Remembering has messed up my life. Please help.

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Remembering has messed up my life. Please help.

Post by CrystalMoon »

Hello. So, this is a really crazy story and I don't know where to begin or what to mention and what not. But.
A few years ago I met this friend... We have really strong connection, had from the beginning (not the lover kind. she is the same gender as me and even though it doesn't matter for me, it's not that. it's a friend-sister kind of thing.)
We both had memories of past life, weird things we knew... Foreseeing as well.

And soon, she started having those attacks where she was like possessed. We tought it might be schizophrenia, first. But that ''character'' of hers claimed she is her past life one, killed violently. That I was her sister in past life. That I was bonded with all this... And also, a man.

We were both really confused whether it is a schizophrenia or not. But as the time passed, weird things started to happen. And my ''sister'' side started showing out as well. The things were matching and very much so - one occassion, for example, was that we both fell half-asleep at the same time. Both in our homes. We saw a vision/dream kind of thing where our past life selves were arguing.

And. as said, it happened at the same time. Also, we both saw the EXACT SAME story. Exact same chat, exact same place, etc...

And my visions went stronger. About everything. Stuff started breaking wihout no reason - mirrors and other stuff.
We started realizing we probably wasn't crazy and looking into that stuff, investigating... And we found the exact names and places that were matching. We also found out that in a weird way, we had ALWAYS been close to each other - we had lived really close, we went to the same events... When I had a concert as a child, her mother randomly dragged her to that one. Later, it appeared that our parents may be related. Sisters, maybe even. But... Not getting along well. Not sure how much of it was gossip, but sure was that they knew each other. And didn't want to talk about it.

But. And this is where it gets interesting and a bit crazy - after then we started passing out and leaving the house, meeting with people, having bad situations.... And we didn't really remember any of it. But our parents/ neighbours did.
Her parents knew that she was at the manor our past live selves were supposed to live. That she had somehow gotten into there, as a janitor or helper or something. But she didn't remember ANY of it and was shocked.
We even met he other people involved, I think. But.

Something did happen, at the time. It started going on, our family secrets became revealed, all bonded with that. But noone were ready to tell the full-truth - they said, it's not our bussiness.

We started remembering less and less. Became agonized, desperate. And started imagining things that were not real, the real crazy-stuff. It went out of hand, drove us crazy. Not for week, not for a month... But for THREE DAMN YEARS! When we finally came back to Earth,realizing we had tought we had a whole life seperatedly with the one we had, but it was IMAGINED OUT.

We realized something had to be true but... What ? How to know? How to find the other people? Connections? We are both really confused and scared. Both of us know that we have to find out what happened and restore the connections with the people, because important stuff that I wouldn't really talk about in public happened.

But we're both out of ideas and confused. Is there anyone here, who has an idea about what to do? Or how to make a PEACEFUL contact with the part of us that is from the past life. To TALK to that part, get information (even though that part and our-nowadays-part may not be getting along so well. Let's say it's a composition of past life and skisophrenia. Or more like, just not accepting the other part I guess).

Please. Even though many of you may think we're crazy then... Please, give some advices. You could be helping two young-adult kind of girls get their life back together and give them some peace of mind finally, after all misery.

All thanks in advance...
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Re: Remembering has messed up my life. Please help.

Post by Seraphin »

Did your friend consult a professional/medical person about the alleged schizophrenia? I think this is what she needs to do first.

But it wouldn't harm to try past life regression or meditation too to help you remember your past lives and the lives you have with your bestfriend. Sometimes, there are folks who can't just explain that despite the fact that they sometimes behaved in a way that most people dismissed as crazy, they're just as confused, perplexed -- and probably more frightened -- than any observer could be by thoughts, emotions and actions that seemed to have betrayed them.
Some situations or incidents that rushed out of control in unpredictable ways, and an increasing conviction that you had lost their mind.

If you have any questions, please feel free to PM me.
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