Beginner, here are my stones (pictures) some questions :)

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Beginner, here are my stones (pictures) some questions :)

Post by Leanna »

Hello all,
I am delighted to be on this forum.
I am a beginner at gemstone therapy.
I'll ask my questions first so that I don't bore you too much. :) Please help me out if you can, I'd be very happy to get advice from more experienced people, and I'll add pictures to this message.
You can read explanations in the following paragraphs.
Pictures of my stones first, including the broken citrine here :flyingwitch:
Borken citrine
New stones + heliotrope
[img]New stones
[img]Still the New stones
[img]New stones close-up

- I broke my first citrine after 18 hours, but I think I earned 13 euros thanks to it and it made me really happy. What can I do with the remaining "big" piece? I don't have the other pieces as it shattered into small, cutting bits that I either lost while washing it after the incident or that were too small to retrieve. I only have one small fragment left that I put in a cloth and in my drawer so that I don't cut myself.

- Will I be doomed with the new citrine I just bought? The shopkeeper told me she did see last time that I was more drawn to calcite and carnelian and thought that maybe I was forcing my citrine purchase. But the citrine I did have yesterday made me really happy so that's why I picked a new one...

- Does anyone know how to trigger the effects of a bloodstone and what the real effects are? It seems like the stone doesn't have much effect on me.

- My carnelian is pink with black veins and dots, and also red. Does it mean something? Maybe that I need to work on a trauma I had recently from what I read?

- I really want to sleep with one of my stones (picture). I also have a transparent quartz. What would be the best choice for me to sleep? Mainly to repell bad dreams. I read tiger's eye could maybe do that, and also cornelian, but these are strong aggressive stones. Then again, my nightmares are aggressive too.
Also, for reasons explained later, I cannot sleep with the amethyst or the heliotrope, and I just don't see myself buying a rose quartz.
So really, the choices are;
-tiger's eye
-transparent quartz

- How can I enhance the power of the stones I choose for revision/exams (tiger's eye & citrine) and can carnelian and calcite also help with that?

- Do I have to do anything special besides tap water purifying and putting them in the potted plant soil from time to time for them to be efficient and happy?

- As I am depressive (in remission, almost no meds now) and lacking motivation at the moment (following trauma, not finding a job, picking the wrong major, becoming ill...) which stone that I have could I wear most of the time with me? A good combo, I mean. I read some stones don't get along, and also that you can't wear more than 3 at the same time.

At the end of December 2014, I decided to buy a bloodstone (one that's mostly violet with some red "veins" in it), also called a heliotrope.
Please note I never buy anything for myself but I really felt I needed a stone, I don't know why.
I purified it under tap water and we've been good friends since, though I've stopped taking it with me to sleep as I've had a very vivid premonitory dream two days in a row (in October 2014, before the stone) which became real on the third day and that has traumatized me to the point I now have chronic insomnia.

In other words, I need a "pacific" stone to sleep with, but I haven't bought one yet. I have a very old transparent crystal and an amethyst (though it looks suspiciously like a bloodstone, and anyway amethyst can also trigger premonitory dreams so not for me).

Anyway, I bought a citrine two days ago, made 13 euros on that very same day and I think it was thanks to the citrine, plus I felt so happy and bubbly, we were really good friends.... and then she broke on me.
Freak accident, if you ask me. I never break anything, ever. Not a glass, not anything else. :cry:
I was taking a nap with the citrine in my hand (I know yellow stones are not recommended for that but it was 90% white). I get up, I can't find the citrine, I look everywhere. I walk a good 50 steps and... CRACK. I was now in the kitchen, and so was the citrine... on the floor. It somehow clung to my clothes and decided to commit suicide on the tile floor. After 18 hours. Okay.

I had also bought a tiger's eye which I took an instant dislike to for some reason. I had ran it under tap water too but she was NOT happy. I buried it in an old potted plant (with no plant in it) for 26 hours, got it out and it hurt my hand a little when I took it, but in a good way. I heard tiger's eye can do that when they're happy. My hand is fine (it was after about 30 seconds) and so is the stone, finally!
Anyway, I took it for protection with me tonight to a show (stand-up comedian, excellent target for a terrorist attack with 1,300 people as I live in France and today people got killed in terrorist attacks).
It worked really well, and I'm now friends with the tiger's eye too.

