
General discussion/questions about life, death, sexuality, love, teen concerns, lifestyle, & work.
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Post by AnuChild »

As some people here know, my family knows nothing of my work in witchcraft. But, as a little birthday gift to myself (my birthday was the 21st), I sent myself two books on reading tea leaves to my college address. When we were unpacking my room, I went to get my mail, not realising that the books had arrived. My mother went a bit ballistic, until I insisted that they were just games I was going to play with the freshmen to break the ice.

... Now I can't imagine what she would do if she actually *knew.*
Come, heart, where hill is heaped upon hill:
For there the mystical brotherhood
Of sun and moon and hollow and wood
And river and stream work out their will.

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Post by Matt* »

Blackenedrose and I are in the middle of writing a site all about these eventualities i will let you all know when it is finished and ready for publication.

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Post by BlackenedRose* »


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Post by [Epothes] »

This kind of stuff happens all of the time. We all eventually have to let our families know what we study. They eventually overcome their ignorance and hate of things they don't understand and trash that part of their beliefs. In the end they'll have to support your decisions no matter what. You're an adult and you are old enough to make your own decisions.

For me however I am a minor still so everyone's on my ass about this stuff whenever they find it. Its not that I'm studying it now. Its just what I'm studying. It gets annoying but you just have to get over it and move on. :wink:
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Post by Elem »

I never encountered any such problems with my parents.. Probably because I've never used any physical objects for my workings.. And also because I'm a very private person.

Not one person I can think of, in 'real life', knows of my path.. And I'm happy this way. I like to keep this part of my life separate, as far as possible, from the rest of my life.

Sounds ridiculous I'm sure, but it's just the way I am. As I say - A very private person. In particular, about my beliefs.

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Me too

Post by Hera#76 »

I have not told my parents and do not plan too. I am 29 and if I choose to follow this path then it is my own choice. I love my parents very much but \i know that they will assume that I am following some strange cult and that I am getting into things I can't handle if I told them. It is better to keep some parts of your life private.

Plus my mum is not stupid she will see things like all the candles and the books knocking around so she will make her own opinion up from that. Sometimes if you are explicitly open about things people take it as an invitation to discuss and comment on what has been said and I am not looking for approval.
Bubbles float because they are light and happy; don't let life wear you down!

Post by Awen »

When I read all these posts about parents going crazy about witchcraft, wicca etc, I realise how lucky I am. I'm not quite as lucky as the people whose parents introduced them to it though! :-) I've always been kind of envious of a friend of mine whose mother has dreamcatchers above the doors and they do practices together... my parents are kind of *normal* I guess!

But I've never had to hide anything from them. Of course I went through my private teenager stage, had fights with my mum etc (and ironically when I became 18 my mum and I were great friends and it was my dad who I started arguing with! because I "was 18 and could do what I wanted" (the age to vote, drink etc is 18 in Australia) and he didnt like this new adult daughter haha :-)

But, again off the point, sorry - my mum is now interested in tarot cards, astrology and psychic stuff because of me! I told her I was going to study druidry and she just said "oh that sounds interesting, whats it actually about?" and she never really asks me about it but she doesnt mind. When I was younger and lived at home, I bought books on ALL kinds of religions and spiritualities, just because I was interested. My mum came one day and was laughing saying "dad went and lay on your bed after work yesterday (my room used to get the sun streaming in and I'd often find my family there during the day in the sun HAHA, it was no problem just funny!) and he said "she's got some very strange books in there" haha!!!!

But, I've never had problems with my parents about it ... My husband is also someone who isnt into that at all - he calls it "your dodgy stuff" but sometimes if I see some new tarot cards I like he says "i'll buy them for you if you like". I was talking about herbs and astrology with him on the bus to work the other day (goodness knows why, he's not interested haha! but he talks to me about football and all the players I guess hehe) and he laughed and said "if you were born in another time you would have been burned up by now" (he was just kidding, hope that doesnt offend anyone, it didnt offend me cos he was just joking) and I laughed and said "Yeah probably!!!"

I seem to attract people into my life who arent into that kind of thing at all, but who accept me for it, so I'm lucky enough :-) although I always love it when I meet someone who is also into it ... well I guess that's why I came here, right!????


Post by Awen »

Just for the record, I hope my posts dont offend anyone - sometimes I am like a broken dam (haha) i open my mouth and words come out, I dont mean to say the wrong thing and sometimes my words come out before my mind processes them properly, so I apologise for anything I might say without thinking!!!!

