Fear of Mirrors

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Fear of Mirrors

Post by Tylluan »

Does anyone else here have a fear of mirrors? (and no I'm not talking about our reflections ha-ha)

I've always been scared of them and can't have one uncovered in my bedroom. I believe they can act as portals.

Some of the fear could be associated with the Welsh supersitions I've been brought up with, such as if you look into a mirror after midnight you'll see a demon - which I know isn't true but I swear I've seen shadows move behind me whilst looking into one.

Doreen Valiente talked about exhibits at Cecil Williamson's 'House of Spells' in Polperro and said the following about a witches mirrors: 'To date I know of seven others exactly the same. Of course, a familiar spirit has been conjured and coaxed into making the mirror its home. When you use these mirrors you gaze into them then suddenly you will see in the mirror some one standing behind you. Whatever you do, do not turn around. Remember that, never never turn around. What happens next? Good gracious, you just talk quietly to the figure or face in the mirror, close your eyes if you cannot bear it, but never, ever turn around.'

In think there is a film about mirrors too, but I'm too scared to watch it!
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Re: Fear of Mirrors

Post by Twine »

Actually, I share this fear! Well, I wouldn't call it a fear, exactly, rather an uneasiness around them. I can't have them in my room, either. The one I do have is a floor-length mirror on the back of my closet door (that I've actually put a chair in front of, it bothers me so much). I'm not sure why I fear them the way I do, as I can never recall something traumatic happening as a child, or being told frightening stories. I've always had this strange apprehension about mirrors, and getting my picture taken as well, though those probably aren't related.

I've seen those shadows in the mirrors, as you mentioned, and don't much care to see them. I don't know if feel that they're a portal, or rather just (at the right angle) the reflection of the spirit world, but either way, it makes me really nervous. I wish I knew where the fear stemmed, but I really have no idea!
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Re: Fear of Mirrors

Post by black dove »

I know exactly what you're talking about. It's not exactly a fear for me, but like Twine, an uneasiness. I guess I'm worried to look into the mirror and see some type of ghost or demonic figure (mostly the latter) in the mirror standing behind me maliciously. This fear only arises when I'm thinking about it though (which is quite often. Also, I DO believe that they can be used as a form of portal, or in the very least, a scrying/spiritual communication tool.

One of the most interesting things I find with mirrors though, or any form of reflection for that matter, is that they help me reflect (pun intended) on my over all life. Its just something about looking at myself--looking into my own eyes--that help me gain a better understanding of myself. Maybe its a psychological thing. Maybe its simply seeing the state I'm in. Maybe my focus is typically drawn to what I look at, so when I see myself, My focus is on myself. Maybe its something on the spiritual level. I don't know, but mirrors have proven to have multiple uses to me.
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Re: Fear of Mirrors

Post by Ula »

Cora wrote:Does anyone else here have a fear of mirrors? (and no I'm not talking about our reflections ha-ha)

I've always been scared of them and can't have one uncovered in my bedroom. I believe they can act as portals.
I agree they can be portals. In some households mirrors are covered when a person dies so their soul doesn't go into it. I don't fear mirrors in general but I have been around mirrors that have given my the creeps, like you might see something in them. I have always been attracted to scurrying mirrors and am going to make one soon.
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Re: Fear of Mirrors

Post by Zili »

My mother and I both have seen proof that mirrors can be portals I wont allow one in the house other than bathroom mirrors and i wont look into them in the dark I will close my eyes until a light it on.
Lady Persephone

Re: Fear of Mirrors

Post by Lady Persephone »

I've never had any trouble with mirrors. And I don't mind looking into them in dark, so... I guess I am strange.
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Re: Fear of Mirrors

Post by AutumnMaidens »

I found that in times when my depression was especially hard to deal with I would get horrible visions through mirrors. While at other times mirrors would also help me ground if I was flying of the handle. So I understand what you mean. I had periods of fear of mirrors, but now I still use them to ground and call forth visions, but only in the positive sense.

