Just Curious

Discussion of Reincarnation, Afterlife, Life-Between-Lives (LBL)...
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Just Curious

Post by Draconis »

im just curious to know if anyone has tried past-life hypnotic regression (called many different things)? If so what are your views on it?

im jsut curious because id love to explore my past-lives.
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Post by WolfWitch »

Past life regression- No.

Current life regression- Yes.

My opinions on the subject.

Proceed with caution. Just as I managed to block out a part of my life. (The last few moments before and right after a massive car wreck as a child.) and have so far succesfully kept it blocked. I have accidently unleashed a couple of things I wished I hadn't.

Be carefull, You really have no idea what you may have done in the "before". You may seek answers out of curiosity but you may not like the answers that are there. You may have done things that you weren't proud of then, hell, you may have been a phsyco. You won't know until you start searching.

My advice: Proceed if you wish but if things look a little odd or darker than you want to go, back out and try another direction on your regression. As LoveCraft once stated (A very handy peice of advice.) "Call up not, which you cannot put back down."

I wish you all God and Goddess's luck in your endevours. May you find what you seek.

The greatest advice I was ever given: It matters not what you believe. Only that you believe it wholeheartedly.
N.R. Naiacinaed
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Post by N.R. Naiacinaed »

I attempted past life regression (With my mother's assistance...somewhat) when I was a child. I don't remember much of anything from it, though...So I really can't say much on the subject.

I agree with WolfWitch on this subject, though.

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