Hathor's Mirror

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Selena Silverlynx
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Hathor's Mirror

Post by Selena Silverlynx »

I have a few questions about Hathor's mirror, here they are:

1. What is Hathor's mirror?
2. How do you use it?
3. What is it used for?
4. Do you see creepy stuff if you look at it, e.g. demon faces, creepy faces?
5. Does it attract spirits?

Thank you!
Selena Silverlynx
Why are black cats associated with witches?
Because black is an awesome colour, cats are awesome, and so are witches. People are actually linking awesomeness to awesomeness to awesomeness. ;)
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Re: Hathor's Mirror

Post by Kassandra »


Hi Selena!

Hathor mirror Cairo 12th dynasty Egypt.jpg
Twelfth Dynasty silver mirror of Sithathor,
with Hathoric umbel and obsidian handle,
inlaid with electrum, gold, carnelian and
ivory. Source: http://www.egyptological.com/2011/06/re ... rnity-3869

1. What is Hathor's mirror?
A tool of divination (such as crystal balls, ouija boards, tarot cards and such are all tools of divination). Specifically, it is a scrying mirror.

2. How do you use it?
See information below.

3. What is it used for?
See information below.

4. Do you see creepy stuff if you look at it, e.g. demon faces, creepy faces?
That's subjective: your idea of creepy might not be my idea of creepy, or vice versa. Guess you'll have to try it and see. But, if the topic of divination scares you, then I think really you shouldn't be doing it at all. :wink: Don't be a Debbie Dabbler, otherwise trickster spirits enjoy messing with and feeding on the energy of scared people who don't know what they're doing, and they'll get quite a kick out of you. Either enter such practices with confidence and respect (even if you don't know what you're doing yet --you'll learn with practice), or just don't do them at all, for now. Otherwise readings will come out loopy.

5. Does it attract spirits?
In my opinion, all divination tools connect us to that doorway, to spirits (if none other than our own) that don't dwell in this dimension, so I would say spirits are involved somehow with any kind of divinatory work we do. It's up to the scryer to control the situation, to work with her spiritual support team for guidance and protection, etc. Again, it might be a good idea for you to, say, go to a metaphysical store and see if they recommend someone who will train you in divination...if any of this makes you fearful.

Be honest with yourself; for example, if you have subconscious "magic is evil" leftover mind control programming in your head from a Christian upbringing (many here have, so you're in good company, lol), "work through" that baggage first through journal-writing, meditation, anti-anxiety spells, etc. Then, attempt stuff like this. Otherwise, if you come from a fear place you will not get good readings, trust me.

That being said, here's more info on the topic:

hathor's temple.jpg
hathor's temple.jpg (30.15 KiB) Viewed 3593 times
Hathor's main cult centre was at Dendera, Egypt, where she was
worshipped along with her husband, Horus. Hathor was the Su-
preme Goddess of sexual love in Egypt, identified by the Greeks
with Aphrodite. Her temple at Dendera was called, "The House of
Intoxication and Enjoyment
." Hmm, I don't think that name is des-
criptive enough. jk

Hathor Mirror Magic

Hathor was the Ancient Egyptian Sky Goddess of joy, love, music and dance and protector of women. In the ancient world she promised good husbands and wives to all who asked her. She appears in statues and on tombs, wearing a sun disk held between the horns of a cow as a crown. Hathor was allowed to see through the sacred eye of her father/consort Ra. In this way, she had knowledge of everything on the earth, in the sea and in the heavens and the thoughts as well as the deeds of humankind.

Hathor also carried a shield that could reflect back all things in their true light. From this shield she fashioned the first magic mirror. One side was endowed with the power of Ra’s eye so that the seeker could see everything, no matter how distant in miles or how far into the future. The other side showed the gazer in his or her true light and only a brave or pure person could look without flinching. Mirror divination is today, as it was in Ancient Egypt, effective for:

* discovering the identity of a future partner
* answering questions about love relationships, fidelity, and marriage
* answering questions about fertility and other family concerns
* finding an item or animal that is lost
* uncovering the truth about a matter that is hidden from you
* bringing to the surface issues concerning personal identity and potential areas of development

Hathor mirrors were originally made of polished silver or bronze with an image of Hathor on the handle, but you can work with a single–sided conventional mirror with a handle. Years ago dressing table sets with embossed handled mirrors were very common and these can still be picked up cheaply from garage sales and are absolutely perfect. You may also find a Hathor metal mirror in a museum shop. There are a number of on-line museum shops and it is well worth seeking one out for pride of place in your temple. But of course you can use any round mirror and some practitioners of Hathor magic prefer to use a swivel mirror on a stand. You can also adapt a highly polished plain silver or pewter tray.

