Would this work?

Discussion of the different types of witchcraft and pagan paths.
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black dove
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Would this work?

Post by black dove »

What if we could cast a circle and connect with the god and goddess right in the open? What if

Ok, while we're not at home, we don't have our altar or supplies or anything. This is my question. If you wish to connect with the god or goddess DISCREETLY DURING THE DAY or If you want to cast a spell or do any circle work DISCREETLY DURING THE DAY, could you use this technique?

Imagine yourself as the altar or center of the circle. You are the spirit and contain all 4 other elements.
For Fire, you invite the energy that the sun is giving off into your circle.
For Earth, you invite the earth below your feet into your circle (pavement, sand, soil, stone, clay, whatever it may be).
For Air, you invite the air that is just naturally around you into the circle.
For Water, you invite the energy that within all things into the circle (or if you see a puddle that).

Now, you can toss in visualizations and meditation and that stuff as well, if you so desire. I personally find it easier to connect with the elements when I imagine the heat and sporadic movements of fire or the shell-like hardness and stillness of earth.

When it comes to the god and goddess I use a masculine or feminine piece of nature as a focus to invite the deities. For example, I'll focus on the Mighty Oak or a mountain and their masculinity to assist me in calling on the god, while I'll focus on a river or fir/willow tree to assist me in calling on the goddess.

Anyway, I would like some opinions, because this all settles right with me. Will I abandon altar work? Heck no! I find an altar as a sign of respect and reverence to the deities, but I find this to be just as good when trying to connect to them and do "circle work".
Just looking for the answers to life.
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Re: Would this work?

Post by Symandinome »

ok course this is acceptable. working within the scope of our minds is just as valid as a full blow out ritual. Reverence to deities is not only with ceremony but also how we conduct ourselves day to day.
black dove
Posts: 61
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Re: Would this work?

Post by black dove »

Lol, ok thanks. I figured that this would be just as good, even though you lacked basically EVERYTHING commonly held to be absolutely NEEDED in a circle to connect yourself with the deities. Come to think of it though, what about the very first people that connected with them? They didn't use stuff like are used in modern day.
Just looking for the answers to life.
)O( Blessed be
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