When to start a BOS

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When to start a BOS

Post by Luna*Cat »

Hi there.
This is possibly going to sound very silly, but if don't ask I will not know. Do I "need" to start a Book Of Shadows straight away? (Told you it would sound silly). Because I my new in my learnings, I have started a small book for information,(I find I learn thing quicker/better if I write them down), would this be classed as a Book Of Shadows? Also is it ok to keep things in different books (for example: Rituals and Spells) or should they be in one book? I know the answer is very likly going to be " Do which suits you best", but I thought I would ask.

I believe the more questions you ask, the more you learn.

Blessed Be.
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Joined: Fri May 20, 2005 5:42 pm
Gender: Female

Post by sheherazade »

absolutely(you answered your own question)...there are no rules
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Post by moonlit »

You dont NEED to have a BOS, but they are very helpful and great to have. My first BOS was a black binder decorated with silver marker. I had black lined paper in it too. I dont think it all cost more than like 10 or 15 dollars. I got all the stuff at Wal-Mart. lol. Each persons BOS is differant because differant ppl put in differant things.
**Nothing is set in stone**

Post by Luna*Cat »

Like I said I guess I knew what the answer was going to be, it is just nice to get some reasurence sometimes. I shall stick with the small book I have now, and as my knowledge grows I may move to a larger Book, be it an actual book or a folder or the like. Thank you for your answers.
Posts: 494
Joined: Thu Jan 15, 2004 10:31 am
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Post by moonlit »

I really like you ....lol
**Nothing is set in stone**

Post by Luna*Cat »

Thanks............ :lol: It is nice to be liked :lol:

Blessed Be

Post by Aloron »

Everyone is totally right. Yep your little book would be classified as a book of shadows. And its nice to have all your info in one place. Be sure to keep a record of things as much as you can you will appreciate yourself later for doing so. Also you dont /have/ to keep a BOS, but it completely adds to the glamour of the craft. And whats wrong with a little mistified coolness once in a while. So make your BOS as kickass as you like and be sure to write down feelings and magical discoveries as well as your spells and rituals because as I said they will come in handy later.

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