Trying to astral

Discussion about out-of-body experiences (astral travel), lucid dreaming, and other sleep related phenomenon such as night terrors and sleep paralysis.
Kei Kawazu
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Trying to astral

Post by Kei Kawazu »

But im sucking at it :/

Though i could have had somehtign like 10% of astral vision earlier today i saw something wierd over my legs but my vision was mostly staticy and wierd and my eyes were shut.

IDK which way im supposed to try to astral, ive read alot, maybe i should follow somehtign step by step, but id rather wing it.

But im not having success so far, um.

Im wondering how do you try to astral? for those of you that can.

I try to leave my body in different ways, i try to have my body sleep and mind awake, i only succeeded in doing that once though so im trying different things each time.

I dont know what to do. Im wondering if my diet or something has to do with it too.

Wellt he wierd thing i saw this mornign was wierd like two different layers of waves when one is hi th eother is low and it was wierd like ti was connected and it was over my shins, and i ahrdly saw it through the static of my shut eyes, but it could have been my imagination idk, but i wasnt seeing it directly, and when my eyes went to focus on it it vanished.

Im thinking i should try something step by step again.. And i should give daily attempts. But sometimes at night i just instantly fall asleep lol.

And im getting a little upset that i cant do it yet. Though i suppose *Possibly* seeing something is progress..

Id like it if people could describe in detail with me how its like to leave the body and what is the action involved in trying to leave the body and what its like.
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Re: Trying to astral

Post by Ses »

I found something which might help you.

It's quite a good site, lots of spells, information & books you can read. What from I gather from the site is that he practises "Christian Witchcraft"

Check it out.
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Kei Kawazu
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Re: Trying to astral

Post by Kei Kawazu »

how long do i need to stare at that for and does that even work for u? XD
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Re: Trying to astral

Post by black dove »

Yeah, I agree... I've been trying to do the same for a while now. Theres techniques on this site that may help, but I can never remember to try them when the time is appropriate... as for that link... the most significant thing that has happened so far is that the to white bands (the one around the purple and the one inside the blueish gray bands) became one big white band.
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Re: Trying to astral

Post by Ses »

I'm not sure how long you have to do it, I feel the pull quite quickly, but my eyes flutter and loose it
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Re: Trying to astral

Post by black dove »

I know what you're talking about. I can't tell if the "portal" is supposed to really be an illusion, a gag on relatively new pagans, or is legitimation.
Just looking for the answers to life.
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Re: Trying to astral

Post by tilarium »

It's not a gag or an illusion. It's a tool. It's meant to give you something to focus your mind on, to block out other distractions. Now, with that said, I've never been successful with astral projection. I've tried lots of differant methods over the last several years. I've been close a few times, laying in bed and stareing into the dark, but I keep resisting the pull. Ses, don't worry about your eyes fluttering, they'll do that, blink, flutter, whats important is staying focused.
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Re: Trying to astral

Post by Symandinome »

Im just going to repost what i just told some else about astral projection

Being able to project your astral body outside your physical body is known as astral projection, there are other names like out of body experience, soul travel, astral travel etc. don’t confuse between lucid dreaming and remote viewing as they are three different phenomenons. Even though it is not scientifically recognized but you can find similar experiences through out history and different cultures.

Astral projection is natural just like the way you dream, we all astral project every night when we go to sleep but we are not aware of it and we forget when we wake up. However if you want to remember and master astral projection you just have to get a proper preparations before you try to astral project. there are different astral projection tips you can find them in lots of forums, so i have chosen the most important steps to guide you into astral projection.

1.Breathing; Breathing is one of the major factors in any of the mental exercises and self-discipline, breathing is the bridge between conscious and sub-conscious mind, because you can breathe conscious or subconsciously. So before starting astral projection take several deep breaths or you can focus on your breath for five minutes then continue to the next step. If you are familiar with meditation this should be easier for you.

2.Affirmation; Fear, Self doubts, Anxiety can be a huge block to astral project successfully, with affirmation you can reprogram your subconscious mind depending on what is holding you back from achieving astral projection. So after breathing make sure you have your own personal affirmation and you say it every time prior to your exercises.

3.Relaxation; As we know there are 4 known states of consciousness, alpha,beta, theta and delta, when your body is relaxed you mind tend to function in the alpha level which is more receptive and more active. In this state it is easy to visualize and stay focused when practicing astral projection techniques. Alternatively you can use some mp3 or cd with binaural beats or self-hypnosis audios that will assist you in your relaxation.

4.Protection; Always remember when you step into the astral realm/etheric realm there are different types of etheric entities and energies that will influence your thoughts or your emotions, it is wise to protect yourself from these energies, it is not so much that they are harmful but you might disturb the natural order of things, Even though you are attached to your physical body with the silver cord but it is always wise to make a protective energy shield.

5.Techniques; There are many astral projection techniques such as kundalini technique, vibrational technique, rope technique, rolling over technique, chakra techniques etc. you can decide which one is more comfortable to you, as after following all the steps above it will be easier to reach vibrational state or others call it tingling sensation and astral project easier.

When you master astral travel you will be able to time travel, visit ancient civilizations, visit different planets, visit your past lives, visit akashic records, communicate with angels/spiritual guides/extraterrestrials, awaken psychic abilities, clear your chakras, see auras and more spiritual gifts.
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Re: Trying to astral

Post by Kei Kawazu »

i just had an idea, do you think that delta brainwaves might be the state we astral project in our sleep? because if i remmeber correctly theta is for dreams and then you sleep even deeper i think it might make sense that thatd be astral projection.

And i attempt astral on and off, right now i am working on my dream journal more though i should attempt it regularly.
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Re: Trying to astral

Post by BallisticJW »

A lot of people have said the same things. It is always the mental state that is more than likely preventing you from achieving true astral projection. I know with myself I had to ease in.... one foot at a time. First I would try to lucidly meditate or acheive this trance like state of mind, and then slowly I would fall deeper and deeper. I practiced for around 7 minutes throughout the day and even though it was would only be once or twice a day that I would do these techniques I was able to almost self induce this trance state by sheer will. Quickly and easily I was able to acheive the mental clarity necessary for astral projection. I went from lucid dreaming, then astral projection. Right now I am working on energy sending and channeling and afterwards want to try my hand at remote viewing,
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Re: Trying to astral

Post by Kei Kawazu »

all those things sound interesting, but what does that trance state feel like compared to a boring normal day mind set? lol
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Re: Trying to astral

Post by Symandinome »

you ever been in a daze where your just day dreaming and reality is happening all around you but you dont notice? well thats kinda what a trance is like.
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Re: Trying to astral

Post by Kei Kawazu »

yes, ive experienced that just yesterday and maybe today too lol.
do you happen to know which brainwave is dominant in trance?

Also i think those states might happen alot more than i thought, like when you even think that happens to a degree, so maybe i need another explanation for it, unless trance is like that but totally like that.
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Re: Trying to astral

Post by BallisticJW »

Its is hard, like I still don't do it perfectly but it gets a lot easier. Another exercise is to try to be mentally aware of you body, mind and spirit throughout the day. You will get better at learning to decipher the difference between all you mental states.
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Re: Trying to astral

Post by Kei Kawazu »

this morning i had an odd dream, but anyways astral is supposed to be more vivid than real life right? also what is the conciousness like in astral? compared to dreams and being awake.

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