How to create a meditation routine?

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How to create a meditation routine?

Post by XVIII »

Meditation helps me many ways: it calms my mind, it makes easier to control my negative thoughts, to control my anxiety. During meditation I'm connected to the moment, to the eternity and I understand how useless this all comsumptive society around us is...

Anyway I'd like to meditate every day but it feels impossible. It's not that I'd be busy - I have time and everything but I'm scared to sit down - I'm afraid of failing: what if I can't concentrate, what if I give up, what if I just can't sit down, I'm an impatient person, and though I understand it's stupid to fear failing - vice versa I should think it's an achievement to start meditation and sit down despite of fearing of failing - and I should think it's an achievement anyway, though it would end shortly.

But though I basically understand it is just a fear, I can't understand it practically.

So my question is how to create a daily meditation routine despite of this all and also I'd like to hear if you have any tips or alternative ways to meditate. At the moment I've been concentrating on counting breaths from 1 to 30 and then stop. It is easy for my impatient mind. Earlier I used to decide something between 15-30 minutes and count breaths from 1-10 always coming back 1 after 10 but it was really really hard, though rewarding. Now I'm afraid if I can do it at all, to sit down so long time just counting breaths and trying to get rid of residual thoughts. I've considered counting breaths from 1 to 100 but it scares me. What if I fail?
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Re: How the create a meditation routine?

Post by SpiritTalker »

So what if you fail? The Sun will still shine. What if you succeed?

I'd suggest changing the method you use. Don't count breaths. Just breath comfortably. If sitting down is in the way, stand up. Change everything in the routine. Go for a walk and do active meditation. Not every meditation has to be The Same. That's boring.

Use a different, active contemplation. look at a flower and really observe it to the minutest detail. Consider how it started as a seed in the moist earth. It's taproot emerged through the casing, seeking, finding. Be the seed. Be the new plant, new life. Go thru the whole cycle of seasons as this one flowering plant. Hey presto , you've been meditating.

Meditation isn't necessarily the absence of thought, and can come easily if we give our active mind something to focus on. The mind craves busy work. So that's what active and focused meditation gives it. Contemplation too.
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Re: How the create a meditation routine?

Post by Firebird »

I like active listening meditation. Being in the moment and observing the sounds around me without any judgement. Just curiosity. Don't necessarily try to figure out what is making the sound just notice it. If it is the jerk down the road playing their rap too loud...just observe...without judging that they are being jerky by being so rude. If the grocery list pops into your mind, notice that and let it go, back to listening.
Do not judge yourself that mundane thoughts pop in, that IS going to happen. Oh!.. now I must remember to get the dog washed. Ok, let it go and back to listening. What about the grades my child has been getting? Ack! No judgment, let it go...back to listening.
I wonder where that weird noise is comming from? Ok that's good, notice it, but NOW is not the time to figure it out .Hummm that's an interesting noise, and continue to pick out other sounds.
Another way to lessen the wayward thoughts are to put them on a train. When the unwanted thought comes in, visualize you are putting the thoughts on the train, and send them off. This works pretty good in a counting meditation.
Best wishes!
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Re: How to create a meditation routine?

Post by ZippyZoo »

I need to mediate regularly too. I was trying to figure out the best way for me and I found two. One is acupuncture. Not so much because acupuncture is great, it is, but that you don't really want to shuffle around too much so it kinda forces you to be still, haha!
The other method that I think I'd more practical and I think linked for myself is exercise. If I do something to ground all that energy, I'll be exhausted after and won't be so mentally energetic. it's easier to let things be.

Journaling helps too. All the things ohmigosh. I'm working on it too honestly. I don't do any of these consistently but I'm working on developing a routine, step by step.
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Re: How to create a meditation routine?

Post by IsaacIcarus »

I'm terrible at forming routines and habits, so when it comes to meditation I try to find it in every day tasks. Doing the dishes, active listening as firebird said, or just observing things in general. I find it very meditative to people watch. I also try to take some time to be conscious of my own body. I think we get so used to our bodies we forget how marvelous we really are. Take note of your limbs, blemishes, hair, eyes, muscles, fat, scars, freckles, and so on. Take the time to love every bit of you. It can be very difficult but it's also very rewarding and will help clear your mind of things and keep you present. And those are just a few of the things I do! Meditation can be found everywhere, you just need to be conscious of it.
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Re: How to create a meditation routine?

Post by XVIII »

Good news: I've re-found the routine. I tried different techniques and realized that active meditation doesn't work for me at all - I lose consentration. I must sit down. Daily. Thank you all for ideas - by trying different things I found first what doesn't suit me.

"So what if you fail? The Sun will still shine. What if you succeed?"

Thank you for saying this, SpiritTalker, this was the most helpful thing ever said in its simpleness. Though I forced myself to sit down, to count breaths from 1 to 10 (why it sounds so simple written? It was painful), I've been softer. I've learned how to not blame myself for upcoming thoughts. The more I meditate, the more easier I find the flow.
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Re: How to create a meditation routine?

Post by SpiritTalker »

HUZAH! smiley_dance
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