
Discussion of nature and nature spirits and dragons.


Post by fireflying »

lol I suppose this question would fall under the 'herbs' category. Well, to put it short, I don't use marijuana often. I don't even use it anymore at all really because the last few times I did, I had some intense experiences and got a bit spooked. But basically I was wondering if anyone else has ever experienced spiritual revelations or very transcendental feelings after smoking marijuana, and what were they? Were they positive/negative/neutral? I'm sure it's different for everyone, and also has a lot to do with the setting you're in and other circumstances present while smoking.

I'm wondering because I've known a lot of potheads over the years and I've never heard any speak about any experiences like this. I've also never known anyone to get as weirded out about smoking weed as I did. And what makes it even weirder is I used to smoke weed a lot more often when I was younger, and never had issues with it. But then after trying harder drugs and then smoking weed again (or smoking a lot more or a much higher grade of weed), I would have these experiences every time.

The first time it happened I thought I was going insane. I never actually 'saw' anything... it was more auditory. It was very clear that someone else was speaking to me in my mind, and all of these amazingly brilliant things would just come out of nowhere and I'd be like... wow. So much so that it actually scared me. It was like all of a sudden I knew all the answers to the mysteries of life and the spiritual realm. Sometimes it would almost feel like I was no longer human, and I would be afraid that I'd "die" by drifting into such an intense spiritual state that I'd actually not be able to return to being a normal human being. Weird, I know!

So am I crazy or has anyone else had this happen? lol

Thanks :)

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Post by Twisted_Pixie »

As a naturopath im not a fan of drugs, even marijuana... before i started studying naturopathy though i actually used it a couple of times, but never got any spiritual gratification out of it whatsoever... i get more spiritual experiences out of chanting and meditating etc than i ever have on drugs... and now i know just how bad they are for your body thanks to my naturopathy degree i stay well away from them.

I'd be interested to hear other peoples stories though.

Earth Ritual
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Post by Earth Ritual »

Once I smoked a joint in my front yard and inhaled as much as I could. I fainted immediately and blipped out my body and was in a time dimension 150 years ago. This is one of the experiences that taught me that weed should be used for spiritual evolution. A couple of years after that I quit because I could essentially invoke a high just by breathing or thinking certain thoughts.

If I smoke it now massive Otherworldly activity occurs so I can't do it casually.

This is what I wish I would have known during all those crazy college experiments that caused alot of pain and disorientation:

When you are know you are going deep invite a friend that can anchor you in this world. Invoke a trusted Spirit Guide and create Sacred Space before you go off. Your journey depends on your intent. When you leave your body if your intent is to complete what you are in a body to experience, learn, and contribute then you will come back. Eventually, you will be able to do this without any drug.
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I used to believe in god above. Now I'm filled with so much love.-Erykah Badu after the invocation of the Goddess

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Post by Joelle »

My son was in a serious motorcycle accident and broke his neck, back, femer and ankles. He was on prescription pain meds and did not like the way they made him feel. He has chronic pain and cannot sleep. He recently got a medical marijuana card. He says it helps him and he would rather do this than the prescription meds.

I'm still on the fence with this. I worry about the long term affects. He definatley needs relief from pain and it does not occur with over the counter meds.

There are many states that are jumping on board with medical marijuana. I guess with all things time will tell if this is a positive move.
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Post by Twisted_Pixie »

I do believe it is beneficial in pain relief etc, but i also know as a herbalist there are other herbs that can help that do not have the side effects, the addictive nature and the gateway type effect leading to other drugs... just my opinion.
Stephanie Mae
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Post by Stephanie Mae »

Personally, I stay away from drugs. My family drinks too much wine, but they are not acquainted with drugs. If I ever smoked marijuana, I would receive a swift back-hand to the face, even as an adult.

I would rather not impair my concentration or my short-term memory. I would also prefer to keep my reproductive organs functioning and avoid cancer. Smoking marijuana or tobacco, ages you and ruins your skin, while providing ugly yellow nails and teeth.

Anyone who wishes to have any of the above, does not value life much. This comment is mainly geared toward adults, who should have the ability to make mature, informed decisions. Most teenagers should have their parents there to help them make a mature decision.
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Post by Twisted_Pixie »

Perfectly said Steph!
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Post by Joelle »

Hi Twisted, hope this is an ok post for this section. What other herbs would help with pain. My son is pretty open and if there is another way that helps I'm sure he would try it.
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Post by Twisted_Pixie »

The thing with herbs is it would be best to see him in a consult and get a full history and everything... but seeing as i cant do that, i will suggest going and seeing a herbalist, or some herbs that are good with pain would be some like Willow or Agrimony... but again, to really help him i would make him up a complete formula which i think is better if you go to a herbalist to get....

