Forest Spirits?

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Forest Spirits?

Post by Heartsong »

I just wanted to update everyone that I've made peace with the creature near the tree in my front yard. We've established something of a "you live there quietly and I'll live here quietly" kind of true. I don't feel threatened by it anymore, although I still don't care to see it (it's very creepy looking).

But lately, I've been catching glimpses of something in the woods. Most of the time, it's just really brief flashes of shadow, but other times I see small, child-sized black things line up along the treeline. I've been leaving offering for the fae around here since I moved into the house this past summer, but I don't think it's them (although I won't discount the possibility). I'm mostly just curious what they could be (I don't feel intimidated or threatened) and wanted to hear your ideas. I'm still trying to get my hands on more history about my property, but so far that line of inquiry hasn't turned up much. :evilwitch:

Woods pretty much surround my house, but here's a picture of the side that I tend to see more activity:

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Re: Forest Spirits?

Post by North Star »

This made me think of a local forest in MA where I grew up (Freetown State Forest). Since I was a child I have heard the stories, and even though its in the backyard of the city I lived in most of my life... I have never gone there myself.

Interesting is how you mentioned the child-sized figures... I remembered hearing this before in the Freetown legends. The land was purchased from the Wampanoag tribe in the late 1600's. Could it be possible the land in your area was an Indian Reservation at one time?

Here is a little bit on the small creatures that are called 'Pukwudgies' in Wampanoag folklore. Not sure what the history is in your area, but I thought of these 'creatures' when I read your description of the figures you have seen...

According to Wampanoag folklore: "A pukwudgie is a 2 to 3 foot tall troll whose features resemble those of a human but have larger noses, fingers and ears. Their skin is described as being smooth grey, and at times has been known to glow." Indians believe that Pukwudgies are best left alone. If they are seen they shouldn't be messed with, or they will repay you by playing nasty tricks on you, following you or simply causing trouble. They were once friendly to humans, but they turned against them. They are known to supposedly kidnap people, push them off cliffs, attack their victims with short knives or spears, and to use sand to blind their victims." (source: New England Paranormal Research)
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Re: Forest Spirits?

Post by Heartsong »

I've never heard of the Pulwudgies before, that's interesting!

In the region of SC I live now, the Santee tribe was very prevalent (and still is), and it's a possibility that this may have been land purchased from their tribe (or anothers, like the Cherokee or Congaree tribes). However, in the local area, there wasn't a whole lot of settlements, or families. Most of this part of the state was uninhabited, according to what I was able to dig up. I'm also not certain of any local folklore that describes these creatures, but it's definitely an angle to pursue.

Thank you for sharing, North Star. :)
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Re: Forest Spirits?

Post by -Dark-Moon- »

I feel what you mean. It makes you uneasy, at times. My impression - for what it's worth lol - there's more than one of them.

Could be an animal, but it moves too quickly does it?

I'd give a nudge back to firmly state your intention to this intelligence. Id go out and draw a large pentacle on the ground outside with either your wand or a stick you blessed for that purpose. Imagine scorching the earth in blue flames. This is not really an act of aggression, just staking out your territory - you don't want them in the house.

Could you have done anything to anger it/them? (Cutting down trees, moving rocks, disturbing anything?). Have you been doing much magic in the house of late? Are you working with a deity or any other spirit that might have the land wights up in arms? Did you call anything to the house to protect you. If you did, they could be protecting you, but if you didn't, you could always invoke the protection of one or use a spirit you trust. If you're unsure do some scrying to clarify. It may pop in and say hi :)

I spend a lot of time in the forest, for the most part I become aware of various spirits dwelling there. Some are protecting the forest itself, and have been there for a very very long time. They know you are aware of them and so follow you along like curious children. There are aboriginal legends about some places where not all nature spirits are harmless. Here's an example of a local place I know and the legend that surrounds it.'s_Pool

Be sure to read the 'incidents' section.

The point is, just as not all of nature is harmless, not all 'nature spirits' are harmless, push back if you need to.

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Re: Forest Spirits?

Post by Firebird »

Heartsong can you tell me more about the shadows at the treeline,...
like, are they off the ground? do they move? are they shaped irregularly? Are they transparent? about how many can you discern at a time?
I'm wondering if they are similar to something I have seen.
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Re: Forest Spirits?

Post by Falcon_Heart27 »

Ah, I was watching an episode of Paranormal State a few days ago (ghost-hunting shows are my guilty pleasure) that was investigating a family that had some severe pukwudgie problems. The leader of the team had the woman plant a strawberry patch on her property as a peace offering, and they seemed to like it and didn't bother anyone for a while after that. I can't remember much about it though, maybe they also did a binding ritual to keep them from doing more harm, or maybe that was a different episode....
Haha, sorry for the rant, I know I wasn't very helpful, but I just thought I'd share :)
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Re: Forest Spirits?

Post by Heartsong »

Thank you all for the replies!

