Need Help Understanding Crows

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Need Help Understanding Crows

Post by lovethaspirits »

Hello everyone, Im new to the fourms.
hopefully some of my spiritual friends can help me understand some things.

Need help understand crows and their connection with some of us spiritual people.

Quick story, one day I was sitting outside in my car and a whole family of crows came and surrounded my car, on the hood top of car and all around my car. I believe the crows was telling me caution protect my car at all cost.
Come to find out the spiritual signal was correct.
Could it be that the crow is my animal spirit guide?
Plus everytime I go out side I see crows (one or two) above me on the telephone wire, hawlking long loud noises. My question should I go check on my car everytime I hear a crow hawlking loudly?

Has anyone experienced crows?
If so what is the best way to understand crows and what they are trying to say?

All answers are highly appreciated.
"Blessings Be"
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