Eating meat..?

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Eating meat..?


The other day it was pointed out to me by someone that I eat meat, regardless of the connection I have with nature. I pretty much only do nature oriented magic, working with a lot of herbs and crystals, meditating in the forest, etc.
I had never thought much of it, but now whenever I eat meat I feel horrible guilt..

Anyways, I'm curious, how many people here are meat eaters?
And, what is the best way to give thanks for the meat I eat if I continue to do so? Should I be blessing it somehow, giving a prayer..?
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Re: Eating meat..?

Post by Myrth »

Nature is all about eating meat. I am nature focused. I also eat meat. I raise meat. I butcher meat. And I very much enjoy eating it. I have sharp pointy eye teeth, aka fangs. That is because humans have evolved to eat meat. I am comfortable with nature. Many are not.

Plants have conscious lives, different from ours, but conscious nonetheless. Animals have a consciousness. When I harvest food, plant or animal, I am taking life so that I can live. Give thanks for the life that is now going nourish you and allow you to live.

Re: Eating meat..?


Okay thanks.
This makes me feel a lot better about it, it is a good concept.
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Re: Eating meat..?

Post by AnaisStar »

Ive been vegetarian and vegan for over 20 yeas. Only recently I have a been a meat eater. It just feels better for my body to eat meat, even though I eat it minimally.

Many different paths/religions believe that as animals are slaughtered, obviously there is pain and violence around that, and by eating meat you are taking that into your body. I do have some guilt now around eating meat, but as I said I eat it very minimally. I usually only eat meat two/three times a week and only chicken and fish. Im not saying that lives of chickens matter less than cows, its just my choice.

As Myrth said even plants have a consciousness, so in reality nothing is going to be perfect. Look for meat that is humanely raised. Give it thanks before cooking and eating.

Re: Eating meat..?


Thanks :)

I mostly only eat chicken and fish as well, Just because that's all I really like.
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Re: Eating meat..?

Post by Vesca »

I love bacon....

But really, humans are omnivores by design. It's the web of life. Some make their food from light, water, and soil nutrients. Others eat those, and still others eat those that eat others. And then they die and become food again for those who take nutrients from the soil. Such is life and existence, and I am okay with that.

Re: Eating meat..?

Post by Myriella »

I, too, am a nature-loving omnivore. I grew up raising cattle, and beef was always "what's for dinner" at my house.

The way I see it is this: we are a part of the food chain, albeit near the top. Meat nourishes me, and at some point, I will die and my meat will in turn nourish others. We are all a part of the circle of life *cue Elton John*

Re: Eating meat..?


Seeing all these fellow meat eaters makes me feel so much better.

Vesca; I love your profile picture :)
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Re: Eating meat..?

Post by Sakura Blossom »

As many have said, it's nothing to do with religion itself. I mean, yes, some religions do have the guidelines but in all honesty it comes down to personal preference and how you feel about it. With being nature-worshiping I agree with Myrth and how they put this. It's a very good way to look at it, I think. And Vesca said it well too.

We are supposed to eat both, it's what keeps us safe and helps us be able to survive. I do not mean this in an offensive way, but I've seen many people who have been safely following a vegetarian diet but end up very sick due to lack of nutrients. Plant-based foods carry different vitamins, proteins and nutrients than meats do which is why the human body usually needs both. Not that being vegetarian/vegan and so on is always difficult because I've also known some who are able to be very healthy on the diet but I'm simply explaining to try and help explain the human design. (:

In terms of Paganism/Nature Worship/etc., I think that Myrth did a great job explaining it as I mentioned. Because we need these things to live, we are completing the circle of life and helping to keep the life cycle going.

The important thing, I think, is to be thankful and to understand that these beings (plant or otherwise) have some form of consciousness and life but they help nourish us and eventually us to them. Respecting this process, and acknowledging it as well as carrying on a respect for nature is what helps me to not feel guilty.

Now, what kinds of meat you eat (organic, grass fed, etc.) is up to you. Some people have strong feelings regarding the treatment of animals in mass butchering while others do not. It's down to personal preference.

So to make a long answer short, there's nothing wrong with it. (:
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Re: Eating meat..?

Post by Siona »

I was a 'pescetarian' for many years - basically a vegetarian that eats fish and sometimes other sea food. It wasn't really for religious reasons, more to disagreeing with the treatment of animals in many ways, and later partially for health reasons (one of the main reasons I am now considering going back to that diet). I grew up fishing frequently, so didn't really have an issue with eating meat itself, just with how it lives and is treated before hand, if that makes sense? Beyond that, fishing always made me feel connected to nature and my food, where buying a pound of beef at the grocery store doesn't really do the same for me. :/ That said, I do sometimes eat other meats now, and I say a prayer before cooking/eating to give thanks to the animal.

Religious vegetarians have been around for a very long time in different cultures though, and there's certainly nothing wrong with that approach if one feels called to it, but it's also not a necessity for all pagans, either.
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Re: Eating meat..?

Post by LoneWhiteWolf »

I agree with Myrth, we have these teeth for a reason.

Im a nature worsphipper too like many others her, however i do believe in The Great circle of life from The Lion King!

Mufasa: "You must respect every living being. From the crawling ant, the the leaping Antelope"
Simba: "but dad, dont we eat the Antelope?"
Mufasa: "Yes son, but when we die, our bodies become the grass. And the Antelope eat that grass. And so we are all conected in The Great Circle of Life"

Never doubt the words of a wise cartoon lion :D
Im a picky Wolf, so i generally eat just chicken too haha

Hope this convinces you that you shouldnt feel guilty. Now, more fun, less worry :)
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Re: Eating meat..?

Post by Firebird »

Can I just say...

Ya, bacon broke me of vegetarianism. Me and my O+ blood type couldn't take it anymore.
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Re: Eating meat..?

Post by RosieMoonflower »

I stopped eating meat because of the cruelty in mass production and saying thank you just wasn't enough for me. I don't think it's cruel to kill and eat but the mass production killings is just too disgusting and cruel for me. Then I tried to cut out dairy and it was a huge fail. But, the dairy industry is more cruel than any other live food industry. So it's my opinion that if you can raise your own, or find locally raised stuff, it's better, healthier and more natural. So I currently do not eat beef or pork, but I do eat seafood, poultry and dairy. My goal is to have my own goat farm someday with gardens and chickens and I'll be set!

Also, I read somewhere that some people believe that eating red meat lowers your vibrational frequency..

Re: Eating meat..?


Bacon is very delicious, it's really the only pork I will eat :D

The Lion King is ALWAYS right, lol! :)

Having a farm would be awesome, but I don't think I would be able to kill the animals :/ Not that I'm against it, though.

All-in-all, I believe eating meat is meant to be but I wish the meat and dairy industry wasn't so cruel and awful.

Re: Eating meat..?

Post by Jake1001 »

I have stopped eating meat for over 2 weeks, and I'll be honest its not that hard -- However I do have to say it is bascially natural for humans to eat meat, but personally I cant bear anymore to eat meat. Dosen't mean i will judge others for eating meat, but in my personal opinion I feel more "light" talking emotionally and weight-wise. I also feel like im slightly happier (Deep depression) One person told me, it depends on how the meat was prepared etc, like how the energies were wether the animal had a good life or not, if it didn't it would be a *low energy* which would affect them, in bad ways however thats what i heard.
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