Marijuana and Wiccans

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Marijuana and Wiccans

Post by Clairsentient_Wolf »

I was wondering sort of what we Wiccans, the Coven, think of pot, weed, mary jane...

Do you consider it an herb that heals or would you say to stay away from it? Personally I believe that it can be used in many different ways (not just smoking) to provide healing. My brother has epilepsy and in the state I live in, it's not legal yet except for the non-THC oil that is currently still being tested. It's available at certain herbal essence stores but it's also very expensive. He is totally anti-drug, anti-MJ, etc. but we really need some type of healing structure for him so that he can at least leave home for a movie without having a seizure.

I find it particularly soothing for myself as an anti-depressant and a general relaxation-type herbal experience. No, I'm not a drug addict. Drugs are created/cut in a lab somewhere to provide feelings for their users. Marijuana grows outside in everyone's backyard if they had the seeds. The only place it doesn't grow is the Arctic Circle and for good reason - nobody lives there.

I am just saying that I have had more spiritual experiences when using MJ than I have being sober. I believe it to be a certain way to guide us through the universe and have these interactions that we otherwise would not be able to have.

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Re: Marijuana and Wiccans

Post by Deejean »

Hey there,

So in my opinion it is medication hands down. I suffer from anxiety/depression/ptsd/eating disorders/insomnia and I could go on but there's no point lol. And I use it to aid all of my issues. Without it I can honestly say I would be either dead or in a mental hospital because I truly wouldn't be able to cope. My brother also suffers from epilepsy and he uses it to help with that as well. I know people who use it for arthritis pains as well as MS and fibromyalgia. It's only a drug if you treat it as such.
Now I wouldn't go as far as saying I've had spiritual experiences using it, I turn to other herbs and such for that but it definitely is a medication in my books.

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Re: Marijuana and Wiccans

Post by Clairsentient_Wolf »

Deejean wrote:Hey there,

So in my opinion it is medication hands down. I suffer from anxiety/depression/ptsd/eating disorders/insomnia and I could go on but theres no point lol. And I use it to aid all of my issues. Without it I can honestly say i would be either dead or in a mental hospital because I truly wouldn't be able to cope. My brother also suffers from epilepsy and he uses it to help with that as well. I know people who use it for arthritis pains as well as MS and fibermialga (im positive i didnt spell that right sorry)
Its only a drug if you treat it as such.
Now I wouldn't go as far as saying I've had spiritual experiences using it, I turn to other herbs and such for that but it definitely is a medication in my books.

Love and light
You have no idea how much that post meant to me...I mean I would give up MJ forever if it meant my brother could function normally in society. He cannot drive, hang out by himself, take showers that are too hot, play too many video games...his life is rough. I have my own methods of coping and one of them happens to be the same as yours. I have been locked up in the asylum before and trust me, that's no place you want to go. I tend to blame myself for his illness even though I have my own to deal with. He is my priority as far as my family goes. I feel if I can't help him, then I have failed. He will be the only family I have left when my parents pass away (God forbid) and I love him to death.

If not for my own "medicinal substances" I would probably lose my mind. I was in the asylum for 2+ months and was released just days before Thanksgiving. I cannot tell you how much shit I literally saw go down in there. It was terrifying. Just as it appears on TV - it's the same in real life. Padded rooms, plastic beds, people around you losing control...

You don't need to go there trust me. But you have no idea how happy I am that you responded to this. Thank God someone understands this pain.
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Re: Marijuana and Wiccans

Post by Deejean »

It can be tough having mental disabilities, and I'm sorry you had to go through all that. But there are tons of natural ways to cope with things that most people dont even know about, such as passion flower helping with anxiety and mood control as well as insomnia and fighting addiction. I haven't done too much research into the epilepsy part since my brother mostly has his under controll between weed and doctor prescribed meds (I live in Canada where health care is free but I know a lot of places around the world don't have this luxury). If you'd like to pm me we can talk more about this :)
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Re: Marijuana and Wiccans

Post by Seraphin »

Personally, I have no problems using natural herbs and organic plants such as the cannabis… Yes, no doubt that herb heals! And I don't think we should stay away from it. We've got morphine that is more potent and addictive, and much more easily abused, that has been used for years, and yet no one is abusing it. The plant itself is harmless.

Scientific studies have already proven cannabis' efficiency in treating PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder), multiple sclerosis, epilepsy, severe nausea, chronic pains, chemotherapy side effects, brain injuries, glaucoma, rheumatoid arthritis, sleep disorders, eating disorders, Tourette's syndrome, Huntington's disease, dementia and cachexia or wasting syndrome (weight loss). I don't want to call it a cure. But the herb could be an effective treatment.

