A Good Book?

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A Good Book?

Post by AnuChild »

I've been looking for some good books to help me on my Path, while my parents are strongly against the Craft (my mother is a Holy Roller Christian) and are unaware of my involvement. As a disabled college student, I spend a great deal of time (especially during summer) at home, so I try to keep my magick book collection small and concise, nothing extra. Some of my books I keep in plain sight, because I blend Christian mysticism with Wicca (and sometimes wonder where these saints got off calling themselves Catholic:lol: ).

In any case, after all this rambling, I recently bought a new book and was wondering what others thought of it, if they'd used it, etc. It's called Wiccan Beliefs & Practices: With Rituals for Solitaries and Covens by Gary Cantrell. I already have Maiden Moon, and D J Conway's Celtic Magic, as well as books on Herbs and Oils.
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Post by Orion »

This may not be what you're looking for, but one book that helped me in several aspects was one recommended, Journey of Souls by Michael Newton, Ph. D.
Helped me look into my own path and what the world around me means. Really insightful and goes further down the rabbit hole in the second book (haven't gotten yet).
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Post by Matt* »

Hi Anu,

I have that book myself and it is very informative, my particular fave is:
Witchcraft for Tomorrow, Doreen Valiente

You might have difficulty finding it as a lot of her work is now out of print, but i found my copy on ebay

Hope this helps

Am I awake or am I still dreaming?

Post by Luna*Cat »

As I am new I only really had one book, so I decided today that I would have a look in my favorite used book store to see if I could an additional book. No luck with a used copy, but I ended up getting myself 3 new ones. I do not know how good they are supposed to be, but heres what I got:

1) Witchcraft Theory and Practice by Ly De angeles
2) A Witch's Notebook by Silver RavenWolf
3) Solitary Witch by Silver RavenWolf

Either way this will give me plenty of reading material to be getting along with.

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Post by BlackenedRose* »

GAAAAAH! Silver RavenWolf! Fluffy of Fluffies!

Not saying that you shouldn't read them, but the way she talks is like 'hate all Christians, they were created just to hate us and burn us'.
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Post by hedge* »

I'm not sure whether you should read this link before or after you've read Silver Raven Wolf!!!!?????


Maybe after would be better :?


Post by Luna*Cat »

I think that the best thing I can do is read the books and take the information that I need from them. I suppose that there are "good" and "bad" book out there, but as I am "new" to all this I thought the idea was to read and research as much as I could. Surely reading books by a variety of writers (until I find the one that I like) should give me a broader varitiy of information. If this means that I read "fluffy" books as well to find the information that I need, surely that is not a bad thing?

The thing with being new is that I do not know how different people are thought of, these are going to be thing that I learn with time.

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Post by hedge* »

You're absolutlely right Scarlett, which is why I reckoned it would be better to read the link AFTER you have read the book. :D

Read, digest information, ask questions and form your own conclusions.
You're on the right track girl :D


Post by Luna*Cat »

That you, and if after or during my reading there is something I do not quite understand, I have always got everyone here to ask.

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Post by Starwitch »

I like Silver Ravenwolf's books. She's funny to read and not too heavy. Lots of people bash her, but I wonder if they just don't like the idea of a female witch making money off of witchcraft. No one ever bashes Scott Cunningham for his books even though they are boring to read because they are so serious. Well, okay, I've never actually read a Cunningham book so I'm just bull-shitting you about that. He's Wiccan. I'm not. But I like Silver and I have several of her books and they have been very helpful to me in the past. More helpful than any other witchcraft books I own. So enjoy them and don't worry about the Silver-bashers. I also think too many people have read other websites where someone said "Silver Ravenwolf sucks. She's a fluffy-bunny, blah blah blah" and they just believe that instead of making their own opinion. And then those same people build websites that say, "Silver Sucks" and more people read it and believe it and pass it on. It's just a never-ending cycle of people believing other people's opinions instead of actually reading her books and forming their own opinion about her. Maybe they would still think she is fluffy after reading her books, but at least it would be their own opinion, not someone else's. It's hard to make your own opinion though when you've already had everyone else pushing their opinion on you.

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Post by hedge* »

Well said !

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Post by Starwitch »

I read that article you linked to. I'll admit that I think it's odd that Silver would say that there is no difference in Wicca and Witchcraft, but the rest of the article seemed a lot like nit-picking her to death. I happen to enjoy Christian-bashing for the most part. Many pagans do. And the rest of what she says is broken down in baby terms like a fairy tale because her book is intended for young people to read and they won't understand if she starts getting into some long religious discussion about why pagan women think Christianity sucks (those of us who think that.) I haven't heard that bit about Mary Magdeline (sp) before but that was pretty interesting. I wonder if it's true. Men love to call strong women whores to try to put them in their place. I wouldn't doubt if that happened to Mary.


Post by [Chaz] »

I have no comment about Silver, haven't read one of her books in years. But the Mary Magdelene part, I just watched an incredibly interesting show on The History Channel, or perhaps it was National Geographic. There is debate that she was Jesus' wife and no whore at all. She sat beside him at the Last Supper and was one of his disciples, and may have borne his children, according to many theologists and historians.
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Post by Starwitch »

Yes, I have heard the theory that she is Jesus's lover/wife. That is pretty cool. That would really tear the church apart if it were proven to be true.

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Post by BlackenedRose* »

I have read Silver's books and I honestly do think that she is a fluffy. But that's my opinion, not anyone else's.

By the way, Chaz, if you are referring to Leonardo da Vinci's painting of the Last Supper, the person to the left of Jesus on the painting is OFFICIALLY John, as he is the missing disciple and as he was supposed to be the youngest disciple by many years, he was always painted girly as young boys then looked pretty damn girly. And his 'cleavage' is actually a crack on the wall, as the Last Supper is a very-much-abused wall fresco. If you read this in the Da Vinci Code, all of Dan Brown's books are based on oooold, long-disproved evidence. He's just using artistic licence to make a good story.

However, there is a lot of more relevant evidence that points to Mary Magdalene being the spouse of Jesus. And Da Vinci DID believe this and showed it in a lot of his other paintings.

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