It Did As I Asked

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It Did As I Asked

Post by skyslide »

Today I went to the beach. I didn't ask it to do anything, it just did what I wanted for the first few hours. Then I decided to test it out and asked it politely (did not demand, I said please) to do a couple things that I didn't expect it to do naturally. I asked the tide to go farther than it had so far, and I did this when the tide was very low. I asked it to avoid the sand castle two little boys were making, and it did. I didn't cast or anything at all, I just said in my head, "water, if you don't mind, please ________". Does that count? Anyway, I did some communicating with water spirits. It was a female sounding voice, very soothing and like the tide. It was nice.

So. I want to know about your experiences with elements doing as you ask when you're not casting or anything like that. Share away. =)
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Re: It Did As I Asked

Post by Starwitch »

I don't recall asking the elements to do anything for me. I'm guessing they have their own agendas. But I've communicated with my gardens and my lawn and asked them what they needed from me and felt like I received answers. It was early spring and we were out there raking all the dead leaves up, but I received the distinct impression that the lawn wanted me to leave the leaves there on the ground so it could retain moisture and grow deeper roots before Summer. By that point, Ron had already mowed (with a mulcher) half of the backyard, so those leaves were already gone, but I told him to stop mowing and that I planned on leaving the rest of it there. He didn't think it was a good idea, but he was like "well it's your yard. Do what you want." It's months later now and the areas where I left the leaves ended up growing healthy and strong and green. The other areas of the lawn got too dry when the Summer heat hit and it turned brown. Next Spring I'll leave all the leaves on the ground (after what we rake up in autumn.)

I've also felt a connection to the national forest areas up in the mountains around here, as well as the streams and waterfalls. I can feel that the plant life on the mountain is struggling to stay alive. It's very sick from the pollution that came from the copper mines in Copper Hill, TN. Copper Hill is such a small town. It's named after the copper mine which was their biggest industry for a long time. We visited there one day and stopped at their tiny museum. They bragged to us that the copper basin (the massive hole in the ground where they've mined for copper) was the only manmade thing you could see from space other than the Great Wall of China. It makes me tear up just thinking about it. How could anyone be proud that they raped the earth so horribly that the hole can be seen from space? Honestly, those people are such idiots.


But anyway, this is a really good thread. I'd be interested to hear how people have experienced the Earth and/or elements communicating with them, whether through actual words, feelings, or something else. It would help us all know what to listen/look/feel for if we learned how others have done it.
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Re: It Did As I Asked

Post by Tylluan »

Ah I hate all the extraction of the earth. Years ago I got my first job working for an excavator manufacturer. The photos of the excavations made me feel ill and I'd say to people 'don't you feel guilty that you're destroying nature?' needless to say I didn't last long there; they fired me because I questioned what they were doing.

I love communicating with nature, I chat with the birds in the garden and I talk to the plants. I also leave the leaves on the ground and let them mulch. I thank my plants for the fruit they bare and I work with the garden not against it. My only problem is that I live in a heritage area and our front gardens have to be neat and just so. My problem with that is that we have some amazing plants other people call weeds like Common Fumitory which was an important herb to the Roman’s. I really don’t like weeding as I don’t like placing plants in a higher order to each other.

I’ve never asked the elements to do something for me. I love the elements and make sure I have them in equal proportions in my life. My favourite element is Air, I love taking photos of different skies, I think the sky is the most beautiful thing ever (apart from days like today when it’s just grey and dull).

I feel a connection with the woodlands too. I think they have personalities. Some woodlands have an eerie feeling like the trees aren’t happy to be walked through, but other woodlands feel like protectors and love having people around them.
My soul is awakened, my spirit is soaring. And carried aloft on the wings of the breeze. For above and around me the wild wind is roaring. Arousing to rapture the earth and the seas.
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Re: It Did As I Asked

Post by skyslide »

Oh my goodness StarWitch that's awful! I can't stand when people are proud of hurting the land. It disgusts me truly.

I have the same connection with nature. I think it's just part of being Pagan, it's easier to sense the world around us. I love speaking with nature. It always has the best things to say.

I don't honestly think I'll do it again, asking things of the elements like that. I'm just fascinated by how it happened. It was incredible but I felt a little guilty. I don't know why, I just feel guilty when I do things like that. I'm more of a praying type.
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Re: It Did As I Asked

Post by Starwitch »

Well, if the elements really didn't want to do what you asked them to, they simply wouldn't do it. But sometimes they will do things you ask because they want to show you that they are alive and let you feel connected to them. If they didn't, you might go the rest of your life (like most people) not realizing that nature is alive and has its own consciousness. So it's not always a bad thing to ask them to do things for you. If it won't disturb anything else, I guess they probably don't mind.
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Re: It Did As I Asked

Post by skyslide »

Okay thanks so much Starwitch, that eases my slight guilt. =)
You're probably right that they just wouldn't do it. I'm glad water showed me like that. It really awakened me [even more] spiritually, which I guess I really needed.
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Re: It Did As I Asked

Post by wolfgirl96 »

sometimes fire will move the way i ask it to or stuff like that. i do talk to nature i feel connected to my woods and so does my best friend who is also in my coven
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