New and Hoping for Guidance

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New and Hoping for Guidance

Post by Hollerdoller »

Hello everyone :)

so, my situation is a little different then others I've read about. My mom's side of the family is strong in energy. on my grandpa's side there is a long line of what I'm going to refer to as "energy users" because they where Christians. my great grandma and her sisters where all very strong, and they used their energy. My grandma's side is Cherokee and Delaware first nations, and my mom was taught a lot of the spiritual practices from her grandfather. All of this has led to me; I can sense spirits, I am VERY good at hiding from the more negative spirits, and I can tap into and direct my energy with relative ease, however, because my great grandmother was a good christian, they never cast spells or used equipment, and NEVER did they call themselves witches. I know I am a witch (or at least a witch in training, as I'm already adept at many first nations ceremonies and charms), and while I feel I could easily cast spells in theory, I don't know why things are used in spell casting, and I'm not familiar with much else related to the religious side of it all either, and I'm very skeptical of most online sources XP

does anyone have any suggestions on any good sites, books, or people I could talk to? other then this site naturally :wink:

thank you :)
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Re: New and Hoping for Guidance

Post by Kassandra »

Hollerdoller wrote:I'm already adept at many first nations ceremonies and charms
Though this is not answering your question...I don't know about anyone else, but I would love to hear about First Nations spiritual work, especially since you are adept at it! Feel free to share some workings and practices that are important to you in, maybe, the Types of Witchcraft forum, either in the Folk Magic subforum, or the Shamanism subforum..or wherever else on the board you see fit. :wink:

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Re: New and Hoping for Guidance

Post by Siona »

Something to keep in mind is that there are lots of different traditions of witchcraft, some of which are very different than others. I don't know if you're looking for something specific, like maybe Wicca, but something that comes to my mind reading your story is hoodoo, which is a type of witchcraft that combines West African, European, and First Nations magic and folklore. A lot of traditional forms of witchcraft, like hedgecraft, have a focus on working with spirits, as well.
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Re: New and Hoping for Guidence

Post by Kassandra »

Siona wrote:something that comes to my mind reading your story is hoodoo, which is a type of witchcraft that combines West African, European, and First Nations magic and folklore
Siona, I was thinking the same thing, though I didn't write it above. Thanks!

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Re: New and Hoping for Guidance

Post by Hollerdoller »

thank you for your suggestions :D and I will definitely be posting my knowledge of the first nations work on here!
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Re: New and Hoping for Guidance

Post by SnowCat »

I would also love to hear about First Nations work. My daughter and grandkids are part Cherokee and Choctaw by way of my ex. I'm British Isles gene pool. I know that Nowata, OK is protected from tornadoes by a Cherokee spell, and I've a bit about Cherokee spellwork. It will be interesting to hear some first hand stuff.

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Re: New and Hoping for Guidance

Post by Hollerdoller »

I admit that I am shocked with all of the interest with the first nations spell work! shocked but happy :)
and I do promise to share with everybody, but first I feel that I do need to consult my mother in what I am allowed to share, because while I am familiar and comfortable with it, I am still learning, and my mother would know more then I what can be learned easily online, and what should only be taught only by elders.

Also, is there anywhere that I can find a list of items that I will need for an alter? I know that the items do vary from witch to witch, but I haven't even the foggiest idea of where to start.
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Re: New and Hoping for Guidance

Post by Siona »

Hollerdoller wrote:Also, is there anywhere that I can find a list of items that I will need for an alter? I know that the items do vary from witch to witch, but I haven't even the foggiest idea of where to start.
There's not really a set of universal tools or altar items. As a hedgewitch I use different tools than a Wiccan, who might use different tools than someone practicing hoodoo, who might use different tools than someone who is a kitchen witch, etc... Even the same tool takes on different meanings, like a ritual knife, some Wiccans never physically cut anything with their knife, some witches use their knife for harvesting herbs, carving charms, and then a kitchen witch might just use a favorite knife from their kitchen in their workings.

I know that's probably not helpful, so for a few ideas lots of altars have some sort of representation of deity on them, some people just use a candle or candles, some use more specific images. Some altars have a bowl for offerings. Some have incense burners, or oil warmers. Some might put representations of whatever element system they work with on the altar, like representations of fire, earth, water, and air. Some altars have lots of found natural items, some are very clutter free. Really depends on the person! :)

You might want to check out the Altar Pictures section of the forum. It really shows the variety of altars that are out there, and might give you some ideas of where you'd like to start.
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Re: New and Hoping for Guidance

Post by Hollerdoller »

Thank you Siona! that was extreamly helpful!!! I'm also very happy to report that I wrote, cast, and succeded in my very first spell that didn't use any first nation traditions!! I'm sooooooo excited that it worked! it was a healing spell for my brother who has a bad back, and made it worse by pulling a tendon. It was very simple, I used an amythest to magnify my energy, because my brother is over an hour's drive away, and the spell needed to travel, I also used a piece of rose quartz, which is known for healing, a fire stone for fire, a cup of water with salt, and an empy up that i wrote "air" on it, and red jasper for earth. then I wrote a rhyme that I repeated three times, then direscted the spell to my brother. apparently it took 6 hours to travel, because exactly 6 hours later, my brother was able to stand with only a little pain, for the first time in two weeks! when he told me about it, (not knowing I had cast a spell) he said he had fallen asleep very randomly, (that turned out to be the time i had started casting the spell) and he slept for 6 hours, then was able to move!!

sorry if i'm long winded, but this is a real "GO ME" moment :)
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