Afterlife "Growth"

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Afterlife "Growth"

Post by smokahontas »

Do you think that people continue to grow in the afterlife? Like maybe a baby or child will keep growing? I experienced probably the hardest thing ever a little over a year ago, I had a miscarriage. My baby wasn't fully grown at all. I'm not even sure how far along I was but if I was as far along as I think I was my munchkin would be reaching her 1st birthday soon. It's probably a silly question but it's been on my mind a lot, especially lately and it's just something I always wondered.
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Re: Afterlife...

Post by SnowCat »

I have been through three miscarriages. I see my son and my other daughters sometimes. They appear to me as adults. They have appeared as adults since the beginning. My son would be 33, my daughters would be 22 and 20 now.

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Re: Afterlife...

Post by smokahontas »

You're lucky to be able to see them. I hope to one day meet my little one, even if it's just in my dreams.
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Re: Afterlife...

Post by Kassandra »

smokahontas wrote:Do you think that people continue to grow in the afterlife? Like maybe a baby or child will keep growing?
To me personally everything about a person continuing to grow after death kinda' doesn't make sense, for various reasons. However, several people whose mediumship knowledge and experience I respect say that souls do continue to grow and "get older," so I'm going to trust that. Go figure. I have also had some mediumship experiences myself along these lines that seem to suggest the same, still it just seems strange to me.

It appears souls do not age in the same timeframe as our physical bodies do here, that their "aging" has more to do with experiences that produce soul evolution in growth, awareness and wisdom. In fact, my understanding is that time is not even a construct there, as it is here, so souls are not under the gun the way we are here.

Trust your instincts, I would say. Sorry for your loss of the little one, smokahontas. It's wonderful that you stay open-minded to the possibilities of the spirit realm, however. Because you have put the intention to meet your child out there into the universe, don't be surprised if you get a communication from the child sometime soon. We'd love to hear if you do.



Re: Afterlife...

Post by Flamewood »

I think people likely age, simply not in quite the same sense as we do here. I have views on it similar to Kassandra. I think one who's passed over will have whatever appearance they choose to take, no matter what age they would be here, if that makes sense? I've seen my grandfather but as a much younger man, for example. I've seen my sister as much older, even though she was a child when she died. I think it's up to the one crossed over as to what you see.
Again, as Kassandra said, keep your mind open.

Re: Afterlife...

Post by smokahontas »

It's hard to really know. I remember watching some shows about mediums, and a woman lost her child, and the child kept growing and came through to communicate with her. But then I wonder about older people, they can't keep aging, or is it that they did their time so they get to choose how they are seen, maybe depending on who they're "visiting"?

It would make my life if I got to see or hear from her. It's the strangest thing too, maybe I'm thinking into it too much but since it's been in my mind heavily, my toddler has been pretending to carry around a baby. Not constantly but he'll randomly bring a blanket balled up and tell me "look mommy, look at the baby, so cute! "
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Re: Afterlife...

Post by SnowCat »

Little children are sometimes more perceptive. If your toddler continues to carry a baby around, try having just a general conversation about it.

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Re: Afterlife...

Post by Kassandra »

Flamewood wrote:I think one who's passed over will have whatever appearance they choose to take, no matter what age they would be here, if that makes sense? ... I think it's up to the one crossed over as to what you see.
It's funny you say that. It seems they really do project themselves to living the way they want to be remembered, even if it was nothing like they actually looked when they died. In this video a psychic medium discusses this phenomena, and how she runs across this tendency of the dead quite frequently: ... 24097.html (@11mins:50secs - 24mins). It's actually kind of funny, really. Makes me think that when I project myself from the other side to others I might throw in a boob job and tummy tuck, just for kicks, hehe.

Another example: once when I attended this Spiritualist Church service my mom walks in dressed up, sits next to me, projects herself with makeup on, looking about 25 (she was in her 80s when she died), slim and wearing a finely-appointed black kimono (traditional for formal occasions when and where she grew up, and was not something she owned, that I knew of). I mentally smiled at her, and said telepathically, "Whoa, you're all young. You look nice, Mom" and kind of chuckled to myself. Not too many moments after that, the featured medium who was speaking at the podium chose to do a reading on me, and first thing she says is, "Well, it seems your mother is here with us today." She was right on the money. I was a bit taken aback by the whole experience, and thought, what a ham my mom still is, haha.

I think SnowCat is onto something, smokahontas. Perhaps your toddler really is perceiving phenomena. I'm thinking, though, perhaps his limited vocabulary wouldn't allow him to actually discuss the possibility that the baby's spirit is around you. But it seems quite age-appropriate that he played along with the spirit (pretending to be holding the baby, etc.), as little children tend to "act out" their realities. When they see the dead, they don't analyze it, they just start interacting accordingly. There is an immediacy about children from which we all could stand to learn.

Perhaps give him some crayons and paper and request he draw a picture of the baby he's holding, and see what comes of that?

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Re: Afterlife "Growth"

Post by SnowCat »

My spirit cats visit when one of the others is getting ready to cross the Rainbow Bridge. My gray tabby Molly, who was only two when lymphoma claimed her, was always a diva. She continues that tradition with her sparkly pink wings. They aren't constrained by physical limits.

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Re: Afterlife "Growth"

Post by Kassandra »


Animals never forget.


Re: Afterlife "Growth"

Post by smokahontas »

He just scribbles now though. While he is very intelligent for his age I think asking him to draw a picture would be a lot. I will definitely try though. I thought of what Snow was saying but thought maybe I just had high hopes. He's learning new words and putting sentences together fast, hopefully he can tell me details soon before he forgets it all.
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Re: Afterlife "Growth"

Post by HopefulChild »

My heart goes out to all of you.

I have 4 genetic children and two children I have adopted as mine.

I also have one child "Morgandy" who never made it past the 5 month pregnant mark. After 3 months, we decided it was ok to tell people about the baby. After the 4'th month, we had both dreamed of a little girl so we named her Morgandy, which is celt for "little one by the sea". At the time we lived near the beach and it seemed appropriate. At the check up for the 5'th month, they told us there was no baby. She had disappeared. She would be 9 years old now.

I don't like to think about the afterlife for her. The way I view the universe...I'm not strong enough to really contemplate that through to a finished idea. I don't want to.

I hope you have found comfort for your loss.
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Re: Afterlife "Growth"

Post by Kassandra »


So sorry, HopefulChild.

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