong time will lead to ther death. there best chance to attack is when your extremly sad,happy,angry,daydreaming,tired etc. ive heard of a guy worshiping powerful evil spirits and one day he decided to stop and this spirit threatened him to kill his family and eventually it killed every member of his family . he recalls how his son start to bloat like a balloon right in front of his eyes till death. you r without a doubt in extreme danger all i can advice is gonna work temporarly only if the spirit isnt that strong first dont ignite candles or any form of smoke coz they r attracted to and feed on smoke,lock the door of your room before you sleep. make sure bathroom doors r shut wen not used coz they reside in bathrooms .cleanse yourself with holy water everyday for they hate it and actually get harmed from it and it will keep them at bay.even better mix olive oil with holy water and rub your entire body with it,if infact you r already possesed with a spirit the n you will see a lump on your skin moving away from the olive oil mix.expect that the first few times you might get totally stunned and if you have a spirit it will try to take over so insure u have at least two guys near you to restrain the spirit from causing harm. the more u do this the weaker the spirits inside you will get and will keep away the other spirits until they eventually leave you alone. nuff said good luck[/quote]
Let me take you down cuz I'm going to.. strawberry fields.. nothing is real..

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Post by Greymalkin »

Who are you quoting?
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Post by [ShadowPhoenix] »

He was quoting truthseeker from the shadow trouble thread under spirits, ghosts and angels section.
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Post by Greymalkin »

Thanks SP.

I must say, I see olive oil in a whole new light.
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Post by Whitewitchboi_235 »

greymalkin, do you mind explainging to me a little about your sigil things? that is the kind of thing i do with my prayer-pictures. i never heard of anyone else using it before.
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Post by Greymalkin »

Looking at your picture I would say you probably use sigils without even realising it.
There are a number of different alphabets Withces sometimes use, the most popular being the Theban Alphabet (Google it) you can replace each letter of the english alphabet with a figure of teh Theban alphabet.
The Theban figures are designed to inter-lock with one another so that a whole phrase can be condensed down to a single sigil.
It's very handy to know because when you're inscribing candles or something like that it's very impracticle to write a whole sentence on a candle as you can imagine.
It's made easier by writing out your sentence first and removing all the letters that appear more than once.
Say for example I wanted to meet a new lover, I might write:


So once I remove all the letters that appear more than once I am left with:


So I find all the Theban figures that correspond with the letters I am left with and I have my sigil.
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