Dark Moon, I haven't disturbed anything that I know of (the tree in the picture was cut up by my dad several years ago before I moved into the house, but I have been pretty 'active' in terms of spellwork these past few months. I agree, though, that it's a good idea to set up some clear boundaries. I think if I saw one of these guys in the house, I'd have a heart attack. As I said, not threatening, but still kinda spooky looking, especially when they line up. <.<

Firebird, they are standing firmly on the ground that I can see, are transparent, and the most I've seen at one time was about a dozen (give or take one). They have these strange sloped shoulders, and no neck that I can discern, as if the chin comes down to the breastbone and the top of the head just barely comes up above the line of the shoulders. Their limbs appear thick to me (the word that comes to mind is 'trunks'), and almost stubby. Honestly, I'm reminded of some of the more modern renditions of gnomes or small trolls. Does that sound familiar in any way?

Falcon_Heart, thanks for sharing! I used to watch Paranormal State all the time(Ryan Buell is actually from my hometown!), but I lost interest. Ghost shows are still one of my favorite pasttimes, too! I love, love, LOVE The Dead Files (Amy is awesome!). :)
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Re: Forest Spirits?

Post by Firebird »

No, sorry... the shape I have seen are much more irregular, float off the ground anywhere from 3 to 6 feet off the ground, are constantly in motion, are black yet transparent (don't know how to explain that one) and are associated with the cemetery smell. I haven't felt a malevolent presence yet it isn't all together comfortable either. I would generally hurry through this part of the trail, when the smell was gone, so were the black hole figures. This has passed over time, I still go down the same trail and sometimes I sense the cemetery smell, but it has been a very long time since I have seen the figures.
I wonder if the things you are seeing Are some kind of troll? they don't have the best reputation, yet I think they tend to leave you alone if you leave them alone. Then again you live in an area that was inhabited by Native Americans, I would check on the lore of the local tribes little people... Native brownies they are perhaps.
BB, Firebird
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Re: Forest Spirits?

Post by Heartsong »

I know what you mean about black, yet transparent (I've seen a couple things that look exactly like that). These creatures look that way to me, but they don't feel...non-corporeal, for lack of a better term. Even though I can see through them, they feel very solid. Trolls or gnomes has crossed my mind, although I'm thinking more along the lines of gnomes since they don't feel malevolent or mischievous, exactly. A lot of times it feels like they're kinda just saying, "hey, we're here, we can see you, and we know you can see us". I'm considering constructing a spell that I can use to communicate with some of the local nature spirits, see if I can get information from the horse's mouth, so to speak.

I've been trying to find out more about the local Native lore, but unfortunately, it seems to be almost nonexistent. There's not even local ghost stories that I can get my hands on. Most of the books I find are about Charleston, Georgetown (basically the coastal areas, where I am NOT at...). The internet has been even more disappointing. Other than Cherokee legends, there isn't anything I've been able to find talking about other tribes' lore. I've sent a couple of emails, reaching out to some of them, that used to live in the region, but I haven't gotten any responses yet. :/
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Re: Forest Spirits?

Post by -Dark-Moon- »

Agree with all Firebird has said.

I've seen the black transparent things too...

The thing is, a long, long time ago, the Earth belonged to the creatures of the wood. By creatures of the wood I mean gnomes, elves, faeries, etc. As agriculture spread, friction between man and these creatures began. Many just backed off into the wood, occasionally playing tricks on the new settlers, like turning the milk sour, rearranging furniture, tipping cows, tickling people's faces in their sleep and once in a while stealing babies and leaving bundles of wood in their place. Ever wonder why the trees, stones, rivers and streams, birds, bears, frogs and snakes no longer talk to us as they did in the early tales of Folklore from Indigenous cultures (and in some places, still do). It's because we're not around to talk to anymore, the connection with the land has (for many) been completely severed and lost. By connecting to the elements (if you cast a circle you salute them!) with your spell work, Heartsong, you may have aroused their curiosity... Take note of which direction they appear. Even if you're doing Natural Magic without a circle, they may be drawn to it. Not everyone agrees with this view in theory, but it is my experience that this is the case.

Theosophically I would conceptualise/approach your creatures as if they were Chthonic spirits. The ancient Greek word chthonic is commonly defined as dark, primitive and mysterious. Chthonic is of the earth or under the earth. The Greek word khthon is one of several for "earth"; it typically refers to the interior of the soil. The chthonic process is an occult "awakening" that includes the very lowest instinctual elements of the human psyche leading to the very highest elements. It is the base, primordial material that the psyche needs in order to evolve and grow. Chthonic is depicted in all myths as the Underworld, Hell or Hades. Jungian author James Hillman considers this Underworld to be the residence of the soul, the place the hero must descend in order to find his essence.

Other chthonic beings are the Cabiri or chthonic dwarf gods. Of the Cabiri Jung writes, "…they are eternally striving from the depths to the heights and therefore are always found to be both below and above." Bears too, are found to be chthonic beings, representing the dark, concrete merciless shadow.

These spirits also correlate to the underworld in Celtic traditions.