You could also see about homoeopathy?

I know when i was suffering with chronic Sciatica and nerve and disc displacement (alot different from your son, i know) but i would go down to the pool every morning and just float on my back for 10 minutes, and this would help with the pain. Water does wonders.

If there is a reason for his pain, like the nerves are being pinched or if it hasnt fully healed etc etc there are herbs that may help too..

I just dont like giving naturopathic advice over the internet because i need to see him and get a full background etc before i can really help.... i hope that makes sense...

Anyway go and see a naturopath!!!

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Post by Joelle »

thanks for your advice Pix. I totally understand your need for more info. The info you did give was helpful.
Love & Light
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Post by Xal »

I smoked pot once. We did a pretty large amount. After a few hours I got really tired and I could feel my subtle body throbbing, it was incredibly annoying.
"We are a way for the cosmos to know itself" - Carl Sagan
Stephanie Mae
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Post by Stephanie Mae »

Xal wrote:I smoked pot once. We did a pretty large amount. After a few hours I got really tired and I could feel my subtle body throbbing, it was incredibly annoying.
That would be irritating. I probably will never understand why some choose to do this for enjoyment.
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Post by Xal »

Stephanie Mae wrote:
Xal wrote:I smoked pot once. We did a pretty large amount. After a few hours I got really tired and I could feel my subtle body throbbing, it was incredibly annoying.
That would be irritating. I probably will never understand why some choose to do this for enjoyment.
I know right. Though when I asked others who have smoked pot or do so more frequently, they say they have never experienced what I have. Perhaps it was something specific to me, or perhaps it is something one only feels if they are involved in energy work.

Before that feeling arouse though it was a very stereotypical pot experience, everything is funny, your eat lot, etc etc.

Though I did have this usual feeling that when I closed my eyes I would have very intense day dreams. That state of mind you may experience as your falling asleep when you kind of dream while still being sort of awake so you sort see an image in your head but its vague or fuzzy. Then you get really into it or worry about it until you realize its not real.

As for your experience about dieing firefly I had a similar feeling when I did shrooms, though while scary I found the experience to be incredibly rewarding spiritually. But if pot works for you, go for it. As long as you don't become dependent on it, that is.
"We are a way for the cosmos to know itself" - Carl Sagan
Starwitch Stone
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Post by Starwitch Stone »

I had that experience on shrooms also. I was so far gone that I thought that I could just end this charade right now and float off (bodily) into the afterlife and not even have to die to do it. The spiritual world seemed like it was open to me, even though I wasn't seeing or hearing spirits. It was just a knowing, I guess.

I once had an ecstatic experience after drinking a few beers and then smoking pot. That story is around here somewhere if you want to find it. It was the best feeling I've ever had. I was connected with God. It could have just been a stroke or something too, but it felt pretty damn terrific.

I'm always surprised when I find a lot of pagans who are anti-pot. For whatever reason, I would have expected a lot more pagans to be potheads since they're open to so many alternative types of things. But every time we have this conversation on the board, there are more pagans who are against pot than for it.

I do think pot can be used to have spiritual experiences. Any drug that puts you in an altered state can be used that way, even speed. I've had interesting experiences both on and off drugs, but mostly on.

Happy Imbolc everyone (since I forgot to say anything about it yesterday.)

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Post by Xal »

I guess the anti-drug ideology is so jammed into our heads at a young age that it's hard to break free of whats truth and whats fear based assumptions. In America anyways.

This of course applies to the generation who grew up in the 90's and beyond.

The baby boomers seem to have become disillusioned perceiving that they lost the "New Revolution" and some have become increasingly resentful to past habitats while others have re-embraced them.

Though it's interesting to note that the new system that deals with the legality of "drugs" was created by Richard Nixon when was president, with the main intention of stifling LSD use which was believed to be what was causing the whole, youth revolution.

This new system categories drugs into legal and illegal categories without laws even being passed by a legislative branch of the government.

The whole thing seems rather unconstitutional.
"We are a way for the cosmos to know itself" - Carl Sagan
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