
Talk, spells, rituals, and questions about the four elements.
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Post by Thistle »

I asked a few people already, but wanted to ask here as well.

What element/elements do you feel specifically drawn to? And how did you, I guess figure it out? Did you have like a process? Is just like a feeling?

As I'm new to the craft, I don't fully understand some things yet. I think I may have a connection with the Earth element. It's mostly a feeling at this point. It's been suggested I meditate and spend some time with the element, as well as look into Gaia. So also, is there good sites/books dealing with Gaia that are recommended? Is there anything else that may help me?

Thank you :-)
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Re: Elements

Post by witchmoon21 »

i can suggest Ellen dugan's "Elements of Witchcraft: Natural Magick for Teens"
i found it rather good:D

Re: Elements

Post by Shinitenshi »

If you feel attuned to Earth any of the books on Green Magic would be good to start with.

Personally a think I am a combo of Fire and Earth and it can be interesting at times :) I just feel drawn to those two elements, I've never done anything to try to figure it out, it's just been a feeling of mine.
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Re: Elements

Post by Greek_Male_Witch »

I feel close to Air (which is also my element) and water
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Re: Elements

Post by Ravencry »

Green Witchcraft is definitely the path to pursue. I am a Green Witch. A lot of Green Witchcraft focuses on the Earth and Her Fruits. But I don't worship Gaea, I worship Airmid, the Celtic Goddess of Herbalism :D

I feel quite close to Earth, you could tell by my constant love to be outdoors. I feel connected to Air, for I love to learn and use my mind. I am close to water, for I love being in love and expressing it everyday. I feel close to fire, too, for strength and courage. I guess Spirit, also, I am a very spiritual person. I would guess that from the years of practicing have basically led me to this balance, or the years of self-discipline.

Re: Elements

Post by Nyxannwn »

I personally believe that the month you were born in is a direct coralation to what element you will be most drawn to. For example, I was born in December, so I'm the Fire element. I have a really interesting book back at home that covers this topic very nicely. It even has a section on how you can tell which element a certain person is by looking at their palms (for example, fire people have square palms and short, fingers, and their palms are redder/more blush than most peoples. My palms are like that). I knew my boyfriend was Water before he even told me he was born in March. He had a more rectangular palm, pale hands and long fingers...the mark of water. We both also have the personalities associated with both elements. Both fire and water are highly creative (we both go to art school). Water is obviously more easygoing, level-headed (like my boyfriend), whereas fire is a little more spontaneous, impulsive (me) >___> haha

It's all how you look at it...that's just what I believe. And it definitely feels right to me.
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Re: Elements

Post by MsMollimizz »

Sounds like you are refering to the type of personality led my the shape
of their hands...this leads to their personality not their element.
Dorothy Morrison and Deborah Lipp both deal alot with elements.
Deborah Lipp's book Way of Four has a three page quiz that leads one
to the element they're most like.
I was born a Leo but my Element is water, for now, it can change...
The main thing they try to help you with is to be balanced with them.
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Re: Elements

Post by Nyxannwn »

MsMollimizz wrote:
Sounds like you are refering to the type of personality led my the shape
of their hands...this leads to their personality not their element.
Dorothy Morrison and Deborah Lipp both deal alot with elements.
Deborah Lipp's book Way of Four has a three page quiz that leads one
to the element they're most like.
I was born a Leo but my Element is water, for now, it can change...
The main thing they try to help you with is to be balanced with them.
Gentle Light
That's an interesting take. I've definitely heard of the belief that your element changes as you change. I think that could make perfect sense for some people. I personally believe we are born into an element, and our personality evolves based on that element. The hand shape/color idea is part of this belief. Ted Andrew's "Enchantment of the Faerie Realm" has a great section on the elements and how they effect both personality and appearance. This is where I'm getting my information.

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Re: Elements

Post by JBRaven »

I am a true fire element. I am also born under the Sag. and almost any description of fire or Sags. fits me perfectly. I am also have an earth connection, I think this stems from my numerology and so forth. I will never understand the emotional (water) or the constantly thinking (air).

Re: Elements

Post by Nixie »

I was born on the first day of Pisces, I'm very much a water element. Every time I have meditated about the topic I was led toward Water. I am most at 'home' in water. As a child, whenever I felt out of sorts I would go to the brook at the bottom of the garden and just put my feet in. (It ran alongside a beautiful 300+ year old willow tree) When my feet broke the waters surface I could feel all my troubles float away.
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Re: Elements

Post by BallisticJW »

I like this post. I am a fire sign, but I love working with water. Full Moon spells near water, are including water seem to work the best for me. I think a lot of fit has to do with finding that balance. I think it makes since that because I am so... proud and powerful with fire in me, that I am so attracted to the soothing qualities of water. It actually shows up very well in my relationship as well.
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Re: Elements

Post by Ula »

I am an air sign as a Libra but I love the water. I have swam for since I was 3. I also love to garden. But if I were to pick one I have to say I am air. Definitely.
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Re: Elements

Post by Firebird »

I have always had a fascination for fire and been pretty handy at making fire burn. It is just like second nature. Go figure I am a Sagittarius, with three planets in sag. Fire lives in me, It is really the element that propels me, keeps me moving...motivated, and anxious for the next day.
If you are drawn to earth, then let Earth be your guide. Caress her, dig in her, feel her rich black fecund and fertile dirt trickle through your fingers inhale her musty fragrance, plant seeds and walk barefoot on her surface whenever you can. Lie flat on your belly and hug her ask her what you can do to help her. Her speaking to you may be direct or it will just become aware to you in some synchronistic way. Blessings F.F.
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Re: Elements

Post by Ravenwalker »

I may have been born in a water sign, but I'm definitely most "at home" with fire and earth magic, in equal measure, if for different reasons.

Earth is a very symbolic core for me. With my roots in druidic practices (no pun intended), earth signifies the foundation that everything is built upon, from the trees to the standing stones and cairns, to the trods and sacred pathways of the long-forgotten ancients. Without that connection, everything shifts too easily. Besides that, I'm far too stubborn and curmudgeonly to not be earth-attuned; getting me to do something that I don't want to do is like trying to roll a boulder uphill. There's a lot of resonance for me in stones and metals, especially metals, due to my more martially inclined hobbies (as a swordsman, the forging analogy is very important to me) and calling upon the strength of the earth comes naturally.

Fire is different, though. Fire, to me, represents inspiration in a way that air likely does for others, probably because of how my inspiration has always functioned. It is sudden, fleeting, and all-consuming, needing only the right spark to set off a wild rush of activity. For me, inspiration hits hard and usually out of left field, and doesn't let me rest until I've put the idea into motion (I'm a writer/illustrator as a hobby/future career goal, and this happens quite often). On the ritual side, fire is such an abundant and easily invoked element to draw energy from for me, that it simply fits with my practice; my rites tend to take a lot out of me otherwise, and ensuring that I have fire at my altar keeps the negative effects of that energy expenditure to a minimum.
Forest Girl

Re: Elements

Post by Forest Girl »

I am otherwise a true Pisces, however though I love walking in the rain, I hate being in water.

I've not gone swimming in over 15 years. Water is not my element at all.

I also love the earth, I love walking barefoot on grass, dirt, sand, and pebbles. I feel the energy from the earth almost immediately. But it isn't my true element.

Fire? Eh. Not much of a connection at all.

Wind/Air is my element. The air charges me and makes me alive. I can feel the power and energy rise within me when I am outside in the fresh air. And if the wind is blowing, even a little ... it is almost like a power surge. I can literally feel my palms pulse with energy.

When I learned about the four elements, I had no question that mine was air.
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