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[Discussion] Favorite experiences from spells/rituals

Posted: Wed Aug 26, 2015 4:52 pm
by Falcon_Heart27
Merry Meet everyone!

Firstly, Mods, I haven't seen a topic like this on the forum yet, but if there is one floating around, feel free to delete this. Also, I think I've posted in the right place, but if not, move it as you see fit.

Anyway, I was thinking about this yesterday and decided that it would be fun and interesting to get a discussion going about our personal experiences with certain spells/rituals!

I feel like, often, when people share spells with each other, they stop at "here's a link/here's some directions, good luck" and leave out what is, to me, one of the most important parts-- your personal reaction to the spell! How did it work for you? What happened? Was it potent? Did it fall flat? Did you feel any "good vibes" happening, or was it oddly tense? Did you make some really good connections? Did you have any kind of otherworldly experience? Etc., etc.

It's not only fun to read other witches' stories, but I feel like if I can read "spell reviews" I can get a better judgement of what elements of a spell are more successful in general, and I'm sure others will find it helpful, too.

So....yeah! Share a story or a two, and if possible, link us to the spell/ritual you're telling about! Let's get talking! :)

(P.S. if this looks familiar, it's because it's the same idea as my #thetumblrcauldron project on my witchcraft blog, , which you should all totally go check out and participate in! New prompts every couple of days! :) )

Blessed Be!

Re: [Discussion] Favorite experiences from spells/rituals

Posted: Wed Aug 26, 2015 5:03 pm
by Falcon_Heart27
I'll get this discussion started with my own story from a friendship spell that I wrote/performed a few months ago! It worked great, and I'm writing a variable of it right now.

(Spell: ... hp?t=30899 )
Falcon_Heart27 wrote: ________
Okay, ritual over, now it's time to talk about my results.

Firstly, my reasons for writing this ritual were simple. I was feeling distant from my friends, alienated from my peers, and inferior to those who I wished to befriend. (I also may or may not have Avoidant Personality Disorder, but I've only read a bit about it, and I'm not quick to self diagnose, although I identify quite a bit with what I've read.)


Like I said, I've been wearing mine continuously for about three weeks, and gotten GREAT results, including:

• drastically improving communication between me and my somewhat distant best friend

• finding like-minded people on Tumblr and quickly befriending them (which is something that has proven very difficult for me in the past, with the whole inferiority feeling)

• being contacted by old friends via social media

• going on a trip with older students, most of whom I felt looked down on me because I was younger, but immediately was accepted by them and we get along well!

• I found myself in a situation where I had the opportunity to bond with these two REALLY COOL guys that, in the past, I thought were way out of my league (in a friend way, no romantic interest) but we're actually very like-minded, we've talked and hung out for a little bit on various occasions, and I think there's a budding friendship here. :D

• I went to summer camp, and bonded really quickly with my cabin mates. Usually in a situation like that, I don't adapt well and I keep to myself. But I made new friends very quickly, and also, reconnected with another old friend (whom I thought I'd never see again), and am now keeping up communications with that said friend.

• Also at summer camp, I got my first slow dance. It was awkward, but hey, it counts for something. :P

• So there's the results of my ritual! I hope anyone who tries it reaps the same riches! :)


Re: [Discussion] Favorite experiences from spells/rituals

Posted: Wed Aug 26, 2015 8:18 pm
by SnowCat
I think it's a good topic. I don't currently have anything to share, but I hope some other people do.


Re: [Discussion] Favorite experiences from spells/rituals

Posted: Sun Aug 30, 2015 10:34 am
by Falcon_Heart27
I have another really cool story to share, today! :D

Two nights ago, I was performing a friendship spell to strengthen the friendship between myself and another person. It was a variation of the friendship spell I posted earlier (tailored to be more specific).

There was a lot of untamed energy bouncing around that night, because I was pretty emotional (I have been making plans to get myself out of an abusive relationship, that's why I'm taking all measures to strengthen friendships and build a support network).

I was also playing a CD of a favorite band that we have in common, and I feel like that just added to the energy bouncing around. The room felt electric, and suddenly, as I was finishing my chanting, I heard a low static-y buzzing-- my guitar amp had turned itself on! Especially cool because the spell target plays guitar, and is one of the reasons why I was inspired to pick up the instrument in the first place.

Anyway, there's my cool story of the week. :)


Re: [Discussion] Favorite experiences from spells/rituals

Posted: Sun Aug 30, 2015 11:28 am
by Becks
That's a great story. Wonderful!

Re: [Discussion] Favorite experiences from spells/rituals

Posted: Sun Aug 30, 2015 12:50 pm
by SnowCat
I'm glad you're strengthening your support network. Abusive relationships can be difficult to leave behind. Cool story too. I remember when my washing machine turned itself on. No apparent reason, and never figured out how.


Re: [Discussion] Favorite experiences from spells/rituals

Posted: Sun Aug 30, 2015 6:01 pm
by Deejean
So this is more of a comical story, if you don't feel it fits feel free to delete it.

When I was about 15, myself and two friends of mine wanted to do a connection ritual to basically ensure we were attached and always there for eachother.
We gathered up candles and and some paper with our spell written on it, and headed out to the street behind the apartment I lived in. It was midnight, the moon high and full so the energies swarming were fantastic. It was a quiet street that hardly got trafic in the day so we set up our circle in the middle of the road, sat down lit the candles and held hands. As we were chanting our spell together, a little old lady pears out her front door and asks us what we were doing.
Being the sadistic little 15 year old I was I thought it'd be hilarious to creep her out. So I whispered to my friends not to say anything, but to just stare at her then slowly start chanting again. Mind you we were doing nothing against her, simply just creeping her out, and it worked she told us to stop what we were doing and then retreated into her house a with a bit of fear in her eyes.
I guess it was kinda mean to scare a poor old lady but I was a kid and thought it funny.
In the end the spell went great and even years later when I no longer talk to those two girls, i still feel their energies from time to time.

Love and light

Re: [Discussion] Favorite experiences from spells/rituals

Posted: Sun Aug 30, 2015 6:53 pm
by Falcon_Heart27
@Becks and Snowcat, thanks :)

Dee, that's a funny story! :D


Re: [Discussion] Favorite experiences from spells/rituals

Posted: Wed Dec 25, 2019 12:13 am
by Hazel Moon
This happened a couple years ago, during one of the fires that's common in the state where I live. I'd been studying spells that were said to increase the chances for rain, thinking it might help with the dreadful fire season we were having. The only problem is that I specialize in the area of fire magick. Water is definitely not my thing. But there was a fire burning as usual. Not close to home, mind you, and since the weather forecast already predicted increased moisture and a chance for rain anyway, I thought I'd try a simple spell in hopes of helping things along.

I don't remember the incantation I used, but I remember it involved being outside. I also remember you needed a glass of water, and when you were done, you were supposed to pour the water on the ground. Remember, my element is fire. This is probably why the spell backfired.

The sky was overcast and looked like it was going to rain when I went out. I tried casting the spell, and the next thing I knew the clouds parted and the sun began to shine. I just stood there staring at this gap in the clouds, thinking no, no, no, that's the opposite of what I wanted!

Looking back on everything, I find it rather funny nowadays. Should've known that one wasn't going to work for me. :P

Re: [Discussion] Favorite experiences from spells/rituals

Posted: Wed Dec 25, 2019 7:02 am
by SpiritTalker
In my early days with Magic I was using a “love - I bid you come” spell. I kept repeating it with more details because it wasn’t working. Er, I attracted several stray cats who love me & who I love dearly before I wised up & laughed.