Wand making as a non-practitioner of Magick

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Wand making as a non-practitioner of Magick

Post by tiniestsalmon »

Hello all,

I recently have started wand making as I have recieved alot of praise from magick users during a convention and I feel that I can fill a need. (Also, my crafts rarely get praised and it made me feel real good so....you know... :3)

But I dont practice magick! I understand that there are wand making related posts but I doubt any of them are asked from the eyes of someone who does not believe in magick.

1) Is it okay to make wands as a non-believer? I don't feel like I am pulling the wool over my clients eyes as I tell him my wand making process and am honest with telling them my beliefs if need be. But I also don't want to be disrespectful...

2) I make a pretty solid wand with vegan leather wrapping, copper wire, and gem topped. But I am concerned if my price ($15-$10) is too high...But I noticed that wands without the fixings sell online for $44??? Am I missing something?

3) If it's okay for me to sell wands what should I absolutely know (do's and dont's) when talking to witches and warlocks? Again, I want to be considerate of anyone's beliefs and practices.

I really enjoy this new craft and I was encouraged by the folks who approached my booth to keep making wands but admittedly many of them were quite young in their spiritual walk. The more experienced with us I interviewed appreciated my pricing but suggested that I get further input on a forum. So here I am! :)
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Re: Wand making as a non-practitioner of Magick

Post by Firebird »

I think if you're upfront about the whole thing and not advertising that they were "cut on the dark of the moon" or honed under the light of "the sun God at noon" or you are not trying to misrepresent the wood like selling pine as oak or something like that, you should be good, right?
Wands can be seen as an art piece, that can be functional as well. It's up to the user to personalize it, and activate it.
Lots of pagans I know consider themselves uncrafty in making crafts, so they will look to where ever to obtain their tools. I feel if you can make it yourself then do so. Some tools harder than others though like the blade for instance, not many of us are talented enough or have the resources to forge their own blade (although there is a school for everything)
Have any pictures of your wands?
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Re: Wand making as a non-practitioner of Magick

Post by IsaacIcarus »

Sounds like you're doing a fine job. Any magickal workings are on the user, so it's just as well that you're not muddling the wand somebody likes with the wrong kind of energy, as far as I'm concerned. And I'm with firebird! Can we see any of your wands? They sound lovely.
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Re: Wand making as a non-practitioner of Magick

Post by tiniestsalmon »

Thanks for the advice guys, the last thing that I want to do is take advantage of someone's beliefs. If there is a need for someone with woodworking experience to make wands then great!

I think I will just continue to make the ones that I see fit while being honest about how they are made. If someone wants me to make him more unique tool for their needs then I guess I will work with them directly.

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Re: Wand making as a non-practitioner of Magick

Post by corvidus »

tiniestsalmon wrote: If someone wants me to make him more unique tool for their needs then I guess I will work with them directly.
I find that this happens quite a bit. You should advertise that you make custom wands as well. I think you'd find more people buying.
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Re: Wand making as a non-practitioner of Magick

Post by Firebird »

Those are very nice. I really like the curvy one on the first page, what kind of wood is that?
Also had you ever considered using real fur or leather? Although I know that isnt in-line with vegan folks though, but there are many who might like the "all natural" contents.
What trade show were you at with those rocking wand display racks? Those racks are great!
Bb, Firebird
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Re: Wand making as a non-practitioner of Magick

Post by tiniestsalmon »

Hi Firebird, the curvey one is made from purple heart. I do have leather and thought of using it. I just might make a few in case someone wants one. I made the wand rack myself! The pictures were from SacAnime 2017 and it was my first time selling my craft. We did pretty well I think! Surprisingly, alot of witches and wiccans (is that correct terminology?) watch anime
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Re: Wand making as a non-practitioner of Magick

Post by moonraingirl »

Although I personally don't use wands, I really like yours!

Have you thought of carving magical symbols on them?

I also agree with the idea of creating personalised wands. I'm sure you would get more customers and especially when your prices are affordable as you say. Of course you can ask for more for personalisation.
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Re: Wand making as a non-practitioner of Magick

Post by tiniestsalmon »

That's another question I have...Wand mechanic.

Does carving ruin the wands? If not, how about sanding? What does copper wire do for magick? Does it flow like electricity?

My research continues! XD
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Re: Wand making as a non-practitioner of Magick

Post by SnowCat »

I have a wand that my son - in - law's friend made. He likes working with wood and making various things. I needed a wand for my Professor McGonagall costume, so my daughter asked him to make one for me. It's decorative, as I don't use a wand in my practice.

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Re: Wand making as a non-practitioner of Magick

Post by moonraingirl »

I don't think that carving or sanding ruins the wand. Symbols should add the power to it. But I may be wrong, so please correct me if needed.
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Re: Wand making as a non-practitioner of Magick

Post by Heartsong »

I don't believe that altering the wand in a physical way will ruin it or its energy either. In a way, you are blending your own energy with the wand. With carving, you are focusing your will into the point of your tool to form characters that you believe contain power. You have to work with the grain of the wood, which also takes energy and seems like a nice way to marry the two.

The same could be said with writing, sanding, or anything else you decide to use. To sand wood is to smooth it, which could in turn "smooth" the flow of energy through the wand. To write is to stain the wood with ink, or char it with a flame, infusing the wood with your power and the power of the characters.
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Re: Wand making as a non-practitioner of Magick

Post by Mystie.Graves »

I love these! You have talent!

I have a nice wand. Someday I hope to find someone to make me another like it but smaller. It's pretty but to big. It's supposed to be a dragon's tail design:

[img]http://everythingunderthemoon.net/forum ... image/2997[/img]

I think your prices are great. I got my custom wand for about that price. The $45 ones are way to pricey when I see others similar at lower prices. I couldn't afford a wand if it was too high. So don't worry about your prices, they're very good in my opinion. =D

Don't worry about not practicing.
Back in the day, the crafts people's could do was because that was their talent, it didn't mean they used them. Like... A blacksmith didn't always use the swords or weapons he makes. A seamstress might not wear pants & only skirts. A writer might not read to many other books. So just because you make something doesn't mean you have to practice it. I think your fine to believe however you choose. =)

(Edit: I am the Lord of Typos! Also, my phone loves to auto-correct me. I had to fix my errors. lol!)

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Re: Wand making as a non-practitioner of Magick

Post by tiniestsalmon »

@Mystie: Thanks for the thoughts! I want to sell handsome wands for a fair price.

I would love to see your wand...But the link doesn't work! Do you think you could re upload it? :)
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Re: Wand making as a non-practitioner of Magick

Post by Mystie.Graves »

tiniestsalmon wrote:@Mystie: Thanks for the thoughts! I want to sell handsome wands for a fair price.

I would love to see your wand...But the link doesn't work! Do you think you could re upload it? :)
Sorry maybe it didn't work right. I'll try again:


You really do good work & long as you're happy with what you do, you should keeping doing it. =) Making a little money doing what you enjoy use just bonus lol

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