Animal Healing?

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Animal Healing?

Post by LavenderLazerbeams »

So, I wasnt really sure where to post this, and I posted this in another forum a while back. I hope its appropriate to ask this again, and if it isn't I apologise and will delete this post if asked!!

In short, I have some SERIOUS depression issues because of my psychiatric illness (bipolar disorder) and I have been seeking medical attention. I am on medication and it is helping slightly, but im still not functioning in the way that I need to.
Im having issues with my academic and social life and there's only so much medication I can try you know? So I started looking at some non medical alternatives to supplement what I'm already doing. So, I found out that you can actually be prescribed to have an emotional support animal or service dog. Meaning that, if i can get permission from my doctor, I can have a dog no matter where I live. Which would be necessary because I live in an apartment on campus that doesn't allow animals.
I feed very heavily on the energy of animals and it seems to go the same way with them. I have an incredibly strong emotional connection with dogs and rats (not as weird as it sounds), but particularly with dogs. I know how to read their body language, energies, and I know how to care for them. They seem to have this ability to just brighten my spirit instantly and I often just forget about all my problems when I'm just in the same room with them. So, I feel like emotionally and spiritually, they could really help me balance myself in a healthier way.
But, there are also some problems. Firstly, my living space isn't entirely ideal. My apartment is large but three other people live here and my own room is very small. Adding a dog might be too much, so i might need to move if i would buy one. Also, I am a college student. Because Ive had severe depression over the past six months, I haven't been able to go to most of my classes (though I have been keeping up with my assignments) and haven't been able to motivate myself to even buy food most days. My worry is that, with a dog, this could either make my situation much better of much worse.
It could mean that its energy, happiness, and need for support would motivate me to straighten my life out. Or, it could exhaust me because I put all my energy into taking care of my companion.
Im really torn on this.
Do you have any suggestions, opinions, or alternatives to this?
Thank you!
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Re: Animal Healing?

Post by Kassandra »


I have read that "animal healing" is very effective and used with a number of different populations: the elderly, terminally ill children confined to hospitals, hospice patients of all ages, and as a matter of fact I'm trying to arrange something now to have a pet program set up for some war veterans with emotional disturbances and substance abuse issues. Yeah, our beautiful animal friends come highly recommended, indeed.

But, hmm, your lifestyle and living arrangements may present some issues to consider and do more research on (great, more research, right? lol). I know you said you haven't been to class much, but if you start feeling better and getting out more, I wonder if the amount of time you spend in class, at the library researching and at other places you need to be result in the pet being left alone at home for too many hours? Frankly, I don't how long "too many hours" would be, so that might be something you would ask the animal organization from which you would get the pet. I'm sure they'd have suggestions on that.

Another consideration would be clean up. Is there a yard the pet could poop in, or would the pet be inside only and have a "box" for that? Either way, how would your roomies feel about seeing and/or smelling the poop until you could get home to clean it up? Are they like, "No way!" or are they flexible and understanding about your dilemma? Heck, they might really enjoy the presence of the little guy themselves, and be happy to put up with the poop. Waste disposal questions would be good to run by the organization folks, as well. And I would also check in with school administration to see what their insurance policy dictates about (medically-prescribed) pets and their proper sanitation.

Therapeutically, I think having a pet would be a wonderful idea. I hear that caring for a little guy like that takes one out of their own head, and into their heart space. I think you kind of described that. As far as logistics though, I think you need to just have a few discussions with the parties involved to get more information, and confirm buy-in. All in all, I think it's a wonderful idea. I don't see how it would be a problem returning the pet if it doesn't work out. You wouldn't be the first person to do so, I'm sure. My vote is give it a try. :wink:


Re: Animal Healing?

Post by LavenderLazerbeams »

Thank you for responding! Your input was very helpful!
I have started researching and actually started to put an application in to start requesting accommodations for a therapy dog. This week Ill be talking to my doctor and the advisability services on campus! So, I am getting around to all of this!

As far as the cleaning of poop goes, I do have a small yard just outside my apartment and there is a lot of open space and hiking places in my area, so getting the dog out to go to the bathroom and walk isn't really an issue. We also have a dumpster right outside our apartment complex for any puppy nastiness that the dog may leave behind. Plus, one good thing about being in college is that my schedule is flexible. I have long gaps between classes that would make it easy to come back after a few hours to let the dog out, and my evenings are free as well. But also, the kind of dog Ive been considering adopting would be a greyhound (good apartment dogs) and most of them because of their track days are already crate, house, and leash trained, so it wont have much room for destructing the house. At least I hope...
The roommates I will have to ask once I get a clearer picture of If im going to be able to even have one at all. But i know my one roommate would be ecstatic!
So, I'm in the process of going for it.
I really hope this helps. I have nothing against medication, Im just sick of having that and therapy be my only options!
Thank you again!
Sorry if I rambled too much but I really appreciate your input!
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Re: Animal Healing?

Post by Kassandra »


Yay! I applaud you for seeking other treatment options. It takes courage. And this topic really does belong to a "spiritual" message board like this. Many people with spiritual abilities tend to be highly sensitive to people, places, things in their surroundings, etc...."empathic" it's often called. Empaths tend to have several psychic abilities going on at once, and if they're not controlled, it gets overwhelming.

While the good side of that is they could help others with these abilities, the price paid is they tend to be easily affected by depression and other ailments, sensory overload, etc. They tend to be unwilling "sponges" for the energies around them, not only during the day, but at night too (many report having mediumistic abilities and getting night visits from the dead, etc.). Often they turn to drugs or other dissociative behaviors just to self-medicate from the discomfort (note: readers, if this sounds familiar to you, please visit the "Empath Resources" thread for some helpful tips, or to add tips of your own that have worked well for you in the past).

I don't know if you, LavenderLazerbeams, fall into that category or not. But either way, I think it's great you started this thread. Maybe the information you've presented here may inspire other people in a similar situation to consider pursuing a healing modality like this, as well.

Anyway, keep us posted. And post a pet pic if this is a go!


Re: Animal Healing?

Post by LavenderLazerbeams »

I think I actually fit that description fairly well. People tend to flock to me to unload their issues (even if I dont know them well) and I pretty much immediately know what they're going through just by them being in front of me. I think its something that exists alongside my mental health problems, which I recognize as biological rather than spiritual in this case.

Thank you for the resources. Ill look into it!
And if I do end up getting a dog i will positively FLOOD the forum with pictures!
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Re: Animal Healing?

Post by Kassandra »


Sounds good.

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