Astral Projection?

Discussion about out-of-body experiences (astral travel), lucid dreaming, and other sleep related phenomenon such as night terrors and sleep paralysis.
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Post by hedge* »

Hi there
astral projection can take time for a lot of people. Let's put it this way; I was 15 when I first started practising the techniques for APing, and then 17 years down the line I had my first AP experience ( and it wasn't that brilliant either!!!)
All I'm trying to say is, that like most things that people want to master, it does take time and dedication. Would you think of picking up a guitar and knowing how to play it without learning to?
Astral projection, like a lot of things, needs to be learnt.
Be patient and commited. What will be will be.

And I've only ever heard of teleportation when it's been mentioned on Star Trek.

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Post by being-singular-plural »

Yup, Hedge is right (as usual). This takes discipline--of the mental kind. More often than not, there is what they call "bounceback." You feel yourself exiting the body, then the body, in its shock and horror, grabs you back and you are all flustered and lose your centre. When it does work, it can be a totally amazing experience. Check out the "Meditation and Energy Work" forum and the "i want enlightenment" post has some other words on this subject. As stated there, start small. . .with a finger, a hand etc... Centredness is the key. The astral body functions like your corporeal body, but it soon becomes a very different kind of light--it must be connected to your core physique. with some kind "chord." If not and you find yourself floating aimlessly in the ether, then you have probably died. Hence, BE CAREFUL!!!

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Post by celticwave »


just backing up the last warning, astral projection is pretty dangerous, so be extremely careful. It may sound a bit silly, but you can get lost if you don't know what your doing. I personally don't astral project because i don't think i'm ready yet. Work yourself up to it, do a lot of meditation work and focus work before you try it. If you don't know what your doing it could result in things like schizophrenia and such problems. just be very very careful, and remember to do some sort of protection spell beore you try it aswell!

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Post by Starwitch »

Hey, I just did my first almost-astral projection a few minutes ago! I've been kind of working with this for many years, but everytime I have tried to leave my body in the past, it was a huge struggle and my body would strongly resist me leaving. Sometimes I would even get away from my body and start crawling across the floor - crawling because I had hardly any energy and the pull from my body was so strong that it was like trying to walk against a strong ocean tide - very difficult. But I've been reading my spiritual books again lately, and was reading just before I took my nap this morning (yes, a nap this early). I couldn't really fall asleep and I was in that in-between space, which is the place to be if you want to astral project, and after an hour or so trying to fall asleep, I suddenly got a nice chill all through my body. It woke up my mind a bit and I thought, "I could have an out-of-body now!" I thought about Ron at work and how I could fly over and see him and then I started trying to "roll out", which is a specific technique that many people use to leave their bodies. You just roll over, except it's your soul rolling, not your physical body. I was slowly rolling out and I was excited because I didn't feel the usual resistance - I was in mid-roll AND THEN THE PHONE RANG!! SNAP! I was back.

I haven't experienced the snapping back that was mentioned here, probably because I haven't gotten far enough away from my body and I was still inside my "2nd spirit" so-to-speak. Has anyone heard of something like that before? I can't remember exactly what it was about, but apparently you have to get out of your physical body and then a second etheric body of some sort to really get free and fly. I think it is mentioned the books I will refer to below.

Well, I'm happy that this happened today. I feel like there is real hope now that I'm starting to learn how to do it. My husband is very proficient at astral travel and has been for a long time. I think it comes very naturally to some people, because I don't think he ever had to practice it. With him, it just happens - sometimes consiously, other times unconsiously (like the time he visited me at my ex-husband's house which I mentioned in the other thread.)

I don't know that I would agree that you can actually get lost by doing this. If you have any personal experience with that, I would certainly like to hear it so I'll know what NOT to do, but from everything I've heard and read, you are always connected to your body through the cord and anytime your body needs you, you will be snapped right back. And don't worry that evil spirits can get into your body while you are gone. It can't happen. That is just a fear some people have. You always leave a small portion of your own energy in your physical body when you leave. That is what creates the cord and watches over your body while you're gone, and alerts you if you need to come back. Besides, there are no evil spirits hovering around trying to take over your body in the first place.

Good luck learning. Try reading many of the available books. Some of the best ones out there are the Robert Monroe series. He tells his own stories of astral travel, which are extraordinary, and also tells you how he does it.

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Post by hedge* »

My experience of astral projecting involved a very strange noise, and not one that I can describe but it wasn't of this world as we know it. My body was in the astral plane but my head wouldn't go. I have heard of the snapping back but have yet to experience it, I will try to AP again but at the moment I don't feel the need to do it, if that makes sense.

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Post by being-singular-plural »

Way to go !!! That sounds like it was an intense experience for you! Congrats! You're right, I haven't heard of anyone actually dying while projecting, but I do think that dangers like that are possible,=. Why would the body resist it in the first place in there was not a kind of existential danger? I think that the young astral travellers just starting out need to be aware of these dangers.

I am with Hedge, I do not do it that often, as there is plenty of gold to be found "within." There is little need to "go out", unless to help someone in need. But I am glad that you have had a glimpse of what it's like !
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Post by Fox Flame* »

I'm just starting to study it myself, and even though this site isn't the authority on it, it helped me quite a bit:

He also has a free .pdf e-book you can download on occult sciences, it's pretty cool, too.

Hope I helped!
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Post by celticwave »

I think i understand. so you are always attached to your physical body. But i still think it can be dangerous if peopel don't know what they're doing, and when your astral projecting in different planes and stuff, being outside your body probably isn't so dangerous.