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Re: Fear of Mirrors

Post by Symandinome »

I love mirrors personally and YES They can be portals. The act of placing a mirror so that it reflects into another mirror is superstitiously believed to open a portal. I can not confirm or deny this but If my ancestors said not to do it I'm not going to test it out. Mirrors are used in lots of magickal things even things like containing an entity in or imprisoning it there. If your purchasing a second hand mirror it is best to check it for such things before allowing it in your home.

Re: Fear of Mirrors

Post by SouthernBelle »

I share Twine's uneasiness Im not afraid to use them for scrying but mirror in the dark no no no

Re: Fear of Mirrors

Post by LittleBit1309 »

I can't stand to look at a mirror in the near dark/pitchblack. I see so many shadows that I know aren't there... But in general I hate the darkness. If I'm the last person to get into bed, I'm afraid. It's a childish fettish I never got over. :shock:

Re: Fear of Mirrors

Post by Pixiewitch29 »

I believe they can be portals, since I was a child I used to stare straight into the mirror and see my face change into many different faces one at a time, I don't know how I started doing this lol I was very young..anyway years later I accidently came across a book that mentioned the same thing and it said that it was linked with scrying - I was amazed,has anyone else had experience with mirror scrying or gazing or whatever you may call this?
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Re: Fear of Mirrors

Post by Tylluan »

Hi Pixiewitch29, we did try scrying once. I am part of a Paranormal Investigation group and we try different methods of divination to make contact. We once visited an old Gaol and tried scrying in groups. Our group didn't get any results, and we went on to using a planchette when we heard a scream and people scrambling to get out of one of the cells. They'd been using the scrying mirrors when a sinister face past over them one by one. All 5 people in the group separately described the same features of this ghostly person.
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Re: Fear of Mirrors

Post by Plicket »

I get that uneasiness around mirrors too. And mirrors in the dark? Absolutely not. I can't turn my back to one if it gives me a particular "feeling," something akin to the feeling of being watched.
Same with mirrors facing (or any really reflective surface. Windows are terrible!) I've always just been nervous about them.
But, like others have mentioned, it often helps me "ground" myself to talk to my reflection.
I haven't been brought up with the superstition of mirrors facing being a portal (my mom thinks it's ridiculous,) but it's something I've always felt "off" about. Odd.
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Re: Fear of Mirrors

Post by connor)O( »

I have had had a long standing unease when around mirrors, so I tried to get over it by scrying into it. Firstly my face kind of goes black (not african american actually black) then that blackness spreads to the rest of the mirror. Then I blink and fudge it up. Any ideas, or advice about not fudging it up?
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Re: Fear of Mirrors

Post by Mugeenman »

I have a very creepy story of my fear:
When I was first in my mothers womb I was intended to be a twin, but I killed him (unintentionally of course) and I grew up unaware of this.

Then one day I spent the night at my grandparents house and had an awful dream. I was about four so looking back on it seems kind of silly. I was in my grandparent's basement and saw a small mirror propped up against the freezer, I looked myself in the mirror and stuck my tongue out in a taunting matter, but my reflection did not do the same, I died soon thereafter in the dream by being grabbed from behind and stabbed.
About a year later we moved houses (because of my dad's job) and my parents room had a giant mirror covering the entire wall. I began to have nightmares involving the mirror on the wall, it started off innocently, me fighting giant hands from the mirror by being like spider-man on the roof.

Then it became much darker. I would just unsuspectingly walk into the room and see the reflection of someone I knew, the most prominent being my mother, I would walk towards the mirror, then she would choke me to death.
I also remember having a brief dream of me looking myself in a different mirror and seeing a large sunflower shaped growth on my face, I then see a copy of myself standing behind me in the mirror. A year later I got chicken pox and had the exact same growth on the same spot, there is now a permanent scar there too.

I cannot look myself in the mirror for long periods without being nervous, and I had one hell of a time trying to watch "Mirrors."

Maybe it's the mirror in my basement, it's passed down from the family since WW2, maybe it's cursed, my moms jokes about how my great grandma thinks it's haunted, it's been with us all these years, maybe it's the mirror.
Believe it or not but I have tear rolling down my face right now because it scares me so much. I just wanted to tell someone.
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