I also bought a calcite and a carnelian. My carnelian is very... peculiar. I wanted to take another one because really, it was the "odd one in the bunch" in the little carnelian box. It's black, pink, and red. But mostly pink and black. It has little veins and black dots. I hope it doesn't mean something bad. I kind of read somewhere else that it could mean I need to get over some trauma I had, and yes I did have some really bad trauma recently which triggered a pretty serious depression and a general 360 turn in my life.
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Anne Boleyn
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Re: Beginner, here are my stones (pictures) some questions :

Post by Anne Boleyn »

My answers in bold. :)
Leanna wrote:Hello all,
I am delighted to be on this forum.
I am a beginner at gemstone therapy.
I'll ask my questions first so that I don't bore you too much. :) Please help me out if you can, I'd be very happy to get advice from more experienced people, and I'll add pictures to this message.
You can read explanations in the following paragraphs.
Pictures of my stones first, including the broken citrine here :flyingwitch:
Borken citrine
New stones + heliotrope
[img]New stones
[img]Still the New stones
[img]New stones close-up

- I broke my first citrine after 18 hours, but I think I earned 13 euros thanks to it and it made me really happy. What can I do with the remaining "big" piece? I don't have the other pieces as it shattered into small, cutting bits that I either lost while washing it after the incident or that were too small to retrieve. I only have one small fragment left that I put in a cloth and in my drawer so that I don't cut myself.

You can still use it as intended. Broken, whole, shattered into a million pieces, it doesn't have to matter.

- Will I be doomed with the new citrine I just bought? The shopkeeper told me she did see last time that I was more drawn to calcite and carnelian and thought that maybe I was forcing my citrine purchase. But the citrine I did have yesterday made me really happy so that's why I picked a new one...

No, no doom. Being on the receiving end of doom and gloom is usually the result of something more serious than a broken stone or buying one stone over another at a store. :)

- Does anyone know how to trigger the effects of a bloodstone and what the real effects are? It seems like the stone doesn't have much effect on me.

I've never had much luck in using bloodstone... I'm not sure if it's because our energies don't mesh (I've always worked better with water stones), or it is too subtle for me... I know it's good for disorders of the body and pregnancy and I tried carrying it when I was pregnant to prevent miscarriage but it just never really worked. I know it can be a very moody, closed off stone.

- My carnelian is pink with black veins and dots, and also red. Does it mean something? Maybe that I need to work on a trauma I had recently from what I read?

It means your carnelian is pink with black veins and dots. ;) Seriously though, unless you're doing crystal readings (which I've found is pretty ineffective with stones not specially secured for that purpose and paired with other stones of a similar purpose), I wouldn't take the patterns or veining on a stone to indicate anything other than the personality of the stone. If looking at the stone draws you to that incident and moving from it, then that may be the stones purpose for you, but I don't think the markings on it are the reason. To me, it's like asking if a person with red hair talking to you means you're about to encounter the devil. LoL!

- I really want to sleep with one of my stones (picture). I also have a transparent quartz. What would be the best choice for me to sleep? Mainly to repell bad dreams. I read tiger's eye could maybe do that, and also cornelian, but these are strong aggressive stones. Then again, my nightmares are aggressive too.
Also, for reasons explained later, I cannot sleep with the amethyst or the heliotrope, and I just don't see myself buying a rose quartz.
So really, the choices are;
-tiger's eye
-transparent quartz

I would use the quartz. You want something strong but neutral. If it has sharp edges, the better. If you want to pair it with the calcite, especially if that has edges, the better. Otherwise, you could consider laying a grid with the stones you have around your bed. You may find that more effective and the side effects less pronounced.

- How can I enhance the power of the stones I choose for revision/exams (tiger's eye & citrine) and can carnelian and calcite also help with that?

Quartz is a general amplifier to all stones, so that is an option. Just make sure you cleanse it if you're using the same stone for multiple purposes. I'm doing a light energy reading on your stones and I'm feeling the calcite may help you too, but I'm not feeling like the energy of carnelian is going to be helpful. I feel that one is a distracter, not a helper. You said you have a bloodstone? Try that one. I feel like bloodstone or another darker stone wants to help you with memory retention.

- Do I have to do anything special besides tap water purifying and putting them in the potted plant soil from time to time for them to be efficient and happy?

I'd cleanse them regularly either via smudging or putting them in a bowl of salt. If you want to put them on a windowsill or out in the sun or fresh air, all the better.

- As I am depressive (in remission, almost no meds now) and lacking motivation at the moment (following trauma, not finding a job, picking the wrong major, becoming ill...) which stone that I have could I wear most of the time with me? A good combo, I mean. I read some stones don't get along, and also that you can't wear more than 3 at the same time.

For depression, I find peridot can be helpful, but I need something to mellow out that persistent chipper attitude, so I use hematite to mellow it out a bit. Blue topaz is a good one. Of the stones you have, go with the citrine. Don't use the quartz. My powerhouse combo for depression is amethyst, opal, and peridot. The peridot to improve my mood, the opal to help me focus on positive possibilities, imagination, and to ward off confusion and allow me to see clearly, and amethyst for mental protection from negativity and a bond to the higher powers. Since opal and amethyst are water and peridot is earth, it is great to keep me grounded and purified spiritually.

