Spell to connect to the elements

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Spell to connect to the elements

Post by Ravencry »

You will need:
1 stick Sandalwood incense
1 small houseplant or crystal (either quartz or moss agate)
1 small fire in a cauldron or a red candle
1 small bowl of water
a statue or picture of the Goddess/God you wish to connect with (This is not neccessary, as you can just look up to the sky in a Goddess/God position, if you wish)

This ritual is best performed outside, or if you are casting it before a spell, you can cast it before your altar.

1.To begin, light the incense and the candle.
2. Sit on the ground and meditate. Slow yourself down, taking a few minutes to breathe in some fresh air, thinking of nothing (If you are casting this before a spell, you can visualize how you wish that spell to work. Visualise what positive things you see happening from this spell)
3. After you feel slowed down and calm, stand before your altar or before your elemental representations.
4. Starting with air, face east and say while smudging yourself:
Spirits of Air, Blow through me!
open my mind so I may see!
May my third eye be unblocked,
May my mind be unlocked!
5. Facing south, quickly pass your hands through the flames of the fire/candle, saying:
Spirits of Fire, burn all negativity!
Open my heart so I may be free!
May my heart open and be true,
May my will be stregthened anew!
6. Facing West, sprinkle a few drops of water over your head, letting it drip down onto your face, saying:
Spirits of water, cleanse my soul!
Open the floodgates so love may flow!
May my soul be open to recieve love,
May my mind recieve vision from above!'
7. Face North, place your hands on the earth around the plant, around the plant itself, or grip the crystal in your hands, feeling it energy. Say:
Spirits of Earth, grant me with stability!
ground my mind so I may see clearly!
May my body recieve peace,
May all negativity be released!
8. Now form a Goddess or God pose, or kneel before the statue/ picture.
Goddess Great, God Divine,
Cleanse this body and soul of mine!
May all be balanced and all be well,
May my heart be pure by this spell!
9. Meditate once more on the balance and power that you have recieved from the elements and the Goddess and God. This would be a great time to add more energy to that spell, also.
10. When your ready, bid the elements, Goddess and God farewell by saying:
Goddess, God, and Spirits all,
Thank you for being with me,
and assisting me with this spell.
I bid to all, blessed be and farewell!
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