Garden Fairy - Review

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Alura Noel
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Garden Fairy - Review

Post by Alura Noel »

Garden Fairy Alphabet Coloring Book - A Coloring Book Review
by Darcy May

Dover Publications (September 13, 1996)

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A coloring page I finished. For more examples of what other's have colored click Here.

For a video page flip of this book click Here.

There are 26 designs of flowers along with their fairy and the occasional furry critter. The flowers she drew were:

Azalea, Bluebell, columbine, Daisy, Edelweiss, Foxglove, Gladiolus, Honeysuckle, Iris, Jonquil, Knapweed, Lilac, Morning Glory, nasturtium, Oleander, Pansy, Queen Anne's Lace, Rose, Snowdrop, Tulip, Unicorn Plant, Violet, Wisteria, Xeranthemum, Yarrow, Zinnia

What I liked:

Paper: Crisp white. Medium quality of paper.

Designs: I loved how she included most age ranges (she didn't draw any elderly :( ) and both sexes. Most fairy books generally do mostly women or girls. But this had males in it too. I also enjoyed how there were a few animals thrown in too.

What I didn't like:

Paper: It isn't perforated so its a tad bit more inconvenient when it comes to taking them out to photocopy on the printer. I take out the staples...

Designs: They were not printed on one side of the page but instead, on both sides. So depending what you like to color with there is a possibility of color bleeding. Or pressing hard with coloring pencils, it could ruin the image on the other side. (If you don't photocopy)

Another thing regarding the designs, I wish the artist hadn't chose white flowers. Personally, i enjoy coloring the flowers the most so white flowers... Not much to color there.

I'd give this a 4 out of 5.
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