What on earth am I doing?

Discussion about out-of-body experiences (astral travel), lucid dreaming, and other sleep related phenomenon such as night terrors and sleep paralysis.

What on earth am I doing?

Post by DarkSideOfTheMoon--x »

For the past year or so now, I've been faced with a slight ambiguity in my sleep.

Almost every night, I end up in exactly the same place and with the same people. From there we progress and travel - the next night, I carry on where I left off with the same people I left behind. I do not remember all of what I experience, for there are moments where something ancient in me surfaces - and I can only attribute that to the culmination of the knowledge of past lives - and moments like that are hazy to remember in the morning.

I am uncertain. Is it astral travel, or am I just a prolific dreamer?
Posts: 528
Joined: Thu Dec 03, 2009 6:05 pm

Post by Xal »

Sounds astral to me.
"We are a way for the cosmos to know itself" - Carl Sagan

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