Most people who have negative attitude towards this herb should come to the realization that it's irresponsible not to provide the best medical care, care that could involve marijuana. For some who have anathema to marijuana, they could introduce it in an acceptable form (such as oil), work on it, and allow it to flourish. The prohibition would only lead to more ignorance. We need to keep an open mind in order to move forward... Of course, it's good to be skeptical with new, untested things, but that doesn't mean we should dismiss as ineffective and worse, dangerous, something we haven't even read up on yet.

My fiancee used it whenever she's doing shamanic journeying, she smokes it, uses it as incense and concocts it in a brew with a carrier oil. She usually mixes it with virgin coconut oil. For special events and purposes, the cannabis oil is mixed with vegetable oil, truffle oil, sunflower oil, olive oil, argan oil and crocodile oil.. The leaves are soaked in alcohol, strained, then slow-cooked to boil until the solvent evaporates. She have three forms of marijuana oil: oral, topical and inhalation.

If you have any questions, please feel free to PM me.
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Re: Marijuana and Wiccans

Post by Imperious »

Deejean wrote:So in my opinion it is medication hands down.
The law disagrees in most cases; that's why I'd advise against using cannabis, unless you live in a state where its medicinal properties are prescribed, or where it's legal to use it regardless.

Sadly, that doesn't make the law any more coherent. In the United Kingdom, for example, "drug" policy is entirely designed around the affectations of a political elite that know next to nothing about the subject. Were cannabis legitimately banned because of its supposedly harmful effects, not a single person in Britain would be legally allowed to smoke or drink. "Magic mushrooms" were recently upgraded to class A, for crying out loud!

Too many people point to the social degradation caused by habitual use of narcotics, without ever bothering to realise that cannabis isn't a narcotic. Worse, in every single case where this social degradation is properly investigated, cannabis is never indicted as a cause. EVEN WORSE, the argument that cannabis leads on to harder drugs has got absolutely no evidence or basis in fact.

What I'm saying is that I wholly support the legalization of cannabis across the board, for both recreational and medicinal uses. However, recommending its use to a person when said use would be considered illegal is, to me, irresponsible. A quick check suggests that South Carolina considers it illegal, outside of prescriptions for severe epilepsy.

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Re: Marijuana and Wiccans

Post by Cats and Tea »

Imperious wrote:Breaking the law, even when the law is mindless, is rarely a good idea.
This is essentially my opinion on marijuana. I do also have my own personal issues with marijuana, but that's unrelated.

Despite what many claim, long-term use of marijuana is not without its side-effects and that is something to take into consideration. I don't feel that these side-effects are enough to make marijuana illegal, but I'm not too eager to go to prison because of a drug I didn't need.
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Re: Marijuana and Wiccans

Post by corvidus »

I'd like to add that, from what I've been hearing, the United States federal government has lifted the ban on medical marijuana research. So in the near future, it may be more easily accessible.

However, this doesn't make it recreationally legal in most states. But:

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Re: Marijuana and Wiccans

Post by Deejean »

Imperious wrote:
Deejean wrote:So in my opinion it is medication hands down.
The law disagrees in most cases; that's why I'd advise against using cannabis, unless you live in a state where its medicinal properties are prescribed, or where it's legal to use it regardless.

Sadly, that doesn't make the law any more coherent. In the United Kingdom, for example, "drug" policy is entirely designed around the affectations of a political elite that know next to nothing about the subject. Were cannabis legitimately banned because of its supposedly harmful effects, not a single person in Britain would be legally allowed to smoke or drink. "Magic mushrooms" were recently upgraded to class A, for crying out loud!

Too many people point to the social degradation caused by habitual use of narcotics, without ever bothering to realise that cannabis isn't a narcotic. Worse, in every single case where this social degradation is properly investigated, cannabis is never indicted as a cause. EVEN WORSE, the argument that cannabis leads on to harder drugs has got absolutely no evidence or basis in fact.

What I'm saying is that I wholly support the legalization of cannabis across the board, for both recreational and medicinal uses. However, recommending its use to a person when said use would be considered illegal is, to me, irresponsible. A quick check suggests that South Carolina considers it illegal, outside of prescriptions for severe epilepsy.