At the end of December 2014, I decided to buy a bloodstone (one that's mostly violet with some red "veins" in it), also called a heliotrope.
Please note I never buy anything for myself but I really felt I needed a stone, I don't know why.

That one is trying to help you with something mentally. Either emotions and how you feel them on an intellectual level or something else.

I purified it under tap water and we've been good friends since, though I've stopped taking it with me to sleep as I've had a very vivid premonitory dream two days in a row (in October 2014, before the stone) which became real on the third day and that has traumatized me to the point I now have chronic insomnia.

In other words, I need a "pacific" stone to sleep with, but I haven't bought one yet. I have a very old transparent crystal and an amethyst (though it looks suspiciously like a bloodstone, and anyway amethyst can also trigger premonitory dreams so not for me).

Try a grid. It can help diffuse the power of the stronger stones and you can structure it in a way to encourage dreams and sleep, but ward off everything else. Building a grid is a great way to begin introducing gemstone therapy to sleep without the all-or-nothing of directly sleeping with a stone.

Anyway, I bought a citrine two days ago, made 13 euros on that very same day and I think it was thanks to the citrine, plus I felt so happy and bubbly, we were really good friends.... and then she broke on me.
Freak accident, if you ask me. I never break anything, ever. Not a glass, not anything else. :cry:
I was taking a nap with the citrine in my hand (I know yellow stones are not recommended for that but it was 90% white). I get up, I can't find the citrine, I look everywhere. I walk a good 50 steps and... CRACK. I was now in the kitchen, and so was the citrine... on the floor. It somehow clung to my clothes and decided to commit suicide on the tile floor. After 18 hours. Okay.

It happens. I had a Herkimer diamond spit right in my hand. I was holding it and it just... Broke apart. I wasn't holding it tightly, squeezing it, or being rough. It just, for lack of a better word, let go of itself while I was holding it. It didn't even split on a fracture line or seam. I was irked at first because it wasn't cheap, but I came to realize later it split because the energy it was containing was just too much for one stone. It did what it did to help me spread its energy. Because both parts still fit together, it was great for spellwork that had to do with binding or releasing.

I had also bought a tiger's eye which I took an instant dislike to for some reason. I had ran it under tap water too but she was NOT happy. I buried it in an old potted plant (with no plant in it) for 26 hours, got it out and it hurt my hand a little when I took it, but in a good way. I heard tiger's eye can do that when they're happy. My hand is fine (it was after about 30 seconds) and so is the stone, finally!
Anyway, I took it for protection with me tonight to a show (stand-up comedian, excellent target for a terrorist attack with 1,300 people as I live in France and today people got killed in terrorist attacks).
It worked really well, and I'm now friends with the tiger's eye too.

Very good! It sounds insane, but I've found tiger's eyes like wamrth too. Put it by a candle, put it by the stove while you cook, put it near a heater... Nothing directly hot, just warm. It will like that too.

I also bought a calcite and a carnelian. My carnelian is very... peculiar. I wanted to take another one because really, it was the "odd one in the bunch" in the little carnelian box. It's black, pink, and red. But mostly pink and black. It has little veins and black dots. I hope it doesn't mean something bad. I kind of read somewhere else that it could mean I need to get over some trauma I had, and yes I did have some really bad trauma recently which triggered a pretty serious depression and a general 360 turn in my life.

It doesn't mean anything bad. Just the character of the stone. :)

Re: Beginner, here are my stones (pictures) some questions :

Post by Leanna »

Hi Anne Boleyn, and thank you so much for your answers, and the light reading, I really, really appreciate it. :D
It's quite strange, because I slept with the calcite last night, and then again today, and I feel that it helped me. I hadn't read your message yet, I was just listening to my intuition, and you confirmed what I felt and you seem really experienced so that's great, thank you so much! :oops:
I know you're not supposed to sleep with a yellow/orange stone but it calms me down for some reason. I feel it will be very useful to me for studying also, like you said. I'll try the calcite/tiger's eye/citrine/bloodstone (might be a jaspe though) combo for studying. I'll actually use both citrines. I have a little box the shopkeeper gave me last time, so they can stay out of harm's way. I'll just put it on my desk. :)
I hope I'm not using too many stones at the same time.

Also, the citrines I got are actually heated amethysts, but it doesn't bother me at all, quite the contrary. I find them to be much prettier than the "real" pale yellow citrines. They could be rainbow for all I care, they've been really helpful and that's what matters.

I'll purify the transparent quartz properly before attempting to use it for sleeping.