squatting_woman_giving_birth_assisted_by_two_goddesses_Hathor_and_Taweretfrom_the_Temple_of_Hathor_at_Dendera.jpg (24.29 KiB) Viewed 3593 times
Because women and/or their babies often died dur-
ing childbirth, it was important to ancient people
to get the assistance of the gods. As a Moon God-
dess, Hathor was protectress of pregnant women
and midwives. During childbirth in Egypt, a woman
would squat on a pair of elaborately decorated
clay bricks. Women were transformed into a god-
dess at the moment of giving birth, as this was
not just a physical event, but magical, since the
Egyptians equated the birth of a child with the
birth of the Sun on the Eastern horizon.
Source: http://www.dinahsdreams.com/


Work during the hour before sunset. To distance yourself from the everyday world for this special form of scrying, have a bath beforehand in water containing rose petals, rose essential oil or bath essence. Roses are sacred to Hathor. When dressed, you can if you wish circle round your eyes with turquoise eye shadow, believed in Ancient Egypt to increase the power of the inner clairvoyant eye and ward off all harm. Men as well as women used this method.

Beginning Mirror Divination

Circle the mirror with tiny turquoise crystals, Hathor’s own stone of power or with golden jewellery, the sacred metal of Hathor, for example small gold earrings. You can also use imitation gold or golden coins in the circle, but try to have one piece of genuine gold, however small, in the circle.

Hold the mirror or swivel a table mirror so that if possible the last light is reflected in it. You can also light red candles, Hathor’s colour so this light also catches the mirror reflections. In more modern magic, orange and pink have also become her colours. Light rose incense on either side of the mirror. Tilt the mirror angle so that you do not see your own face reflected, unless you are seeking to discover yourself in your true light.

Ask a question of Hathor and wait for the images to form either within the mirror or in your mind's eye. Both are equally valid and with practice you can cast the images from your psyche into the mirror. To do this, visualise the image in a tunnel of light passing from the centre of your brow, the location of the psychic Third Eye, so that the pictures re form within the glass.

Alternatively, begin by visualising the image you saw in your mind on the surface of your magic mirror, then gradually see it receding deeper within the mirror and becoming three-dimensional. Either way you may see single images or whole scenes. As before if you experience difficulty, close your eyes, open them, blink and look at the mirror, naming whatever image you perceive in your mind. Once you have an image either look away or close your eyes again, open and blink. Continue until you have evoked five or six consecutive images.

A simple Hathor mirror ritual.

Interpreting the Mirror Images

I find drawing the images and then sitting quietly gazing at them in candlelight, will allow the unconscious mind to make sense of them. It may also be that sounds, impressions or fragrances formed part of the mirror scrying experience. All the psychic senses are linked, and the more you work on the spiritual plane, the more readily your other psychic sense become part of what will eventually be a multi-sensory psychic experience. Whenever you come across a new symbol, add it to the Book of Egypt. You will also the more you work, add new meanings to existing symbols and in time a major image may fill a whole page.

More Formal Mirror Scrying

From this early mirror work evolved a series of rules for mirror scrying that have survived into modern magic. However, you may prefer not to use them if they conflict with your more spontaneous interpretations:

* An image moving away says that an event or person is either moving away from the scryer’s world or that a past issue or relationship may still be exerting undue influence on the scryer.

* Images appearing on the left of the mirror suggest actual physical occurrences that have or may influence the everyday world in the near future.

* Images appearing in the centre or to the right tend to be symbolic.

* Pictures near the top of the mirror are important and need prompt attention.

* Those in the corners or at the bottom are less prominent or urgent

* The relative size of the images can indicate their importance.

Source: article adapted from cassandraeason.com/divination/mirror_magic.htm


Happy scrying, Selena!

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Re: Hathor's Mirror

Post by Alura Noel »

Hey Kassandra, I saw this question the OP posted and wanted to know the answer too... Attempted to search for the answer and couldn't find much. For some reason, I have a hard time understanding the Egyptian pantheon (Do you have a favorite website that you like to use for looking up gods and goddesses?) nor am I sure where to start learning about them. Seems like such a foreign group for me.