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Post by Starwitch »

Thanks Chris. Yeah, it was neat. I guess I'm hoping I'll get to do it again soon and really get out of my body this time. I actually have a pretty good fear of it because of the difficulties I've had in the past, so I would like to be able to do it successfully and get over that fear.

Many times, when I have that feeling - the feeling that I could leave now if I wanted to - I must go into REM dreaming at about the same time, because I will often feel like I'm being attacked by someone. It's basically a night terror, with the paralyzation and the feeling of panic and all that. I have a very difficult time waking up from those. I try so hard. I know I'm sleeping and I realize what is going on, after having it happen so many times, but it actually gets harder over time to come out of it. I used to be able to wiggle my finger or toe and snap back awake, but that doesn't work much anymore. I think I've developed a tolerance for it. I can feel a man holding my wrists or arms down sometimes and I can't get away or wake up and I struggle so hard. Long ago, after my crack overdose when I was 17, I would have night terrors all the time, many times a day (because I would try to nap all day because I couldn't sleep the night before due to the night terrors.) My body was in real shock from the overdose for many months afterwards. I remember clearly one night I was having a night terror with all the usual symptoms except this time there was a man by my bed and he was going to rape me, of course, (my typical night terror) but he actually pulled out a knife and sliced my achilles tendon (ankle) just like on Pet Cemetery II, and of course I couldn't move to get away since I was paralyzed. It HURT! Of course, that was fairly soon after the movie came out and I'm pretty sure it was a dream of some sort, but it seemed and felt so real. Needless to say, I have had a lot of bad experiences with my soul being trapped in my body while being conscious in some way and I very often slip back into that mode when attempting to do an OBE.

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Post by moonlit »

Hi! I have APed a lot of times, there is also a projection called etheric projection but you muct be VERY careful with that as it can connect with the physical plaines as well as the spiritual.
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Post by JBRaven »

I have had VERY BAD a.p's. I have always been able to A.P at a drop of a hat. I was doing this with some members of my old coven in Russia and they got bored I guess and started playing with an Oujia board.

Now this is what they have told me while I was "away" I got up and started beating the shit out of one of the girls who was around rambling on about how she needed to be in school and not making a mess in the kitchen. I also told her a slur of nasty words that if you have known me for any amount of time would be in total shock came from my mouth. I then wlked out of the room and threw myself down a flight of stairs causing 4 broken bones.

I woke in a hospital very dazed.
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Post by Starwitch »

That's really bad JB! I've never heard such an awful story about AP.

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Post by Orion »

Sounds like your body isn't tightly bonded with your body which would make it easy to AP, but I guess your hold is so loose that if you're not there... it's like musical chairs.
Sorry to hear astraling has turned out for you :( Almost makes me want to stop my research of it... but I'm the kind of guy it would take broken bones for me to learn common sense.
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Post by being-singular-plural »

Wow JB, that is intense. I have never had awful experiences like that. Soemtimes a witch has to cross the line to know where it is. This is yet more evidence to stay away from covens! (This is my opinion of course!!) That sounds more like a possession of some sort, but who am I to say? I have heard other stories of group ap travels that go very wrong. If one member has impure inclinations, that is all it takes. Witches often feel powerless and cannot accept it so they make many mistakes based on an ego desire for recognition of a power they do not have. Of course, we all want recognition but at what cost!!!? When I trip, I always do it with my guides, I am never alone in my mind's eye; however, I prefer that my physical being is alone; but I think my version of astral travel is much more "Zen" than other people on this board. I have heard rumours that some people on these boards are actually visiting people without consent and "hacking" into personal information. These people know who they are (and I know who some of them are too!). They seem to want to bother women, so gentle women, be careful and do some protective magic. Good men out there should also be on guard. They are not pure of spirit and they will ulitmately fail because of their flaws. You will all be sick of me saying "the light will always win," but it will--simple. One silly little human will cannot hope to maintain its ego in the face of the divine. For those of you sensing astral attacks, and general psychic attacks, I suggest that you rise up and beam as much light back at them as you can in your mind's eye. They will not be able to maintain form with the total illumination you launch at them as their "dark" guise has little power compared to a connected soul. Light always exposes the darkness. It is saddening that good people have to suffer here. Astral travelling, in my opinion, is a gift from the divine that allows our weak species a chance to help each other; The Goddess knows we need it! Those who abuse the power for personal gain will suffer the greatest in the end. In a post from a while back Jay recommended a book called "The Witches Shield." She is right, it is an excellent source to help protect us from ego-magicians. I just wanted to put the warning out to those of you who may be experinceing uncomfortable issues around the meditative/healing planes (astral). Circe has been known to transform wrong-doers into their true nature--SWINES! Tread carefully folks.

Stay in the light,

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Post by Starwitch »

Thanks for the tips Chris. You have certainly made me curious about what is going on with some of our members. I have emailed you privately though. I don't doubt that there are members here that would do stuff like that. I already know of a member who was stalking another member here. It worries me because I don't want my forum to be a place where freaky men find women to stalk and harrass. SO STOP BEING CREEPY YOU STUPID PERSON. You know who you are. I almost banned you for it but I figured you'd find a way back in so I didn't bother. But I told many of the women here about your behavior so they wouldn't fall for your tricks and give you their personal information, which you are always so eager to get from people as I have noticed from your posts.


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