Im NOT suicidal I just want share something................

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Im NOT suicidal I just want share something................

Post by Purewitch22 »

I'm not suicidal I just want to share something that I think and feel strongly about.

I know I CANT stop you all from comitting suicide, but I want to ask you: What would your family think? How sad would they be? Who would you be leaving behind? Is...being gay for example worth dying about?

Almost 92% of my friends are guys! About 45% of my guy friends are gay. They were depressed until I told them the truth: Some people HATE Gays! We CANT change that. But by killing yourself about it you ARE proving to those people that they CAN do that! Then they think "Dude I killed him! Sweet!" Thats NOT okay! I believe NOBODY has ANY right to take away WHO YOU ARE and NOBODY has ANY right to take away YOUR FREEDOM!! Nobody! By going out there, admitting you're gay, and getting someone for YOU, you are MAKING those people LOSE!

This goes for EVERYONE! Cutters, Depressed people, Bipolar, and just EVERYONE!!!

I hope you ALL take this into consideration!I also want to say You neverknow when you'll die! So tryto live life with NO regrets! Try to LOVE yourself for WHO YOU ARE and DONT Love yourself for who your NOT!!
Blessed Be!
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Luna Lisa
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Re: Im NOT suicidal I just want share something.............

Post by Luna Lisa »

Pure i would have to agree. Suicide is never the answer to any of our problems. When I tried to end it all and wanted to end it all what you said with those questions up there ran through my head everytime. I'm not gonna lie I also use to be a cutter too. And on your post I agree with you to 100%. Life is such a terrible thing to waste. And ending it all is never the answer for anyone.
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