Does Spirit Know When We're Going to Die?

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Does Spirit Know When We're Going to Die?


I'm not asking for a reading, I can read my own at times, and I have wonderful friends that just can't help but "blurt" out my obvious issues.. To me..(privately, of course) it is lovely knowing blessed witches!

My question.. And it's my rule of thumb when .. Speaking.. Asking questions, to the departed..
And I'd like to know.. Mere morbid curiosity, (I do have a very dark side sometimes) that if people ever ask with a sincere heart if the "spirit" knows when the questioner is going to die?

If they really want to know.. Or how? And if they do.. Why? Why would you want to set the time clock.. Assuming "Spirit" is correct, on your proverbial "meat suit"...

I'm intruiged to know.

May your time here, be blessed

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Re: 1 question that is off limits?

Post by Xiao Rong »

It's my opinion that it's something you can never know. You might see strong indicators of death in your readings, but usually it's not literal - it means the death of the self to make room for a really drastic transformation and change, but not necessarily literal death of the body.

Anyhow, it's one of MY rules to never predict people's literal deaths. I think the future is never set, for one thing, so it's unethical and inaccurate for me to try to represent my abilities that way. Two, at least in my experience with runes, they never just answer a question straightforwardly, like, "When will I die?" Three, I think the purpose of a reading is to put more power into the asker's hands to do what they will with their lives at the end of the reading than when they started, and I think telling people something hard and fast like, "You will die in 2 years" takes away their power more than anything else.
~ Xiao Rong ~ 小蓉 ~ Little Lotus ~
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Re: 1 question that is off limits?


I was just going through some of the boards.. And I did spot 1 who actually asked that question..
I'm going to go on to ask why would anyone be afraid of death.. I think that the biggest thing I'd be afraid of is the pain I'd feel BEFORE my body died. That's what I'd be actually afraid of...
I have many ailments, and I go through chronic pain.. I see movies and shows and hear about loved ones in agony going through cancer or what have you.. And you see their body failing them..
I think that would be my fear...


Re: 1 question that is off limits?

Post by nikkirtw »

I go through chronic pain as well.. Not that I'm happy or anything but it's nice to meet others whom may know exactly what you are going through.. Would also like to add that I did ask this question..but I did refrain from asking when, however I did ask if I would die before my husband. And I know it's for selfish reasons but I'm glad I was told yes, as I could not bare to live without him. How crushing. Anyways, I am not comfortable knowing when I will die so I do not ask, I don't want to live by a time clock.... however, some people don't mind. So really it only comes down to what you feel comfortable knowing. We are free to do as we will as long as we harm none... :)
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Re: 1 question that is off limits?


I had a personal friend ask me if my question was a bit "out there".. To be honest.. I don't think so. However, some do. And that's ok. I've never known to be normal or think normal. There's a song, "live like you were dying" .. Now, I'm not a country song fan, but when I heard the words, it suited me just fine, on my good days. On my not so good days, it made me wallow in self pity, which I hate. Chronic pain being my issue, plus other variables, I kick myself for being a hypocrit at times. But if I knew when my ticker were to stop, I'd probably act too irrationally and end up in prison. Or be paralyzed from fear.. So the unknown of that particular realm, suits me fine.


From the cradle, to the 3 way Crossroads, to eventually, the Veil, Hail Hecate!
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