Intense fear of insects and arachnids

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Intense fear of insects and arachnids

Post by Abaddon »

So I have an intense fear of insects and arachnids. I knew I always had a fear of them ever since I was a child, but it's gotten worse, and I'm not sure why. It's pretty bad. I discovered out that I should probably figure out how to get rid of this fear because of a few incidents that occurred recently...

I was in the car with my two friends. Luckily we were parked by a field. There was a toy spider sitting on the dashboard of the car, however, I was unaware that it was fake, so my two friends decided to play a little trick on me. They started yelling "Oh my god, a spider!" and stuff like that. I started getting panicked and screamed for them to get it out. Instead, my one friend took it with her hands and threw it back at me. At that point, with lightning speed, I opened the car door and threw myself out along with the food that was on my lap. They got out and were saying it was just fake to realize I was actually hysterically crying.

Then, just last week, my friend and I went canoeing, and as we went very far out, we were going to loop around an island (I was at the back, doing the steering). Little did I know that there were going to be LOTS of flies of sorts near it in the water. A fly landed on me (not sure if it was a horse fly or not) and I screamed and started panicking and I almost tipped us over. My friend was trying to calm me down and we just had to get out of there because flies kept coming near me. I didn't think I'd be afraid of simple flies, but I was.

For some reason, insects are extremely attracted to me, and I don't know why! Whenever I went into a butterfly house, butterflies would be swimming around me and landing on me and as expected, I freaked out. Even when I was just outside in my backyard, reading a good ol' book, a dragonfly had been sitting right on my chest and I didn't realize it. There are way too many instances involving insects and arachnids and I that I'll simply stop there.

I'm looking to work on this fear, but I'm not sure what I should do. I know that if I "faced" my fear, it would resolve in me just freaking out and probably getting even more afraid.

Does anyone have any tips for me? Sorry if this is in the wrong category! Wasn't sure where to put it.
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Re: Intense fear of...

Post by SpiritTalker »

I share your spider phobia and in the past have been Known to assume karate-mode, and once left a doctors office because I was creeped out by the staffs Halloween decorations that included large, rubber you-know-what's. Not to mention being allergic to bites.

The spiders themselves taught me to appreciate their place in nature and what they bring to a garden and by observing them, I eventually controlled my panic...not to say I'm comfortable...I just don't panic so badly. One fat fellow built a web in the window of the garage and I could safely watch and learn, throughout summer, into late autumn when it died. So it lived out it's lifespan as a teacher or sorts.

Swarming insects can turn tough, hardy men into scampering wusses. So when outdoors, carry netting.
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Re: Intense fear of insects and arachnids

Post by Abaddon »

I suppose I should try just watching them from a safe distance... outside. I don't mind them as long as they don't go near me! Something I just need to try and slowly overcome.

Thank goodness I'm not the only one! Thank you for your reply. :)
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