Your answers and comments helped me a lot, but I'm a bit worried about what you said for the carnelian, that it's a "distracter".
Does the carnelian not want to help me at all, or is it just for studies? I bought it because I read it helps studying, but if I can't use it for that purpose, how could I use it? Maybe for being more "happy" generally?
If you feel it's not wanting to be helpful, I'm going to bury it for a while like I did with the tiger's eye. The tiger's eye has been really good to me ever since.

Also, could you please explain to me how to make a grid? I'm sorry, I'm really, really new at this. :oops:

Finally, is there a way I could use my amethysts? I have tons of them, bought by relatives. Sadly, it's not a stone I particularly like. Anything too dark, I won't buy or use.

Oh, one more thing. About 12 years ago, I fainted (hit my head on a table then on a tiled floor, woke up and my memory was gone for about 30 seconds). It was my first time wearing amber.
Now, I don't have any permanent damage from that fall (I think it was the 6th time I fainted, this is due to anxiety around doctors...).
I've been terrified of amber ever since. I still have the necklace and the bracelet (I was wearing the necklace at the time) but I just can't touch them or look at them.
Do you think the amber prevented me from getting permanent brain damage or that since I didn't purify it (I was 13 years old) it had a bad effect?
This is something that put me off stones for 13 years, so I'd like to have your opinion.

Thank you very much, and have a wonderful day!
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Anne Boleyn
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Joined: Mon Jan 05, 2015 10:57 am

Re: Beginner, here are my stones (pictures) some questions :

Post by Anne Boleyn »

Leanna wrote:Hi Anne Boleyn, and thank you so much for your answers, and the light reading, I really, really appreciate it. :D
It's quite strange, because I slept with the calcite last night, and then again today, and I feel that it helped me. I hadn't read your message yet, I was just listening to my intuition, and you confirmed what I felt and you seem really experienced so that's great, thank you so much! :oops:
No worries and no problems. :) Anytime you want help, let me know. :) I'm glad it worked out for you!
I know you're not supposed to sleep with a yellow/orange stone but it calms me down for some reason. I feel it will be very useful to me for studying also, like you said. I'll try the calcite/tiger's eye/citrine/bloodstone (might be a jaspe though) combo for studying. I'll actually use both citrines. I have a little box the shopkeeper gave me last time, so they can stay out of harm's way. I'll just put it on my desk. :)
I hope I'm not using too many stones at the same time.
There is no "not supposed to" in crystal work. While there are books that speak of the general characteristics of each stone or crystal, individually they're their own unique force. The impression you get from an individual stone and what it's telling you is almost always more accurate than what somebody wrote in a book. I say "almost" because you will encounter that trickster stone that says it wants to help you sleep, it wants to help you study, or it wants X, Y, and Z, but when you use it for that, it goofs with you. I had a blue topaz that wanted to be with me for everything, but it turned out that the stone just liked the sunlight and wanted any excuse to get in it
Your answers and comments helped me a lot, but I'm a bit worried about what you said for the carnelian, that it's a "distracter".
Does the carnelian not want to help me at all, or is it just for studies? I bought it because I read it helps studying, but if I can't use it for that purpose, how could I use it? Maybe for being more "happy" generally?
If you feel it's not wanting to be helpful, I'm going to bury it for a while like I did with the tiger's eye. The tiger's eye has been really good to me ever since.
It doesn't want to not help you, it just doesn't want to help with that. Right now I feel like it doesn't want to do much of anything... It wants to sit and just take things in and not be bothered with any "jobs" right now. I don't mean that in a bad way... It's still a happy stone, but right now it just wants to sit and be happy. I suspect you'll find that need to just sit and be happy will translate to an overall happier feeling in your environment. Don't bury it though, lots of unhappiness at that idea. Put it on a windowsill where it (he?) can get some sun.

Think of that stone like a space heater right now. A space heater is there and makes the environment very warm, but you don't necessarily notice it. That's where that stone is right now.
Also, could you please explain to me how to make a grid? I'm sorry, I'm really, really new at this. :oops:
Sure! A grid is a basic layout of gems and crystals over an area where their energies work together over a defined field. So, for example, if you were going to do a grid for your bed, you'd lay them out around your bed. So, maybe two on either side, two on the head and foot. It can be as simple as that, but once it's something you get versed in, you can get pretty complex with how you do it. Like f the stone is pointed, you have the option of either pointing it to the bed/grid field to encourage that energy, or point the stone away from the bed, for the purposes of banishing that energy. Or you can grid, but put some stones in the center that radiate the energy, or maybe under specific areas (like your head) to harness specific energies for that.

