I'm close to fire and water. How do I get more connected?

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I'm close to fire and water. How do I get more connected?

Post by Purewitch22 »

Hi again.
I just have a few (hopefully) questions. I've always been connected to water. I've also been scared of fire, but only of being burned alive. I had a dream that that fear comes from being burned alive in a past life. Ouch!
But I've also had a connection to fire. It makes me calm, less insecure and it makes me feel strong, something I haven't been able to feel for a long time.
We have one of those electronic fire places, and I was wondering if that would be a help with learning how to better connect with fire?
How would I connect to it?

I know about water. I've been a great swimmer my whole life.

Thanks! :)
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Re: I'm close to fire and water. How do I get more connected

Post by scaravich »

I think death by elements is scary no matter which element we talk about.

Chained to something heavy and tossed in the ocean to ground? Death by water is terrifying.
Trapped in a burning building with no way to get out? Death by fire is terrifying.
Fall into quicksand or buried alive? Death by earth is terrifying.
Breathing toxic gas to suffocate to death? Death by air is terrifying.

Anyway, fire does not manifest itself simply in things that are on fire on earth. Fire exists in the heat from the sun, and the life that heat brings to earth. A lot of plants have a fire affinity. One way to raise your affinity with and connect to fire is to feel the sun's kiss on a summer day.

Litha will be here soon, a grand fire festival! Enjoy the day outside, feeling the warmth of the sun. Realize that this is the power of the God and his firey passions. Think about how that makes you feel as you bask in the light and warmth. Have a cookout. Grill veggies over a flame. Note how the fire prepares the food and changes its taste. When you eat it, think about how you're eating something created with fire. Think about how that makes you feel.

On that night, attend a bonfire if you can, or perhaps hold your own. Look into the magestic fire. Feel its power, its strength, and its passion. Think about how that makes you feel.

You seem to have already started your connections with fire. Allowing fire to make you feel calm and less insecure (Fire's healing power comes from "burning away" negative energies and changing them to positive ones. Fire is an element of change.). Fire is also an element of strong will and passion. These can make you feel strong.

Think about things you are passionate about. It might be a social cause, it might be art, it might even be lustful desires. These passions are fire's embodiment within you. A lot of people can connect to fire by feeling it in their own passion.

For practical use, a fireplace, even if it starts with electricity, as long as it creates real flame, can be a good tool to observe and meditate on fire. You can also go into a very dark room and light a single candle. Watch the flame dance. Make sure you see nothing but the flame. Concentrate deeply on this image and how it makes you feel. Meditate on these feelings. You can do this with the fireplace, too, if you have the chance to sit in front of it in the dark. In fact, this is probably better because you can feel the heat, too! But it's good to observe fire in many forms... a big, roaring flame like a bonfire... a controlled but warming flame like a fireplace... a small and flighty flame like a candle... even sparks and embers, dulling charcoals... and less literal flame, and the impact fire can have on the environment -- our passions, cooked foods, hot beverages, and plants that thrive in lots of sunlight (like tomatoes or sunflowers), and the greatest manifestation of fire in our lives, the sun!
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Re: I'm close to fire and water. How do I get more connected

Post by Firebird »

Very thoughtful answer Sacravich, I would like to add, perhaps building a fire...many folks have no Idea how to build a proper fire.
Image the teepee fire is probably my favorite. as the image shows you need to start with very tiny tinder, like pine needles or dry leaves (cheaters use newspaper!) then very tiny twigs, after that slightly larger branches, finish with 4 or 5 logs all propped against each other to form a teepee. Use a match...It's more natural (use a lighter if you must)
If one is especially inspired, try to light the fire with flint and steel. I looked for a good video on this but there were so many, here is one that is ok, and you can explore from there.
Bye for now! Blessings, Firebird
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Re: I'm close to fire and water. How do I get more connected

Post by scaravich »

Oh gosh, I definitely should have mentioned that! Making a fire is a great way to connect to nature in general, especially the fire element :)

Sometimes I think too much about the restrictions of urban living, haha.
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Re: I'm close to fire and water. How do I get more connected

Post by Lillady »

I also agree that building a fire is a excellent way of connecting with that element. Fire isnt my element, water is but I do miss building a fire back when I lived in the country. I live in the city now and the most I get is watching the flame of my candle(s) burn. Still a wonderful sight but not as great as a camp like fire!
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Re: I'm close to fire and water. How do I get more connected

Post by DPhoenix »

Purewitch22 wrote:Hi again.
I just have a few (hopefully) questions. I've always been connected to water. I've also been scared of fire, but only of being burned alive. I had a dream that that fear comes from being burned alive in a past life. Ouch!
But I've also had a connection to fire. It makes me calm, less insecure and it makes me feel strong, something I haven't been able to feel for a long time.
We have one of those electronic fire places, and I was wondering if that would be a help with learning how to better connect with fire?
How would I connect to it?

I know about water. I've been a great swimmer my whole life.

Thanks! :)
You've already gotten plenty of good suggestions you can try. Just thought I might add that since you're so connected to water already you could take a meditative bath by candle light. Something about the way the light dances over the water always captivates me.
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