How do you tell the difference between precognition/premonit

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How do you tell the difference between precognition/premonit

Post by slithering_dragonfly »

So I keep having a lot of fear about a specific person. I have had situations in the past where I did experience precognition, often down to very strange details I could not have otherwise known. I pretty much saw the gist of my young adult years foreshadowed as a teen (and they were not good). Ive also had this occur on shorter time scales and with more neutral things. But I also have chronic anxiety that comes to be nothing more than my own mind. Has anyone else been in this situation? How do you tell the difference between something you are psychically sensing and something that is just a psychological fear? I keep getting this impending sense of dread and fear, and it's generally surrounding one person who I do think is capable of violence. Any suggestions?
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Re: How do you tell the difference between precognition/prem

Post by Firebird »

Hi there slithering, I also have a hard time deciphering which things may come to pass and which ones are my very anxious mind on overdrive. Generally speaking ...senses that hit you in the gut, are ones to watch for, senses that hit you in the mind are more likely to be the anxiety speaking. However if you are in danger from someone who may become there a way you can remove yourself from that situation?...This may also help with the anxiety. I hope you will be safe.
Blessings, Firebird
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How do you tell the difference between precognition/premonit

Post by slithering_dragonfly »

That's the thing, I'm no longer around this person. It's really a fear of this person seeking me out or randomly running into me. I think it is more anxiety, as it seems to only occur when something reminds me of them and its an intense panic type of feeling. I do think you're right, if its more mental it probably is just my own fear rather than any precognition. I always wonder how to tell the difference though with such feelings in general, this is just one specific situation. Maybe if its more a feeling I have no reason to have then perhaps it's more important to listen to?
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Re: How do you tell the difference between precognition/prem

Post by Firebird »

Yes,... I think if there is one particular person who is making you afraid, then you mind is going to imagine all these unreal and messed up scenarios. If you are getting a feeling from something that is not related to this person, then give it some thought. ...And like I said before, when you get a gut feeling...look at that closely. Most of precognitive abilities come from the stomach.
I just wondered,...What are you doing to stay safe from this person?
Blessings, Firebird
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How do you tell the difference between precognition/premonit

Post by slithering_dragonfly »

I think it's a fairly unrealistic fear as I haven't heard from them in two years. Which is why it does seem odd I am so afraid still. They just really frightened me at the time in how they talked about hurting people. Every time I hear of someone doing a random mass shooting, I wonder if its them. And we still have some mutual friends (who dont seem to grasp their craziness), so every once in a while ill hear something about them, which sets me off. And I was told that even two years later, they were still complaining to a mutual friend about me cutting them off, so it was unsettling that they still think about me.

I'm probably not in any danger, and as far as I know, they do not know where I live. And I blocked them on fb a long time ago. But I look forward to leaving the state I'm in because of this. So I think I am safe; I just have a tendency to imagine the worst. And since it has been so long, I do sometimes feel like maybe it is something more telling me to be cautious, but the more I write about it on here, the more it seems like anxiety and fear just from my own tendencies and the memories of how disturbed this person was.
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Re: How do you tell the difference between precognition/prem

Post by -Dark-Moon- »

My own experience -

The ones that come to pass are the images you receive in your minds eye

Ignore emotional messages - they are your own emotional worry and your own feelings about things. Deal with them as appropriate.

Also listen to any clear messages that come with the images that do not have emotional component and are not instructions.

Hope this helps.
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How do you tell the difference between precognition/premonit

Post by slithering_dragonfly »

Thank you. That makes a lot of sense.
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Re: How do you tell the difference between precognition/prem

Post by SpiritTalker »

I don't know if I can describe this, but I make myself step into the moment and ride it to it's conclusion. If it fizzles out, meh - it's not going to happen and, if it rides to a conclusion, it's a prem. I find that the premonitions may cause me an emotional response, but are not themselves emotional.

Of course, this means I have to hang tight and know this vision is not happening to me or right now, no matter how scary it appears. And I don't always have the luxury of time to decipher random feelings. Sometimes it means NOW would be a good time to leave.

Example: My sister and a friend and I were in a restaurant about to be seated. I grabbed one of their elbows and hissed, "No. We have to leave. Shut up and go." They gave me a hassle but we left and several minutes later there was a shooting between two people in the restaurant. I had no pre vision, no specific idea of what was happening, just a feeling of terror.

Now the OP is referring to emanations we pick up off people. I take them seriously. I was once in
the same room with a woman shortly after she had killed someone. The slime rolling off her was quite contradictory to her pleasant, conversational manner. goodnevil. (Within days she was arrested and eventually convicted.) I didn't precisely run out of the room that time, but I did learn to respect the feeling.
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Re: How do you tell the difference between precognition/prem

Post by Firebird »

SpiritTalker wrote:The slime rolling off her was quite contradictory to her pleasant, conversational manner.
that contrary feeling is always a warning sign isn't it?
Hopefully a warnings to slime dog people in general, but murder?
Now I'm nauseous. Would seem decompression of a sort would be in order after that.
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Re: How do you tell the difference between precognition/prem

Post by SpiritTalker »

Yeh, ee-ew. According to the news, She and her partner were killing off nursing home residents in alphabetic order to spell "murder". I was working at the nursing home before entering the convent, so I had a bulletin board notice posted to sell my uniforms. This loathsome was interested in buying. I'd burn them first!
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