It sounds complicated, but I promise it isn't.
Finally, is there a way I could use my amethysts? I have tons of them, bought by relatives. Sadly, it's not a stone I particularly like. Anything too dark, I won't buy or use.
Well, amethyst is one of my favorite stones so this might be hard to answer for me... I have a direct affinity for them which means I like them for anything and so I think they're great for everything. :lol:

Amethysts are good at trapping fears and bad habits. You could try directing them to hold fears and anxieties for you. Or, you may find you don't like them so much because they're already doing that for you and you don't like the yuck of all of that they're holding for you. Try cleansing or purifying them regularly... I know people always say they like sun, but maybe it's just me and I'm the odd duck here, but I've always found they like being left in water, or left buried in a bowl of salt, for a long time (a few days, a week) in a dark room. They're stones that can carry emotional weight and sometimes they need time to just be away and let it be processed in a place alone to decompress. I even have an amethyst ring that I adore more than anything, but sometimes when I wear it I get this "go away, leave me alone, I so don't want to be near you right now" vibe from it. I put it away and then a month or two later I hear "I'm ready to come out again!" and I wear it for awhile. And it's funny, because when it says it wants to be done, it is very dark, almost black. When it wants to be out again, it's much lighter in color. So I tend to think if amethyst is coming to you even after you've asked to not get them anymore, there's a reason. You feel they have nothing to offer, but since they're very much a higher purpose stone, they might passionately disagree.

Crystal work can be a tricky thing, especially when you first get started, because we have the unique opportunity to use something that is pretty and sometimes that prettiness clouds our overall view of what we need to be successful. For example, peridot. I hated peridot. I think they're ugly, I think they're expensive, and I really just didn't click with them at all. Everybody knew that about me. I called them "the booger stone." Yet, for like a year, anytime anybody gave me a stone or gave me jewelry, it was a peridot. I was like "really?" It made me genuinely irritated that everybody around me knew me so badly that they'd keep giving me freaking peridots! I always heard "this made me think of you!" or "I thought you'd love this!" All I could think was "no, it's ugly and you don't know me at all."

Then, my father had a heart attack... I needed a stone that was good for the heart and kept his (and my) spirits up. Guess what stone that was? Peridot. Then a few months later I had a miscarriage and blood issues. Guess what stone helped with that? Peridot. Then I got a divorce and had issues with depression and, naturally, a broken heart. Guess who came to the rescue again? Peridot. Suddenly, my abundance of peridot was not only obvious, but really exactly what I didn't know I needed. It was my being totally closed to that ugly stone that made me realize I was shutting it out due to reasons of pure vanity. And when you think, when you go to the doctor and he describes you antibioitics, do you turn them down because they're ugly? Probably not. But that is what I was doing to peridot, and if forces bigger than you or I hadn't forced me to swallow my preconceived understandings and assessments and literally forced them into my life and work... Well, it would have been a bummer.

So this Christmas when my husband handed me a present and said "when I saw this I thought of you" and I opened it to find a big stinkin peridot necklace, I didn't say "Oh, it's you again... How is he buying me this? He clearly doesn't get me..." I said "oh, hello again peridot... The stone of joy, happiness, abundance, and perfect love and all matters of the heart... That's why you called to my husband, isn't it?" and smiled. That stone had a message for me, tapped my very non-crystal driven husband on the subconscious, and it came home to me because that's where he belonged (peridot he, not husband he... Though he belongs here too, nevermind... LoL!).

Now I know you're not into amethyst for reasons far less superficial than "it's ugly," but it's just something to think about. I tend to think if it keeps coming, it either has a reason down the road or an identifiable reason it wants to help with now. Just keep your options open.
Oh, one more thing. About 12 years ago, I fainted (hit my head on a table then on a tiled floor, woke up and my memory was gone for about 30 seconds). It was my first time wearing amber.
Now, I don't have any permanent damage from that fall (I think it was the 6th time I fainted, this is due to anxiety around doctors...).
I've been terrified of amber ever since. I still have the necklace and the bracelet (I was wearing the necklace at the time) but I just can't touch them or look at them.
Do you think the amber prevented me from getting permanent brain damage or that since I didn't purify it (I was 13 years old) it had a bad effect?
This is something that put me off stones for 13 years, so I'd like to have your opinion.
Honestly, amber is a resin of nostalgia and memories, so I tend to think the reason you can't touch it now has more to do with the fact that the stone is storing that feeling and emotion of fear and uncertainty from the fall. If it protected you from permanent damage, I can't say, but the holding of the incident and the emotions could very well be why you can't go near it now. The incident is obviously a scary one that you still fear, which is understandable, but when you get two forces holding fearful feelings over the same incident in the same room... That's going to be a bit much. Well, three people actually, because it's you, the necklace, and the bracelet. I say open your box of amber really quickly, chuck an amethyst in there that you've asked to absorb fear, tell it to absorb the fear, then leave it locked in the box in a dark room for awhile. See if that changes things. Amber can be a fire stone and with most amethysts being a water stone with ties to the earth element, that should calm things down. If you have pumice, that could help too. Let them sit together and see what happens.

