I had my chakras and aura read. Thoughts? (pic)

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Ethereal Moon Rose
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I had my chakras and aura read. Thoughts? (pic)

Post by Ethereal Moon Rose »

Sorry, I wasn't quite sure where to put this!

I went to a 'magickal markets' yesterday and decided to get my aura read. It's bright yellow with the slightest amount of orange. Obviously the pic is not of my body, but I had to choose between a head shot of myself or full aura/chakra pic. Straight away the lady asked if i draw and if i dont i need to start because apparently im very creative. I am obsessed with anything to do with makeup and some people see that as an art form, so perhaps that explains it? :-)

She went on to say that all my chakras are 'beautiful' but my root chakra is blocked. Not surprised actually, as I get stressed easily. I need to ground more and she suggested earthing. I also need to cleanse and shield regularly as I am so open to all sorts of energy (kinda already knew this). She asked me about my sixth sense. I told her I am somewhat empathetic and I have precognitive dreams. She basically already knew all of this stuff about me before I even said it. Even my friend who was there said it was like we were half way through a conversation but the first part was never spoken. It was rather eerie! I also need to work with my pendulum more because my guides are trying to get messages across, not just for me but people around me. I found this interesting. She said if i start drawing, messages will also come through that way. I left feeling pretty excited.

So, how do I unblock my root chakra? Apart from more meditation and grounding. Anyone have any suggestions?

Looking forward to see what you all think about this experience. :flyingwitch:
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Re: I had my chakras and aura read. Thoughts?

Post by SpiritTalker »

To clear the root chakra, try any or all of these

Physical exercise, enough to feel it.
Barefoot contact with earth.
Or use a pendulum suspended in front of the area and rotated according to the direction the pendulum suggests will clear.

As long as you feel the experience answered your questions, enjoy the benefits. :mrgreen:
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Ethereal Moon Rose
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Re: I had my chakras and aura read. Thoughts? (pic)

Post by Ethereal Moon Rose »

Thanks ST! :D Going to spend the rest of my morning in the garden.... smiley_dance
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Re: I had my chakras and aura read. Thoughts? (pic)

Post by Oakheart »

In my tradition that color of aura would signify someone who is sociable, generous, and enthusiastic about life.
Student of Rosicrucianism, Neoplatonism & Hermetic Kabbalah.
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Ethereal Moon Rose
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Re: I had my chakras and aura read. Thoughts? (pic)

Post by Ethereal Moon Rose »

Ya, I've been told I am very generous, more than once. To a fault really!
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