PS: I have a Sagittarian ascendant so I blame that ;-) hehe
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Post by [LunaRose] »

Well Awen, I'm a Sagittarian Sun so I guess I can blame my Sun sign whenever I let my mouth run like a faucet. :lol:
Anyways. My mom and dad know I'm Pagan but they don't know I am a witch. I think it's easier for them (and me ) to just keep that part of my life to myself. It took me loads of studying to come to the conclusions that I did. I don't like explaining myself if I feel I am being attacked and I don't think a 50 word explaination would help comfort my parents any. My mom sees my candles and some of my books. My dad doesn't see anything becasue he doesn't live with us. My mom is what I call a New Ager, so I guess explaining it to her would be easier than my Christian dad, but I just don't bother. As someone mentioned earlier, sometimes it's just better to keep some things private. I try avoid most confrontations of this sort at all costs, because many people are sensitive about their beliefs. :wink:
I have returned from the ashes and I am reborn.

Fox Flame*
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Post by Fox Flame* »

I might be going against the grain here, but what if I want to tell my parents?

I must be crazy, right?

I tell my mom everything. I even told her when I lost my virginity. My religion is a big part of my life, I want to share it with her, too.

She already knows I'm spiritual. I'm a big meditator, so I will close my door, light a candle and incense, and be quiet for nearly an hour. This type of thing doesn't go unnoticed. The problem is, she thinks I'm praying to Jesus, when I'm really praying to Apollo.

My mom isn't a church-going, Bible-thumping Christian or anything, but she does pray and believes in God and Jesus. She knows about Pagan beliefs vaguely from her studying with the Jehovah's Witnesses at one point (because they try to avoid anything with Pagan influence, like Christmas and Easter), but she also thinks that Pagans lacked morals that Christianity brought to them (which isn't true, they just had different morals, but that's another discussion..).

My dad's just confused about what he believes. He'll read the NIV Bible from time to time, but that's about it.

Is/was anyone in the same boat? Any advice?
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Post by [LunaRose] »

That's not bad at all. I wish I could be that open with my mom, but seriously... that's another topic altogether.
A woman in the coven I am part of tell us about her children all the time. They have that kind of relationship, wher they tell her everything. About issues, boys sex, (how sex is for them :shock: ) She complains that they tell her too much and that she isn't ready to hear everything. It's really funny, but I think having such an open relationship with your parents is a wonderful thing. When people don't have that support system at home, they will look for it else where, and where they look might not be such good places.
I have returned from the ashes and I am reborn.

Fox Flame*
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Post by Fox Flame* »


I don't get that in depth about sex with my mom, just covering the bare minimum (protection, emotional responsibility, etc).

Other things come mostly, for lack of a better word biggrin4

Anywho, I think I should demonstrate the positive things that Paganism has done for my life (and it has done alot), and talking to her if she directly asks me about it.

She might be put off by the fact that my religion doesn't have a set book on paper, but is written within, but she's not an extremist, so it's not like she'll kick me out or put me in therapy or anything.
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Post by [aphrodite] »

I am quite lucky in this respect, my mum is into supernatural things and the like, she can astral project naturally, she doesn't even know how she does it :lol: . my dad is scared of this sort of stuff but he says nothing to discourage me, but then again i am 27 not much he could do about it but it's good to not be frightened of slipping up to them. they are cool.

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Post by [LunaRose] »

:lol: Fox Flame, it's really funny to watch her make faces because her kids give her too much info, but she at least doesn't go beserk and she does give them motherly advice if she feels they need it.

I do feel that some people wouldn't be that receptive to Pagan concepts, even if you were trying to show them how positive Paganism has been for you. Thant's just been my experience with most people. Not everyone though, thankfully. :lol:

Aphrodite, your mom's so cool! :D I wish I could AP but I doubt that's something I'm going to accomplish right now. I had a few...close encounters, but I just got scared and sabotaged any chances I had of whatever experience I was going to have. It feels like the oddest meditation ever... the stages before AP actually occurs... Anyways it's great to have such cool parents. My mom told me that even when I turn 60, she's still going to discpline me. Yea MOM! So wish me luck, :lol: :roll:
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Post by naudica »

My mom is always going to disciplin me. she said she's was gonna hunt me for all eternity
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