Re: Beginner, here are my stones (pictures) some questions :

Post by Leanna »

Hi again :)
Thank you so much! You can't imagine how much you've helped me. It's an honor and a pleasure for me to be guided by you at the beginning of this journey.
Out of gratitude and respect for you, and also so that I can "correct" the mistakes I may be making, I'll give you a quick update on my stones today.

I think my tiger's eye might be playing with me. Of course, I have no way to check. It was extremely helpful, along with the citrine, during negotiations at the bank yesterday, but when I want to study, it fools around. It seems super happy to be on my desk for some reason, and when I hold it during studying, it gives off little "electric shocks"... but I suspect it might be the reason why I emptied what was left of my whiteout thing on the page. Also, I wrote the lesson in the wrong order, and generally just made a mess while studying. It's really not like me. And I wanted it to help me concentrate, sheesh!
Maybe it just wants to be next to my lamp (the lamp is very bright). Fortunately, it plays nice at other times.
I now put it in "quarantine" on my bed while studying (where it's generally more helpful) next to the carnaline in the little box. I hope all the stones get along together.

I'm reassured about the carnaline. I really like it, and yes, I was about to bury it, and I already put it in a dark box inside a dark drawer (with the amber/amethyst/crystal quartz) but I got it out. It's probably much happier now.

As for the amber, it's been with an amethyst in said drawer for the last 5 years at least. Frankly, I still don't want to see it or touch it.
I'll listen to you and try to get used to the amethysts even if I'm not really attracted to them. I have one tumbled stone, one "chips" necklace, and 3 carved necklaces (cat, turtle, owl). I actually lost the turtle and the owl, which upsets me a bit, but they must be somewhere.

Once I got rid of the tiger's eye to study, another issue popped up: I was so sleepy. I was left with the bloodstone, the citrines and the calcite, and I practically fell asleep on the spot. It was pretty distressing. I don't mind being relaxed, but yawning and being on the verge of falling asleep is not conducive to studying.
Maybe I should just take the crystal quartz for study purposes, I don't know. Or maybe my energy was just a bit low. Or turning off my "soft" trance music was not a good idea. Trance music helps me concentrate.

Right now, I'm just trying to find the purposes of all of my stones for me, beside helping me to relax, which I think is the general theme I can feel.

One last question: Is there any way to figure out if the stones like the black box the shopkeeper gave me for them? It's black outside and inside, and there's velvet in it for protection.
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Anne Boleyn
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Re: Beginner, here are my stones (pictures) some questions :

Post by Anne Boleyn »

Hey, just letting you know I saw your post but will reply tomorrow. I'm on my cell phone's browser and it is just too much of a pain to type out replies. I tried, but it just dorsnt work for me. LoL!

I didn't want you to wonder why I sent others replies on other threads, but not yours and unintentionally hurt your feelings. :)
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Re: Beginner, here are my stones (pictures) some questions :

Post by RosieMoonflower »

I've enjoyed reading this thread. Just thought I would mention the phone app Tapatalk, I use that to access this forum, but it's still typing on the phone.
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Re: Beginner, here are my stones (pictures) some questions :

Post by Myrth »

Tapatalk has brought me back to discussion forums. I use an Android tablet, but it is all two fingered typing and the occasional missed auto-correct that makes no sense. :)

Re: Beginner, here are my stones (pictures) some questions :

Post by Leanna »

Hello all, I'm really happy that some people like this thread, after all it's just an unexperienced gemstone user talking about random... expériences with her stones. :D
Anne, no problem, I can completely understand, it was really nice of you to tell me about the issues with your phone! Take your time to reply. :)
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Re: Beginner, here are my stones (pictures) some questions :

Post by Anne Boleyn »

