My lover just recently passed

Discussion of Reincarnation, Afterlife, Life-Between-Lives (LBL)...
Eliphas Blackthorn
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Re: My lover just recently passed

Post by Eliphas Blackthorn »

If you already practice visionary magic and if he is there with you (entirely possible) then yes you should be able to see and speak to him. If you don't have that skill yet, he can still get your attention if he is there but it's not healthy for him to remain here and hold onto you. The best thing for him is to proceed further into death. If he does, he will not be waiting for you on the other side but his soul will experience a resting period between lives and he will come back here in a new life eventually. However it is not uncommon for souls we've known to cross our paths repeatedly throughout multiple lives, so it is possible that you could be together again in some way. I am sorry for your loss.
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Re: My lover just recently passed

Post by Yex »

The questions you ask are, of course, ones that will receive different answers depending on whom you ask. Humanity has been staring at death for millennia, and no one really knows until they get there themselves. Who amongst the living can say with certainty what the specific details of life after death entail?

That said, in my opinion, I believe that yes, you will be reunited, and, if this person really is the love of your life, you will be able to love each other forever in the afterlife. I also believe that he has at least some awareness of your continued life on earth, and it is not outside of the realm of possibility that he could try and communicate, although he might not. Magic and ritual aimed at the purpose of communicating with him would make the veil a little thinner, so to speak.

These are of course my opinions, so take them as that. I would recommend searching deep within yourself and deciding what it is that you believe. It might be prudent to remain open to the idea that you will still love other people; it might not. Only you can say. Either way, the process of grief is not an easy one.

I'm so sorry for your loss.
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Re: My lover just recently passed

Post by shatteredsouls »

Riri, this must be very difficult for you. Sudden loss always throw love ones into a state of confusion and disbelief. I'm sorry for your loss.

I can't tell if he can communicate to you or if both of you can be reunited after your passing. But I believe love and being together is not just physical, even if separated, both of you can still love and cherish each other. Please be gentle and patient with yourself.
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Re: My lover just recently passed

Post by SnowCat »

Love doesn't recognize physical boundaries.

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Re: My lover just recently passed

Post by Myrth »

I am sorry for your loss. This passage, written long ago by Robert Lewis Stevenson, has long struck me as one of the most articulate expressions of why we believe in an afterlife:

Some one has written that love makes people believe in immortality, because there seems not to be room enough in life for so great a tenderness, and it is inconceivable that the most masterful of our emotions should have no more than the spare moments of a few years.

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