Landvættir ("land wights") are spirits of the land in Norse mythology and in Germanic neopaganism. They protect and promote the flourishing of the specific places where they live, which can be as small as a rock or a corner of a field, or as large as a section of a country. Some suggest that landvættir are chthonic in nature, spirits of the dead, but others have interpreted them as nature spirits, since they sometimes live in land that has never been populated. In some way they control the safety of the land, the fertility of the land, and so on. They are "tied to a spot in the landscape, to a huge rock, to a mountain, or to a specially beautiful place". When Norse seafarers approached land, they removed their carved dragon heads from the bows of their longships, so as not to frighten and thus provoke the landvættir to attack, thereby incur bad luck from them.

Vættir (Old Norse; singular Vættr) or wights are nature spirits in the Norse religion. These nature spirits are divided up into 'families', including the Álfar (elves), Dvergar (dwarves), Jötnar (giants), and even gods, the Æsir and Vanir, who are understood to be prominent families among them. The term 'families' (ættir) is often translated as 'clans' or 'races'. These families sometimes intermarried with each other, and sometimes with humans. Sjövættir (sea spirits) are guardians of the specific waters. The tomte or nisse is a solitary vätte, living on the farmstead. He is usually benevolent and helpful, which can not be said about a mischievous illvätte. However he can cause a lot of damage if he is angry, such as killing livestock.

As far as witchcraft is concerned, you can simply conceptualise and work with them as earth elementals.

I personally picture these types of spirits as the living embodiment or living spirit of the forest and the earth. I ask them to help me find fish and keep away the poisonous snakes. In return our family takes away any rubbish that we see and agrees to care for the land by never using poison or taking more than we need or such things. Leave no trace.

You can keep a neatly piled stack of stones in a specific place for offerings. You could make an offering and see how they respond. If you make a promise, always keep it. I find these spirits mostly dwell in rocks, especially those found at the entrance of things like waterholes or walking tracks. I always take a second to acknowledge them and ask for their protection, touching the rock for a moment and as I agree to respect the area in return. I never take anything without thanking them.

Scrying may give you answers, especially if its into water that exists naturally there, during a full moon (so you don't trip in the dark!). Go barefoot if you can :). Of course, be careful about this if there's anything around that can eat you!

If you go down this path consider scrying (evoking) into a triangle whilst in a protected circle.

Firebirds advise is sound, in that if you leave well enough alone, they will leave you alone, generally. Please update us!

Blessings, Dark Moon.
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Re: Forest Spirits?

Post by Heartsong »

Thank you for all the information, Dark Moon, that was really very helpful!

I hadn't even paid any attention to what direction they were appearing from until you mentioned it in your response, and I realized that they always, always show up on the North side of my property. So, I really do think they are indeed some kind of earth spirit or elemental. And I also think I know why they're showing themselves. In part, I think it may be because of my work with the elements and probably my casting of spells in general, much as you suggested.

But, I was walking to my car a couple of days ago, fixing to go to work, when I glanced up and saw them again. This time, though, I got a very strong impression while I was watching them watch me that I was supposed to be doing something and I wasn't getting it done. I'm thinking that it might have to do with my neglect of keeping up the place, especially after reading your post and seeing "leave no trace". I saw that and it was like someone tapped me on the shoulder. I've been very, very busy since I moved in, and upkeep of the yard and house are usually pretty low on my list of things to do (when I even have energy to do anything at all besides take a shower and wolf down something to eat before crashing). I had read somewhere that earth spirits (gnomes in particular, and these guys really remind me very much of gnomes) can get kinda crabby when you don't keep a very clean living space. My back yard is still something of a wreck, what with the ice storm aftermath and old farming equipment of my granddad's still lying around. On top of that, I had a really nasty encounter with a water moccasin this past weekend that I half suspect I might not have had if I'd cleaned up more of the old debris before Spring has arrived (way of catching my attention, maybe).

I plan on leaving a pile of stones along the northern edge of the back field for offerings as you suggested, Dark Moon, and as soon as I can, I am definitely going to start cleaning out the old sheds and equipment as soon as possible. Other than that, I believe I'm going to take both your and Firebird's advice and leave well enough alone. I think if I can haul off all of the manmade wreckage my grandfather left, and my own mess, I won't be seeing them as much. Or maybe I will, if my spellwork is what caught their attention in the first place. Thoughts, anyone?
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Re: Forest Spirits?

Post by WillowMoon »

Hmm. Just by viewing this image, I got the word gnome. Although that could be them, as they are more woody forest spirits.... very quiet the ones I've come across are more dwarves in terms of energy. They are more metal-workers and have looked for treasure in my old house like crystals or things they could make do with. Perhaps also it could be elves? But Gnomes is the word that sounded in my mind on look at this photograph so I would go with that. :) Respect them as much as you would like to be respected yourself, though. Perhaps they may have messages for you with your land too. As long as you protect up all will be ok, but an offering might be an idea to think about ;)
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Re: Forest Spirits?

Post by nightflighter »

Interesting. I have a Spirit that decided that She wanted the black walnut in my backyard as "Hers", where I usually leave offerings for Her. Roses and eggs twice a year; tobacco and alcohol at various other times, sometimes with something personal of mine.

Of course, She said She likes the woods because "Be it camping!" She's like that....
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