Breaking the law, even when the law is mindless, is rarely a good idea.
I never suggested to use if its illegal, I simply stated how I feel on the matter and my opinion on the plant. I feel it should be legalized and people should be allowed to do as they please. We have right to take care of our own bodies as we wish too,and frankly I would rather use a plant to help me then tons of chemicals ground into a pill that will cause me liver damage among other side effects.
I took the conversation to PM and am also reseaching to help find legal natural ways for them to cope apart from weed. :)
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Re: Marijuana and Wiccans

Post by Deejean »

corvidus wrote:I'd like to add that, from what I've been hearing, the United States federal government has lifted the ban on medical marijuana research. So in the near future, it may be more easily accessible.

However, this doesn't make it recreatioallyegal in most states. But:

Yes and here in Canada as well we are doing the same. Pretty soon I think things will be smoother with the laws and it will become legal in more places.
Also I %100 agree with that picture :)
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Re: Marijuana and Wiccans

Post by Firebird »

Nice quote Corvidus, I didn't know Thomas Jefferson said that.

I have a question for those who do you use it as needed or do you dose throughout the day?

This has always been my feeling...if it grew out of the ground then the Goddess is presenting her gifts. It is up to us to figure out how to use it.

Bb, Firebird
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Re: Marijuana and Wiccans

Post by Deejean »

firebirdflys wrote:Nice quote Corvidus, I didn't know Thomas Jefferson said that.

I have a question for those who do you use it as needed or do you dose throughout the day?

This has always been my feeling...if it grew out of the ground then the Goddess is presenting her gifts. It is up to us to figure out how to use it.

Bb, Firebird
I use it as needed, if I'm feeling high in anxiety I smoke a bowl and instantly calm down, I always smoke before eating and before bed to help with my appetite and insomnia, but no I don't have a set amount I use every day.
I also believe it came from the ground, earth gave it to us because She knew it would help us in some way and therefore I condone its use as well.
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Re: Marijuana and Wiccans

Post by Clairsentient_Wolf »

Here in the US it's legal in some form in many states; Colorado has completely legalized it as well as Washington state and Oregon. It's legal to use cannabis oil for treatment of epilepsy among other things in my state, SC. As far as I'm concerned, I enjoy a good toke sesh. It helps me relax and sometimes provides me with the tools I need to "unlock" theories and questions buried in my subconscious. Is it a cure? No. Should everyone use it? No. For the general public as well as the state itself, it could change our economy around into something that flourishes and I wouldn't care how much they taxed it. At least I would know what I'm getting indefinitely other than hoping I get a good batch when I place an order with my "friendly neighborhood solicitor".
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Re: Marijuana and Wiccans

Post by Imperious »

Deejean wrote: I never suggested to use if its illegal, I simply stated how I feel on the matter and my opinion on the plant. I feel it should be legalized and people should be allowed to do as they please. We have right to take care of our own bodies as we wish too,and frankly I would rather use a plant to help me then tons of chemicals ground into a pill that will cause me liver damage among other side effects.
I took the conversation to PM and am also reseaching to help find legal natural ways for them to cope apart from weed. :)
I didn't mean to suggest that you thought it was cool to break the law; I apologise if that's how it came across. :)

For what it's worth, I agree with your general sentiment. My point was only that you should abide by the law, and hope that it one day becomes sensible. And despite Jefferson's quote, it's worth bearing in mind that he lived in drastically different circumstances to the ones we do.
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Re: Marijuana and Wiccans

Post by Clairsentient_Wolf »

Imperious wrote:
Deejean wrote: I never suggested to use if its illegal, I simply stated how I feel on the matter and my opinion on the plant. I feel it should be legalized and people should be allowed to do as they please. We have right to take care of our own bodies as we wish too,and frankly I would rather use a plant to help me then tons of chemicals ground into a pill that will cause me liver damage among other side effects.
I took the conversation to PM and am also reseaching to help find legal natural ways for them to cope apart from weed. :)
I didn't mean to suggest that you thought it was cool to break the law; I apologise if that's how it came across. :)

For what it's worth, I agree with your general sentiment. My point was only that you should abide by the law, and hope that it one day becomes sensible. And despite Jefferson's quote, it's worth bearing in mind that he lived in drastically different circumstances to the ones we do.
I agree with you - no one should ever, no matter what they do or what their opinion is, suggest that breaking the law is the way to go. My personal opinion? I love the stuff. Am I mentally addicted to it? Of course not; not to say that you cannot become mentally addicted to it. The occasional toke is by far the best method for me to cope with my social anxiety and it adds a soothing effect to the way I see things. That's it. I've been clean for a month but it was only because I couldn't afford it on my paycheck at the end of July. I don't mind giving up my recreational habits in order to pay my bills. A little off topic, my apologies. I have ADHD so my mind tends to wander after a few minutes haha
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