Dreaming Guidance?

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Dreaming Guidance?

Post by smokahontas »

I'm seeking some help with my dreams. What I thought was just regular dejavu is now turning into some type of psychic ability, which I'm being told I have by a palm reader. In reality I always felt like I had something different about me I just didn't know what. I knew my sister had abilities through her dreams and my mom too but it kinda scared them because there dreams often predicted deaths. Like within the week someone would pass when they dreamt their teeth fell out. They never sought to work on it more. I want to be able to do something with my power. Not in a greedy profit making way but maybe to help me spiritually or help me with my own personal problems and maybe with others. I don't even know if I got this gift for sure but that's what I am looking for help for. What are maybe some meditations or anything (that won't open any other doors) to help me train my mind and learn to control it. What are some cons to this maybe. Maybe a dreamers 101? Any help is appreciated. smileylove
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Re: Dreaming Guidance?

Post by corvidus »

Hey there smokahontas (awesome name, by the way)

If you're interested in developing your abilities through dreaming, it's highly recommended that you start a dream journal. Keeping a dream journal is a good way to prepare yourself for Lucid Dreaming, as well as developing memory.

Here is a meditation to help develop your concentration, focus, and mental fortitude:

Choose a classic meditative position, one that won't trigger a 'sleep response' (no slouching!)

Center your awareness in your head between the tops of your ears and behind your forehead in the middle of your skull.

Now try to stop thinking. Don't force yourself to stop, just relax your mind as if it were a muscle. The goal is complete mental vacancy for ten minutes.

You'll last a second or two to begin with, but the more you practice the longer you'll be able to maintain this 'peace of mind'.

There are no 'cons' to this meditation.

Re: Dreaming Guidance?

Post by smokahontas »

Thank you :)
I already started a dream journal it's just hard to remember my dreams when I wake up.

I learned to stop thinking in my dance class in high school, Every Thursday we did yoga, and Fridays we meditated, I eventually started doing that on my own time because I liked not thinking of my problems and it almost helped me think clearer after giving my brain a break.

Is there a scary part to practicing these things that I should know about? Like extreme nightmares? I used to have really bad and violent ones until I got a dream catcher, I don't know if it's a mental thing or maybe it actually works because I had one as a child and it worked then too and they stopped.
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Re: Dreaming Guidance?

Post by corvidus »

smokahontas wrote: Is there a scary part to practicing these things that I should know about? Like extreme nightmares? I used to have really bad and violent ones until I got a dream catcher, I don't know if it's a mental thing or maybe it actually works because I had one as a child and it worked then too and they stopped.
Dream catchers are wonderful :)

There isn't anything scary about the practices themselves. It's the Fear of the Unknown that most people deal with, and what stops a lot of people from continuing. If you continually seek out understanding of the Natural world, the Unknown diminishes and becomes Known and there is nothing left to fear :)

Maybe consider studying ways to protect/shield yourself?

"I must not fear. Fear is the mind-killer. Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration. I will face my fear. I will permit it to pass over me and through me. And when it has gone past I will turn the inner eye to see its path.
Where the fear has gone there will be nothing. Only I will remain."
-frank herbert

Re: Dreaming Guidance?

Post by smokahontas »

It's just overwhelming on where to begin. Any suggestions on what I can start with, maybe a book?
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Re: Dreaming Guidance?

Post by corvidus »

I know of a few. :)
Are you looking for books on western occult practices, wiccan practices, specifically dream-oriented meditations or beginning easter/buddhist-type meditation?

Re: Dreaming Guidance?

Post by smokahontas »

Honestly I don't even know. I guess I can start with beginners meditation and specifically dream orientated things. Baby steps. I feel if I take on too much at a time I might overwhelm myself so better off starting with what I already have some knowledge of.
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Re: Dreaming Guidance?

Post by SnowCat »

Ask your guides for protection and also ask them what you need to know.

Daughter of Sekhmet

Re: Dreaming Guidance?

Post by smokahontas »

SnowCat wrote:Ask your guides for protection and also ask them what you need to know.

I'm a newbie so I haven't established any guides.
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Re: Dreaming Guidance?

Post by corvidus »

smokahontas wrote:I guess I can start with beginners meditation and specifically dream orientated things [. . .] better off starting with what I already have some knowledge of.
Now you know where to start! :)
I'm sure a google search will bring good results.
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Re: Dreaming Guidance?

Post by SnowCat »

smokahontas wrote:
SnowCat wrote:Ask your guides for protection and also ask them what you need to know.

I'm a newbie so I haven't established any guides.
Your guides know you, even if you don't know them. Just ask. Trust an old grandma cat on this one.

Daughter of Sekhmet

Re: Dreaming Guidance?

Post by smokahontas »

corvidus wrote:
smokahontas wrote:I guess I can start with beginners meditation and specifically dream orientated things [. . .] better off starting with what I already have some knowledge of.
Now you know where to start! :)
I'm sure a google search will bring good results.

Thank you :D
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