Coward In love

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Coward In love

Post by stariebird11 »

Make your move little coward.
One person in the sea of billions shouldn't have such an effect.
The thudding of my heart,
Can I only hear it?
My heart's stabbing against my chest in it's rage;
adrenaline rushes through my veins.

The power of a love-thirsty heart takes over my thought process.
Am I going to loose control so quickly?
I take in a ragged breath as my eyes search for yours in the crowded halls.
Then, effortlessly, our eyes meet.
One, two, three- I look away.
A cherry-red blush slowly blossoms
and anxiousness is flooded away by my embarressment.

I'll try again another day.

~*Written by ME :D *~
(I would love to know what you guys think about this! First poem and I would love some tips :) )
Life is not about waiting for the storm to pass... it's about learning how to dance in the rain
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