Anyways, thank you for posting such a thorough response. The youtube video is really helpful too and I imagine would make scrying more comfortable since it doesn't need to be held. Plus, I'm a sucker for DIY crafts. :evilwitch:
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Re: Hathor's Mirror

Post by Selena Silverlynx »

Thank you very much, Kassandra! I will definitely use your advice. :)
Why are black cats associated with witches?
Because black is an awesome colour, cats are awesome, and so are witches. People are actually linking awesomeness to awesomeness to awesomeness. ;)
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Re: Hathor's Mirror

Post by Kassandra »


You're welcome, guys, glad it helped!
Alura wrote:Hey Kassandra, I saw this question the OP posted and wanted to know the answer too...For some reason, I have a hard time understanding the Egyptian pantheon (Do you have a favorite website that you like to use for looking up gods and goddesses?) nor am I sure where to start learning about them. Seems like such a foreign group for me.
Hi Alura. No, I don't have any particular website resource that I use on that topic, just good ol' Google. I got lucky finding the article above, written by Cassandra Eason (see: cassandraeason.com/index.html for more info). Before posting it, I fact-checked a few things she stated, and appears she's spot on, a lady of crone wisdom.

Too bad Dark Moon isn't visiting the board anymore. I'm sure she could speak on the Egyptian pantheon, being a practitioner of ceremonial magic. Anyway, this website might be of some help: thelemapedia.org/index.php/Hathor

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Re: Hathor's Mirror

Post by Alura Noel »

Thank you for the website links!
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Re: Hathor's Mirror

Post by Kassandra »



And by the way, Alura, I love your Book of Shadows. So many helpful things in there, a great resource. Thanks for taking the time to put all that info together, no small feat.

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Re: Hathor's Mirror

Post by Alura Noel »

I'm glad you've enjoyed looking through it. And thank you for the compliment. Truth be told, I have a lot of time on my hands lately and enjoy gathering and learning about anything related to this subject. Seems like you're back to posting more? :)
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Re: Hathor's Mirror

Post by Kassandra »


Alura wrote:Seems like you're back to posting more? :)
Had some time to pop in...will be popping out again, soon. :wink:
Alura wrote:I'm glad you've enjoyed looking through it.
I refer to it like a grimmoire, actually, look things up now and then, etc. I also like Ravencry's BOS. And there are a couple of members' posts which, alone, serve as sorts of grimmoires, due to their depth.

OK, I've gone all off-topic on this thread, sorry folks. No more of that. Back to Hathor's mirror from now on, hehe...

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Re: Hathor's Mirror

Post by Alura Noel »

So, I went out and got the items to make the DIY Scrying Mirror and it came out really great.

Now in the video she mentioned that it took a while to get the amount of coverage needed for light not to shine through... That's the truth! I spent probably 40 minutes plus doing it. Hard to resist the urge to just go at it and spray paint like a crazy woman.

I haven't used it yet but I'm pleased with how it came out. I'm thinking about using this for Samhain since I made it so close to it. :flyingwitch:
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Re: Hathor's Mirror

Post by Kassandra »


Oooo, thanks for the feedback on the video's technique. Glad to hear the mirror turned out well.

Thanks again!
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Re: Hathor's Mirror

Post by Firebird »

Thanks for posting this Kassandra, lots of great info here,... we made these mirrors as part of a ritual once, ...but I am somewhat opposed to spray paint. So I made another using a piece of black glass that I got at the stained glass supply place. It is freaking fabulous! It hangs in the wall, but I had to keep a cover over it, as it tends to suck one in!
blessings, Firebird
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Re: Hathor's Mirror

Post by Kassandra »

firebirdflys wrote:I am somewhat opposed to spray paint. So I made another using a piece of black glass that I got at the stained glass supply place.
The fluorocarbons, yes. When I was posting this, I was trying to think of a way around that. I started to suggest using acrylic paint, but there again is that fake element. But, black glass...you're a genius, firebirdflys, thanks!

firebirdflys wrote:I had to keep a cover over it, as it tends to suck one in!
...or tends to attract uninvited things to want to come out of it. Indeed, good idea to keep it "spell-bound" (literally) and physically covered until one chooses to use it. Same should be done for a ouija board, lol.

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Re: Hathor's Mirror

Post by azriel »

There is no one nearby where I live who sells spray paint so I bought tempera paint and through a slow process have been placing many layers to prevent any light from passing through.

I know paint is not as clean as spray paint but I find the action of painting the glass to draw me closer to the item!

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Re: Hathor's Mirror

Post by Kassandra »


Tempera paint, hmm. I didn't think about that one, either. Thanks for mentioning it, and I hope your mirror turns out great and that it's very useful to you.

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