How to control Empathy?

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How to control Empathy?

Post by Shadowbutterfly7 »

im an empath and its out of control. i feel so much emotions all the time that i get burnt out and headaches. its hard to go into public because it overwhelms me. Please if anyone can teach me to control my psychic gift id be grateful beyond words.
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Re: How to control Empathy?

Post by -Dark-Moon- »

Not so much about 'control' but more about 'relax'. If you want to use your 'gifts', find a focal point for them, like a divination tool. You can teach yourself to use these things using books, the Internet, and of course, practice.

Try grounding. Get your hands and feet in the dirt. I do this by gardening and caring for plants. They recycle our negative stuff and give us oxygen, shade, materials for shelter, and delicious food in exchange for water and our compost rubbish and waste. Take care of a garden and it takes care of you. A pretty good deal if you ask me! Return all your negative emotions to the earth as you don't have to keep carrying them around.

Also, how is your diet, your health and your internal dialogue (messages you send to yourself). A check by a family doctor might be in order.

Do you have a relationship with a deity?

How about your human relationships? Are the relationships you are nurturing good for you, or toxic?

Make sure the place where you sleep is free from electronic devices. This is where you regenerate!
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Re: How to control Empathy?

Post by Kassandra »

Shadowbutterfly7 wrote:im an empath and its out of control. i feel so much emotions all the time that i get burnt out and headaches. its hard to go into public because it overwhelms me. Please if anyone can teach me to control my psychic gift id be grateful beyond words.
In my opinion, I think you're feeling sick because you're holding your ability in. If you continue trying to fight against your natural tendencies, I think that will only make you weaker and you will vampirically suck the life out of people around you, because your energy will have gotten so low (you may have already noticed this pattern happening in your life).

I would say, let it out. For instance, work toward getting into a healing profession of some sort --doctor, nurse, counselor, teacher, Reiki Master, etc. Many empaths are healers. Instead of trying to restrain their ability, they use their natural ability to intuit other peoples' energies, and then help those people work toward wellness. I've talked to many nurses who are empaths who have alerted doctors to doing certain tests on a patient, and something serious was found that the doctor had overlooked.

As Dark Moon mentioned, practicing energy manipulation, or magic as many people have come to call it, is also a great outlet. And her suggestions to take care of your "instrument," your body, self-care, are important for an empath to do with consistency. If you're neglecting your health and mistreating your body, then it's not just your empathy that's the problem. It's also your lifestyle, and magic can't fix that. Make an honest appraisal of your diet, exercise, rest, and extracurricular habits, and bring into balance what currently isn't.

Develop psychic "callouses" so that you are stronger. A gymnast doesn't stop doing gymnastics once she gets blisters on her palms. On the contrary, she works even harder, right through that pain, and eventually, those blisters turn into callouses. Then, she could painlessly enjoy doing gymnastics, and share her joy with the world. Another example --with homeopathic medicine, you ingest things in minute quantities, which in larger quantities would make you ill, if not kill you. But, by introducing them to your body, rather than avoiding them, your body naturally builds its own immune defense against them.

I think this works with our spirits, as well. Sometimes the very thing you want to avoid, is the very thing you need to make you stronger and wiser, help you build psychic callouses. This might sound rather counter-intuitive to you (or just plain scary, lol), but I actually suggest you get around people even more of the time; don't avoid them. Join an activity group of some sort...join three. All in all, I think it's better to learn ways in which you could approach empathy as a strength, rather than suffer from it as a weakness.


Re: How to control Empathy?

Post by Shadowbutterfly7 »

thanks guys! i hope that by grounding and using my gifts i will gradually gain "control" of them.
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Re: How to control Empathy?

Post by Nyd »

Shadowbutterfly7 wrote:im an empath and its out of control. i feel so much emotions all the time that i get burnt out and headaches. its hard to go into public because it overwhelms me. Please if anyone can teach me to control my psychic gift id be grateful beyond words.
I know how you feel and I had to learn to control it because it would literally get me sick.

I had to learn to be a bit selfish to be okay and I actually managed to lock it up and only let it out if needed.
I don't know if this is the wrong way of dealing with it, but it helped me.

I can allow some empathy and helping people with problems (I deal with people's health problems), but it can get too much and then it helps if I take a "selfish break" and focus on recreational and crafty hobbies I have. Maybe that is my way of grounding :)
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Re: How to control Empathy?

Post by SquareC »

One thing that you have to do is shield. I've dealt with sensitive empathy for quite a few years. It's very important to develop your shields to the point that the negative emotions and energies are an assault on the senses. Ground as described in the previous post the first time and then while a deep grounding can be done that same way, a lighter grounding can be done as simply as placing your hands on a tree. Then you need to center yourself. Find the center of your being and focus on that place inside you until you feel a sense of calm. Finally, imagine a white light surrounding you, lying along the edges of your skin. Focus on this light until it feels almost solid. Whenever you feel overwhelmed by the emotions around you, imagine this light. The best thing for you is to maintain your shielding constantly. If you can get it to the point of unconsiously maintaining it, that would be best but it takes a lot of time.

Re: How to control Empathy?

Post by Shadowbutterfly7 »

You can sheild yourself against the emotions? Is there a way other than grounding to get rid of heavy emotions?
Also i want to be able to go to in crowds without burning out.
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