Leanna wrote:Hi again :)
Thank you so much! You can't imagine how much you've helped me. It's an honor and a pleasure for me to be guided by you at the beginning of this journey.
Out of gratitude and respect for you, and also so that I can "correct" the mistakes I may be making, I'll give you a quick update on my stones today.
You're way too sweet... It really is no problem. I like working with stones so if I can help, I will. And don't worry about mistakes or needing to correct them... I've been doing this for more than 20 years, I make mistakes constantly. You'll never be perfect at this, nobody is. LoL!
I think my tiger's eye might be playing with me. Of course, I have no way to check. It was extremely helpful, along with the citrine, during negotiations at the bank yesterday, but when I want to study, it fools around. It seems super happy to be on my desk for some reason, and when I hold it during studying, it gives off little "electric shocks"... but I suspect it might be the reason why I emptied what was left of my whiteout thing on the page. Also, I wrote the lesson in the wrong order, and generally just made a mess while studying. It's really not like me. And I wanted it to help me concentrate, sheesh!
Maybe it just wants to be next to my lamp (the lamp is very bright). Fortunately, it plays nice at other times.
I now put it in "quarantine" on my bed while studying (where it's generally more helpful) next to the carnaline in the little box. I hope all the stones get along together.
Welcome to the fun of tiger's eye. When it wants to do what it's intended to do, it does great. When it doesn't, it doesn't. LoL!
As for the amber, it's been with an amethyst in said drawer for the last 5 years at least. Frankly, I still don't want to see it or touch it.
If it's been sitting with an amethyst already, here's betting that amethyst is already absorbed a lot and needs to be changed out. It's probably screaming for a break. But touch it when you're ready, that's the most important thing. Trying to fix it when you're not wanting to deal with it won't make things better.
Once I got rid of the tiger's eye to study, another issue popped up: I was so sleepy. I was left with the bloodstone, the citrines and the calcite, and I practically fell asleep on the spot. It was pretty distressing. I don't mind being relaxed, but yawning and being on the verge of falling asleep is not conducive to studying.
Maybe I should just take the crystal quartz for study purposes, I don't know. Or maybe my energy was just a bit low. Or turning off my "soft" trance music was not a good idea. Trance music helps me concentrate.

Right now, I'm just trying to find the purposes of all of my stones for me, beside helping me to relax, which I think is the general theme I can feel.
If it were me, I'd start small. Pick one stone, pick one effort (like studying, sleeping, etc) and use that. See how it works, how it makes you feel. Try it a few times, see if you notice a trend, then journal it. Then either switch stones to try a new one, or add a stone... Just one... And see how it goes. Try it for a few days, then journal it, and keep tweaking and playing. With so many stones at play for one intent, if things aren't quite meshing right, you'll have a hard time identifying why. Start small and then build up. Once you get familiar with specific stones and general stone types, it will get easier to mix-and-match multiple stones at once for support on a single task or effort. Getting know them and their energies on a one-on-one basis may make all the difference for you.
One last question: Is there any way to figure out if the stones like the black box the shopkeeper gave me for them? It's black outside and inside, and there's velvet in it for protection.
Amethyst is one, Lapis is one, peridot sometimes, moonstone does, so does some quartz, I'm sure there's more that I'm forgetting. That said, I don't really shut mine in boxes unless I HAVE to and I have that luxury... Not all people do. Even my consecrated healing kit is kept in a fishing tackle box so that they're organized, but also so they can get some light while they travel. Leave them in the box with the lid open, or if you shut them in, program them with an intent. Tell them they're recharging, they're being cleansed, or what have you. Ultimately though, if you lock them in a box, it's not the end of the world. You're not going to ruin them or their energies. They'll probably just rest there and wait to come out. Some may need a minute or two to get acclimated, especially stones really attuned to energies of you or the environment (like peridot), but nothing will be spoiled. :)
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Re: Beginner, here are my stones (pictures) some questions :

Post by Anne Boleyn »

Thanks for the Tapatalk tips guys! Sounds like an awesome app, but I have a WP8 and I don't think that's one of our available apps. :( Really, it has more to do with laziness than anything else. If I have to write a lot, I just rather sit in front of my computer. LoL!

Re: Beginner, here are my stones (pictures) some questions :

Post by Leanna »

Hi again Anne, and thank you so much for your advice! I think I made a bunch of mistakes, but like you said, I'm learning. I'll try to go slowly and not test all my stones at the same time.
(I had to reformat my computer and things are still a bit wonky, so I might not be able to check for answers here even if the problem is fixed for now. It looks okay, but I don't trust my computer right now! Sorry about that. :( It's a new computer, but it's very temperamental still. )

I've decided to leave my tiger's eye and calcite permanently under my blue covers in my bed until I find a "daytime" use for them.
I've already established they want to help me sleep, and so far they've been pretty helpful in that department.

Well, the tiger's eye is coming with me to the bank along with the citrine on Thursday, that's for sure, but until then, it will rest in my bed. The only exception is if my father starts losing it again. Then, I might keep it with me, but only when I'm not studying. I really truly love all of my stones, but if the tiger's eye won't play nice when it's time to study, then I won't take it.
If it's been sitting with an amethyst already, here's betting that amethyst is already absorbed a lot and needs to be changed out. It's probably screaming for a break. But touch it when you're ready, that's the most important thing. Trying to fix it when you're not wanting to deal with it won't make things better.
EDIT: Okay, I'm crying right now, because I thought "burying" the amber in my father's old closet among meds that aren't used anymore would do me some good, and also I resented the amber for having "slept" next to me for all these years.
I felt SUCH sadness and hour afterwards that I'm crying and just had to cleanse the amber under tap water for 3 minutes and retrieve it. It's in my blank DVD/CD drawer now. I don't open the drawer much, so it will do.

