An entity stole something inside me

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An entity stole something inside me

Post by Alsol »

First of all, please know I am thankful for your time,

It has been around 5 years. I lived in a house which was heavily negative regarding energy. My family had supernatural experiences there many times, including me. But those experiences were from certainly pure dark entities.

There is however one particular experience I have yet to make sense. I arrived home earlier than usual, it was between 4 and 6 pm. I decided to take a nap. After just a couple of minutes I felt pressure over my chest and quickly opened my eyes. I saw it clearly, it was a blue feminine entity, and had teenager appearance. I know how that sounds but... I assure you I was not dreaming/having a night terror I will never forget it. She had a strange pointy head/hair.

She raised my torso (I made no effort, I could not even move, I was paralyzed), and made me forcefuly open my mouth. She opened hers and a blue essence came out from me. It was the same colour as she (, and "ate" it.

Just after that I recovered a bit of movement and luckily could hit the light switch in a hit, and everything instantly vanished.

She did not feel certainly evil, and was vastly different from my previous experiences, but ever since then I have felt something is missing from me, I have yet to find something to ease that emptiness feeling. Sometimes it feels like nostalgia but there is no thought of memories involved, it's just felt without justification.

If anyone has any idea of what got stolen from me and what was that... I would appreciate that. I have also considered the posibility of it just being a night terror but... trust me when I say I was not sleeping at that moment and the feeling is still very real.

Many thanks in advance =)
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Re: An entity stole something inside me

Post by Seraphin »

I don't know exactly what kind of entity is that but if you feel that it stole something from you then I think it might be a psychic leech or something like that. They work like psychic vampires; draining you with energy, casting doubts, fear and other negative feelings.

I feel discernment is important and to test the entities in your home. The entities like those feed on us. The psychic leeches and astral nasties' hobby is to destroy, steal, create division and chaos in our lives and homes.

Using your own 'extra' senses to observe these energies and entities is a great exercise in expanding awareness and developing discernment. You may want to focus on in how many ways they sense these entities: What is the physical response? Do you feel a vibration on their skin or some point of their body, are there visual or auditory clues as to the energies' presence? Is there an emotional response? Are the energies as strongly sensed during the day as they are at night? Lots to explore there.

I think it would be a good idea to learn how to clear and protect your space and yourself too in the event that things begin to feel iffier in regards to these energies. Not that I'd expect that to happen; it's just good information for any sensitive to have.

If you have any questions, please feel free to PM me.

Re: An entity stole something inside me

Post by Alsol »

Interestingly, I decided to talk about this with a friend who practices witchcraft. Guess what she said before I read your reply: energy vampire.

I am certainly intrigued if I can tap more into my senses to perceive such creatures, although the thought is also somewhat scary. I am more concerned about the strange feeling I've had since then, but perhaps there is no way to heal it, or it might take even more years to do so.

Thank you for your reply, this allowed me to confirm what my friend thought.
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