Ferie Magick

For conversations and questions about hauntings and spirit visitations. This is not the place to talk about demons. In fact, this whole board isn't the place for it. A Christian site is a better place for that.
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Ferie Magick

Post by Alhandra »

Ok I already have posted the topic below but I feel like its important cus I have so much to say about it...
when I was younger I was very,very much into Faerie magic. I used to go outside and play in the forest behind the house I lived at the time. One time me and my mate were playing and we were trying to sit on top of the massive boulder rock that was about 8ft or 10 ft anyway non of us could get up and I tried once more and it felt like I was flying...seriously. Somet seemed to have pushed my feet upwards and my arms were really light. My mate Jenny was like er...how did you do that? Sure enough I couldnt get down from the rock too well! lol.

I first got into faerie magick when I got hold of this book. It wasnt mine it was actually another mate of mine whos stable I kept my horse at. Anyway the book is called Fairy Magic and its by Claire Nahmad by Past Times publishers. Me and my mate were very much into it (her name is Bryony). We used to leave them gifts (she lived in a remote glen!)We left them hunny on a plate outside in the tree branches and the next day the hunny was gone. We liked to of think they took it because a bird wouldnt eat sticky hunny from the tree and I dont know what other tree animal thing would. We also used to cast spells (before I knew about wicca). actually we only did one cus it really freaked us out. We were very much against deer stalkers We went in to the barn and lit candles around us we then asked the faeries to stop the stalkers killing the deer and we did this chant we made up earlier. We joined hands and everything it was a proper ritual. Suddenly the wind banged the barn door and there was this huge gush of wind (i got shivers going through me at the mo) and the stalkers had to drive back home because it was too windy. I know some think the wind cant be controlled but I really think they did that.

Another thing is when you leave them gifts they tend to give you somet back in return. Me and jenny (my other mate) did a dance for them to the Sugar Plum Fairy tune outside. We then went back into the woods to play through the bushes and over the stream I found this silver coin. It was 10p but the picture wasnt the queens head it was the flag symbol of the Isle Of Mann (an island between the Uk and Ireland). The isle of mann is known as a fairy land. So many people have witnessed them there. There is a bridge aswell on the island called the Fairy Bridge I think. Anyway still to this day I have the coin.

I stopped because growing up you tend not to believe and I stopped when I got to Secondary School. Then I discovered wicca and found loads more info. Whatever happens I will always believe in Faeries no matter what...

Another story was I went to school and I found on the stairs a tartan scrunchie. I then realised this was mine and it had fallen off. Put it back in my hair...later that day I lost it again. I told my Mum (cus shes a teacher) but I never found it. I went back home and found it in the lounge on the floor when i walked through the door it was right infront of me under the telephone. I cant ever explain that. And nobody was home the whole day. This was when I was 10 or 11 it wasnt until I was 13 I stopped.

Have any of you experienced Fairy Magic? Sorry this post is so long!

Romany Saying~
"the tatcho drom to be a jinny penmergo is to dik, to shoon and to rig drey zi"
The true way to be a wise man is to see, to hear and to bear in mind.

Post by silvermists »

I've been thinking about faeries a lot lately. I was going to leave them a gift today, but I'm really sick, and don't think I'll make it out.

I haven't done any faerie magick, but I have lost things at school and came home and it was on my bed. It was kind of weird.
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Post by Wolf* »

....*sigh* ....I don't really want to ask this, but I have to know....is it odd for a straight male to be curious about fairy's and fairy magick? :oops:

"And a godlike man--a man who is pure force--inaccessible to any compromise--is called a hero."
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Post by BlackenedRose* »

Lol wolf! Think outside the box! No one here is going to judge you!

Well anyway I'm not. :D
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Post by Alhandra »

sorry i totally forgot about this post. Wolf you can do faerie magick its not a girly thing and i dont think they will mind either. What was lament rambeling about?

Romany Saying~
"the tatcho drom to be a jinny penmergo is to dik, to shoon and to rig drey zi"
The true way to be a wise man is to see, to hear and to bear in mind.
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Post by BlackenedRose* »

Maybe they were in the wrong forum. Hard to get faerie magic mixed up with 'proxy chains' though. :lol:
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Post by Alhandra »

Lol I know!hes such an idiot.

Romany Saying~
"the tatcho drom to be a jinny penmergo is to dik, to shoon and to rig drey zi"
The true way to be a wise man is to see, to hear and to bear in mind.
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Post by Wolf* »

BlackenedRose wrote:Maybe they were in the wrong forum. Hard to get faerie magic mixed up with 'proxy chains' though. :lol:
Oh come on, I do it all the time :roll: lol

"And a godlike man--a man who is pure force--inaccessible to any compromise--is called a hero."

Post by valar2006 »

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Post by Moon_Stone »

:lol: (I think I'm done cracking up now). My goodness. Spam & faeries. Poor little topic, gone so astray.

No man (or woman) should be worried about having an interest in faeries. Faeries are there for all to share. :28: (Unless of course you like to dress as a faerie and prance about... then I might worry a bit about the interest in faeries... but hey, that's okay too. Whatever floats your boat. We're not judgemental.) :)

I never did dedicate the time to faerie magic that I should... it was actually the first thing that I was introduced to when first discovering the craft. And I've always had quite a fascination with faeries... hmm, Alhandra you've peaked my curiousity... I think I need to go to the book store.
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Post by AnuChild »

I remember my friend's reaction when I first took her to my woods (I live in the state forest, she lives in a nearby city): "Oh my god, these are faerie woods!"

You can hear drums or pipes sometimes. The day I brought my friend, we found dew on the grass - at 4 in the afternoon! There are many rambling paths that seem to form literally overnight (one week its all trees, the next Friday there's a path). The land used to always belong to my family before the state took it... so nothing bad has ever happened to anyone in my family in those woods. We've never even got lost (even if we decided to go off the path and explore a glen, we were never lost).

Faeries are amazing.
Come, heart, where hill is heaped upon hill:
For there the mystical brotherhood
Of sun and moon and hollow and wood
And river and stream work out their will.

W. B. Yeats, Into the Twilight

Post by Tianta »

I have always had an obssession with faeries...never understood it until I started studying Wicca years ago...I had that same book Alhandra! but sold it months ago sadly with all my things...

I cant explain it and dont exactly have any amazing stories as of yet..but I've always just felt a connection with faeries and been quite obssessed...was even going to get realisitc faeries wings(my design)tattooed on my back...but thats just too much time and money for me..hehe..but I AM getting a small one flying on my abdomon someday...lol..

I did have Brian Froud's Faeries Orcle and used it a lot...liked it immensly and would always invision each and every faerie coming to sit and perch in my room everywhere as I concentrated on watever reading I was doing..it was nice and fun to see them all...

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