Something creepy is going on in my house!

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Something creepy is going on in my house!

Post by Invoke »

Ok ... yesterday morning, I don't remember the time it happend but I think it may have been around 6 am. I wake up from my sleep and happen to look over at my dresser and saw an ugly evil looking face and then it disappears. I thought that maybe it was just me being half asleep and maybe my brain wasn't awake yet. It did give me chills but then I just went back to sleep and forgot about it.
This morning about 6 am again, I was awakend by very loud footsteps coming down the stairs from the upstairs and I thought to myself,"What is going on? Who's up getting ready for work?" It sounded like someone getting up for work. They were walking all through my house with the sound of work boots and I thought it was my fiancee that maybe got up early or something. But no ... he was laying right there beside me! I got scared and thought someone was in our house but then the footsteps faded out! At this point ... I'm wide awake! So I get up to go to the bathroom and I saw the cat was just then waking up stretching and wanted fed. So I feed him and then I walked back to the bedroom and stopped in the hallway and looked into the other room across from our bedroom. The door was already open but not compleatly. I felt a presence that made my skin crawl alittle but then it got worse when the door began to open more (slowly) BY ITSELF! This never happend before. We always keep that door open. Everything was still. There was no draft and the heat wasn't on. In my mind, I wouldn't accept it. So I pushed the door open more saying in my head," No, there's not a spirit here doing this. It's just me opening the door more." At the same time, I wanted to make sure no one was behind it either. And no one was.
My fiancee and I are friends with the people who use to live in our house and they said they have seen weird stuff going on when they lived here too. Like lights turning on when they knew they had shut them off.
I have never experienced anything like this all my life til now. I could have sworn I saw a dark shadow in my bedroom but I will deni it and refuse to accept it. I don't want to provoke this entity.
I was wondering if anyone knows how I can find a history of who lived in this house years ago and the background of the people? This house was built back in the 40's. I'm kinda curious and if I could find anything out, I would be glad to share it with this forum.

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Post by Moon_Stone »

Hi Invoke- Cool house experiences! (I know it's creepy, but it's still pretty neat if you think about it).

You should be able to get some house history from either your library (micro- film, perhaps) or your title company who originally sold you the house (they are the ones who placed you with a mortgage company). The title company has something called a "property profile" in most cases which has all the previous owners and such. *My insurance expertise coming in handy now*

I have a question though-- you said your cat was completely unphased by the whole thing... have you lived there long? Normally animals sense and alert us to any spirits in their house before we ever notice. So either it's something you may be seeing in your mind, or your cat has seen so much of the strange spirit, he could just care less anymore.

(I have had days where I wake up and think I'm totally awake, and I'm just certain that I've heard glass breaking-- but no glass had broken.)

Never know- our minds play tricks on us quite often. Then again you could have some spirits watching you too! (The next step would be to try to communicate with them- they are showing themselves to you for a reason).

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Post by moonlit »

I say do a cleansing. It could be left over energy manifesting or it could be an actual entitie. If the acticity has stayed the same or sililar, like opening doors lights on and off etc. for quite some time, you dont have to worry as much, but if you notice activity increasing or changing in cirtain ways, you should deal with it imediately.

I know how you feel lol. I lived in a house thats over 100 years old that my family built. It has been in no one elses care except my families. It was the creepyest ( thats putting it VERY nicely) house I have ever lived in. I dont live in it now, and I dont think anyone could pay me enough to go back in it... well a million would work but you get the point lol.
**Nothing is set in stone**

Post by Invoke »

Hi MoonStone!
Hello Moonlit!

First of all thanks for the suggestions. In reply to your question, MoonStone, about the cat ... well he's been living here longer than me and I did actually feel the same that maybe he's use to seeing things. However, he has never hissed or showed any signs of being afraid. I never saw the hairs on his back stand up.
I do know alittle bit of history of this house. In fact my fiancee is friends with the guy who sold it who once lived here too. His mother died, I think in this house. Not sure. They make jokes that maybe she is still hanging around. But I gathered this was a male spirit which could lead back to the time period of when the house was first built back in the 40's. It just sounded like a man getting ready for a days worth of hard labor. Perhaps a factory job or construction.
At first, before I actually woke up, I felt comforted by the sounds of footsteps and the feeling someone was checking up on me. But I'm also use to living with my family back home and would always hear someone getting ready for work.
If this is something evil which is possible even if the cat doesn't act unusual, I do believe there are different types of demons that don't always put fear into a person or an animal. There is a history of alcoholism in this house, depression, verbal and physical abuse and even a married cupple fought and split up here. So there are some bad energies left behind. The bad energies aren't good to have because they provoke arguements and other bad stuff in relationships & marriages generation after generation if it's not dealt with.
As far as ghosts as long as it doesn't do no harm or cause troouble, it is welcome to stay.
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Joined: Thu Jan 15, 2004 10:31 am
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Post by moonlit »

It sounds like you have a really good head on your sholders lol. I wish you the best of luck with your situation. update us on what you do and how things are going ok??
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