Charging multiple stones in same bowl?

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Charging multiple stones in same bowl?

Post by cloverfox »

I have a few stones and a crystal that I haven't charged or cleansed yet and was wondering if it's a bad idea to put them all in the same bowl of salt water and leave them in the windowsill overnight. Was going to do it this weekend for the full moon.
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Re: Charging multiple stones in same bowl?

Post by Siona »

I don't think there's any harm in cleansing them all at once. As for charging them, that depends. For me, charging something is about giving it it's specific intent, so unless each stone would have the same intent (or in this case, perhaps you're imbuing each with lunar energy for a particular purpose?) then I would personally do it one by one, but it really depends on how you choose to charge your items, and what the items are being charged for, if that makes sense.
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Re: Charging multiple stones in same bowl?

Post by cloverfox »

No, it totally makes sense! You're right too, I think cleansing them in the same bowl would be okay, but charging them individually for different purposes of course :)
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Re: Charging multiple stones in same bowl?

Post by MsMollimizz »

I've read in a few books that once you program a stone to do
a certain job, you should not change it later; you need another
stone to program new task.
Of coarse you can cleanse more than one at a time if you wish !
Why not ? Otherwise it would be very time consuming :surprisedwitch:
I cleanse mine the day they come in, and when they are to be programmed
I keep them separate.
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Re: Charging multiple stones in same bowl?

Post by AnaisStar »

There is a big difference between cleansing and charging, so depends on what you mean. Leaving them in salt water in the full moon to me is cleansing not charging. So then yes you can put them all together.

Here is my process for cleansing:
1. I run each piece through the elements and focus on them being cleansed - water for water (some stones can not be put in water so be careful of that), candle flame for fire, salt for earth, and incense smoke for air.
2.Then I lay them out on tinfoil on a cookie sheet and let them be charged all day in the sun and then in the full moon. So they sit outside for a full 24 hours (or windowsill with direct sun/moon). Some crystals/stones will fade in the sun so be mindful of that, but I dont think a few hours makes much of difference every once in awhile.

For charging, I sit with each crystal and focus my intention into it giving it its purpose. Sometimes I'll add Reiki to the stone depending on what my intent for it is. I make crystal grids for healing so Ill add say Rose Quartz and infuse it with Reiki for extra healing and then add it to my grid.
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