Wild baby Cat

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Wild baby Cat

Post by hedge* »

For a day and a night we could hear a cat maiowing. We went to investigate where the noise was coming from-3 doors up where no-one lives. Every time we approached the house the miaowing stopped but as soon as we walked away again it resumed. We left some food and water.
The miaowing carried on through that night, so the next day when I woke up I went back to the empty house and climbed over the gate. I couldn't see anything but every now and then there was a gentle miaow. I knew there was a kitten there somewhere so I was loathed to give up and sure enough, camouflaged by the dry,brown branches of the Conifer trees that lined the wall was a small, weak ginger kitten. He was very scared and his hackles came up and he hissed at me, but I held out my hand with some cat food in my fingers and he ate it up straight away. He was scared and didn't trust humans but I knew I couldn't leave him there so with the help of my friend we managed to get him into the coal bunker in my garden. There he stayed all day yet that night he was back up the road miaowing again. His mioaws were getting weaker and weaker and somehow he found his way back to our coal bunker. So yesterday morning when I got up I thought to myself enough is enough. I went out and moved all the Flowerpots and the old car tyre out of the bunker and managed to get a hold of the scruff of his little neck. MAN! Did he bite and scratch! I have never known such a little kitten bite and fight like he did. Bleeding profusely yet refusing to let go of him, I took him into the house where he scurried away behind the kitchen bin. He was such a scared little thing, so skinny and dirty and smelly, all his bones were jutting out through his beautiful(yet filthy) ginger coat. I put a bowl of water down for him and the poor little mite drank in little sips continuously throughout the day. He even managed a drop of milk. Last night he decided to wander out and went under the coffee table in the lounge. We thought he was getting better. He let us stroke him and tickle his chin and he didn't like to be left alone, so we took it in turns to keep a vigil over our new house guest. The other cats of the house were not impressed at all, 2 of them refused to come inside the house, the other 2 were curious but wary. This morning he had moved to underneath the telephone table. He didn't look good. What strength had been used up in the last few days hadn't been replaced. His miaows were pittiful and weaker by the minute.
He died tonight at around half past 6. :cry:

I am happy that he died with water in his belly and the sun off his face and he died with the knowledge that 2 people wanted him and loved him for the short time that we were blessed with his presence. :)
And at least he had a chance for survival, something I think everyone and everything is entitled to.
Pessamistic Angel
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Post by Pessamistic Angel »

im sorry hunny , my heart and hugs go out to you , i know exactly how you feel i adopted a ten day old kitten called Samson , we named him to give him strength and he lasted for five days, its always just long enough to get attatched isnt it ?
anyway , he knows he was loved and you have to be proud of that
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Post by moonlit »

awww. that is so sad.... :( at least he wasnt alone tho
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Post by BlackenedRose* »

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Post by Moon_Stone »

Oh Hedge, what a beautiful and touching story. Thank you for sharing with us.
It is really wonderful what you gave that little kitty for the last days of his life. Whatever he was missing, he found it and could finally let go. It seems he just needed that little bit of love.

~Blessed Be
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Post by moonwitch* »

Oh Hedge that is so touching. Good for you guys for loving him while you had him... YOU GAVE HIM A SPECIAL GIFT. For all you know you are the only ones to ever pet him and love him. My husband and I bought a little Pomeranian...she was tiny .. half the size of her sister. But so spunky.. we call her Pixie. They call dogs that are extra tiny "tea cup " .. but what they really are is a dwarf... poor thing got really sick where she started having siesures ( is that how you spell it? ) … the vet told us she would get past this with time.. her skull was closing and putting pressure on her brain. Her body was just too small for ther organs. Our little Pixie did get past this! But the vet did tell us she would have problems as time went on, and she may not live her full life span. We had the option to take her back for a refund. But I could not do it. We decided to keep her and give her all the love we can while she is with us. She is “ full “ grown now.. with a full tummy she is 3 ½ pounds. My husband shoe is bigger then her. If you ask her she is a great dane… we just let her keep thinking that.
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Post by Moon_Stone »

Awww. :28: Any Pixie-Pictures? I love looking at animals. I'm weird like that.

And what's with that "refund"? I had the same offer after adopting Maggie (my dog)... "partial refund or exchange", they said. I responded with "You mean people actually do that?!?" ---Geeze! That is more disgusting to me than getting a weekly exchange on a husband! Pets become our pets for a reason, and they call to us for their own reasons. I just totally don't understand how someone could begin to share their life with a furry friend, then get rid of it because there's something wrong with it, or even if it just chews the furniture and poops on the carpet.

It seems similar to trading your newborn baby for another that looks better, or doesn't spit up as much, or doesn't cry... wouldn't you go to jail for that? When will people get it.

Good for you, Moonwitch. Loving and respecting her for who she is, for as long as she's supposed to be with you, is truly what she deserves and needs.

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