Actually, I think this stone is strong. It might have taken a fall "with me", but I'm not sure it did much to it. I mean, it doesn't even really look damaged.
I don't know who put the amber there. I suspect my mom did. My mom is one of the nicest persons you'll ever find, though sadly she's a prime target for energy vampires (such as my father).

I'll leave the comments I have written before this, but I now know this is wrong. There's still a lot of light in this stone. I don't know if I can accept that yet... It just wasn't fair to blame it for my depression. Also, I read that some dark is to be expected inside amber.
I wasn't even HOME when that happened. Hint, hint. The amber was miles and miles away.

Gee, I hope I'll stop crying. *I* need to get over this fall, blaming something that might even have helped me isn't the answer.

Old comment: So, I don't really know whether I actually have two amber necklaces but I found the "fall" amber necklace in the drawer in my night-table. I've been sleeping next to it forever. It couldn't have given me depression, could it? I looked at the amber. It's disgusting. And no, this one hasn't been with an amethyst. I actually think the bracelet is fine.
But this stone. It's broken in places (not really broken, but fissures), and it's all black and yucky inside. Freaky. Now I'm completely terrified because I've been sleeping next to that forever. What I am supposed to do?
I think most of my other amethysts were in there with the bracelet, but I think I didn't wear them during the fall so I should be fine. Are both the amethyst and the crystal quartz ruined? :( I put them under running tap water for 2-3 minutes. I don't know if it changed anything. I actually slept with the amethyst and crystal 2 days ago without purifying them, and it was probably a big mistake. Doh, beginners can be stupid. :oops:
I hope I can fix all of this somehow.
If it were me, I'd start small. Pick one stone, pick one effort (like studying, sleeping, etc) and use that. See how it works, how it makes you feel. Try it a few times, see if you notice a trend, then journal it. Then either switch stones to try a new one, or add a stone... Just one... And see how it goes. Try it for a few days, then journal it, and keep tweaking and playing. With so many stones at play for one intent, if things aren't quite meshing right, you'll have a hard time identifying why. Start small and then build up. Once you get familiar with specific stones and general stone types, it will get easier to mix-and-match multiple stones at once for support on a single task or effort. Getting know them and their energies on a one-on-one basis may make all the difference for you.
Thank you, I was probably using too many at the same time. :oops:
I'll try my stones one by one for studying. I might actually give the tiger's eye a chance again, because it's so pretty and so helpful when it wants to. Heh, it's probably tricking me again, but I need to be sure. :)
I'll keep a journal here for updates.
Amethyst is one, Lapis is one, peridot sometimes, moonstone does, so does some quartz, I'm sure there's more that I'm forgetting. That said, I don't really shut mine in boxes unless I HAVE to and I have that luxury... Not all people do. Even my consecrated healing kit is kept in a fishing tackle box so that they're organized, but also so they can get some light while they travel. Leave them in the box with the lid open, or if you shut them in, program them with an intent. Tell them they're recharging, they're being cleansed, or what have you. Ultimately though, if you lock them in a box, it's not the end of the world. You're not going to ruin them or their energies. They'll probably just rest there and wait to come out. Some may need a minute or two to get acclimated, especially stones really attuned to energies of you or the environment (like peridot), but nothing will be spoiled.
I mostly have quartz for some reason, but I "feel" some of the stones aren't happy if I shut the box. Well, except for the tiger's eye, as it liked being buried. Plus, it's a way for me to give it a positive "time-out" if it gets aggressive.
The citrine also reacted well to the box at the bank. I think it's only an issue with the bloodstone, the calcite and the carnaline.
I might try it anyway with these stones, but with positive intents such as cleansing and recharging.
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Re: Beginner, here are my stones (pictures) some questions :

Post by SnowCat »

Myrth wrote:Tapatalk has brought me back to discussion forums. I use an Android tablet, but it is all two fingered typing and the occasional missed auto-correct that makes no sense. :)
Auto correct has caused some very interesting posts on my part. I ditched my home Internet. Got tired of paying for lousy service. The phone, unfortunately, often insists that it's smarter than I am. It might be right.

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Re: Beginner, here are my stones (pictures) some questions :

Post by Myrth »

SnowCat wrote:
Myrth wrote:Tapatalk has brought me back to discussion forums. I use an Android tablet, but it is all two fingered typing and the occasional missed auto-correct that makes no sense. :)
Auto correct has caused some very interesting posts on my part. I ditched my home Internet. Got tired of paying for lousy service. The phone, unfortunately, often insists that it's smarter than I am. It might be right.

LOL! Yes, these devices do presume to be smarter than us. And sometimes they are! :)
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