Can incense cleanse a room?

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Can incense cleanse a room?

Post by mangosandy82 »

I noticed lately that my room has felt gunky with emotions. I haven't been burning incense lately because I ran out and was too lazy to get some. I went to new visions book store which is a new age store. They also have Wiccan and pagan stuff. Like gems and stones etc. I bought some incense. When I burned some incense I noticed a difference. My room felt better. I even felt better! I didn't buy any sage or sandalwood. I got a melon scent and a fizzy pop scent. I love the wildberry brand.

Have any of you noticed this if you don't burn incense? I'm wondering if incense has healing properties and can cleanse a room.
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Re: Can incense cleanse a room?

Post by Becks »

Yes it can. Traditionally incense was used for blessing and cleansing. You can clean a space with a spray of water, the light of a candle...the sweep of a broom, or sound.

If things are feeling icky the best thing to do is to clean in a traditional sense and then do a spiritual cleanse with the method of your choice.
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Re: Can incense cleanse a room?

Post by Raevyn »

The short answer: yes.
What I tend to do when my room starts feeling like that (which it rarely does, but can sometimes around exam time) is physically clean, dust and tidy my room, then I take a stick of incense (or two sometimes) and walk around the room before setting it down. Sometimes I even use white sage and smudge the room. I also open the window and curtains and catch the afternoon sun, that really works for me.
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Re: Can incense cleanse a room?

Post by Lord_of_Nightmares »

It definitely can or smoke can. If you can, try getting some white sage and do a smudging.
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Re: Can incense cleanse a room?

Post by SnowCat »

My former sister-in-law used to use sea salt and olive oil for doing cleansings. I have no idea where she learned that, but I know of once instance in which it was at least moderately effective.

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Can incense cleanse a room?

Post by mangosandy82 »

Silah wrote:The short answer: yes.
What I tend to do when my room starts feeling like that (which it rarely does, but can sometimes around exam time) is physically clean, dust and tidy my room, then I take a stick of incense (or two sometimes) and walk around the room before setting it down. Sometimes I even use white sage and smudge the room. I also open the window and curtains and catch the afternoon sun, that really works for me.
I did that the other day. I walked around the room with my incense stick. I also used the incense in my door way. I was saying "no negative energy". It worked.

Also today at work I imagined negative energy leaving as I cleaned the Windows. I noticed a difference. :) it was draining as I did it for over 5 minutes.

I don't know if I am allowed to burn sage in the house...

Thank you for your replies.
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Re: Can incense cleanse a room?

Post by smogie_michele »

I have an alternative to sage! If family is coming over and I feel like I want to cleanse, but don't want the smell it can leave behind, I will take a small black spray bottle (I got it from Sally's when I was doing hair, only 50c), fill it half way with water, the other half with either rubbing alcohol or clean liquor (normally vodka, i have some cheap stuff I am trying to get rid of...), then I will muddle a few fresh sage leaves between my fingers and drop it in. Sometimes I add sea salt or throw a clear quartz in there, it just depends on my mood.
I will spray it around the house, focusing on certain "icky" areas. Its great, because there is no smell left over :)
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Re: Can incense cleanse a room?

Post by Ethereal Moon Rose »

It most certainly can. I personally like to use frankincense, sandalwood or myrrh but any incense will do.

I also like to say a short phrase something along the lines of "bless this space and keep all negativity away".

I'd also like to suggest opening up your house (windows, doors) and letting the wind 'cleanse' your home. It's summer here at the moment (well technically it's now autumn....) so it's something I do daily.
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