Let's talk about reincarnation!

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Let's talk about reincarnation!

Post by Cyliciana »

So let's talk about reincarnation! From Latin meaning "entering the flesh again". How about we see what people believe?
1. Do you believe that souls that were once human can be reincarnated into animals and vice versa?
2. There are currently more people on earth than ever before. Where do you think the souls come from?
3. Do you think that it is possible to see "future" lives, as it has been proven that time does not travel in a straight line?
4. Since you believe in reincarnation, what are your thoughts on the afterlife/do you believe the afterlife exists?
5. How you had any deep revelations about reincarnation that you would like to share?
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Re: Let's talk about reincarnation!

Post by Heartsong »

Ooh, lots of questions! :)

1.) I'm not sure of my stance on that, but I'm very curious if anyone else has thoughts/memories/ideas to share.
2.) I've always thought that souls are fragments of universal energy. I don't think it's necessarily centered somewhere. Instead, it's scattered throughout the universe, which is why we can feel connections to the earth, animals, and other people.
3.) Absolutely. I've read somewhere (probably here) that we live all of our lives at the same time, simply at different points or in different universes. I'm not sure myself, but I like the idea and it makes sense to me.
4.) I think the afterlife exists, although I'm not sure what it is, exactly. I've encountered human spirits my entire life, so I definitely do believe that we can get stuck on earth after death for one reason or another, voluntarily or involuntarily.
5.) I had an intense experience when I was a teenager at the Shenandoah Battlefield in Virginia (a US Civil War site for those who aren't familiar). It was an intensely hot summer day with very few people. I crossed the field and touched a cannon. I could hear and smell guns, horses, and smoke. I felt like my stomach had been split open and hit the ground. My sister had to drag me up and out of the field. I know I died there. That was the first time reincarnation ever crossed my mind.
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Re: Let's talk about reincarnation!

Post by SpiritTalker »

1. I think life forms always progress to more conscious states. The evidence is evolution.
2. I think of souls as form of god-consciousness.
3. Yes I think it is possible to not only be aware of future incarnations, but that we design our own choice of experiences & encounters.
4. After-life is varying states of consciousness between embodiments for assessment and preplanning.
5. In my teens I'd dreamt of a sequence of stories depicting my return to the same location as different people in different times, and had since childhood attended assorted dream-state lectures. Later, in 1976-77 when doing trance speaking, reincarnation was a topic with detailed scenerios of three person's 7-life-time interactions. The data was first down-loaded in 1972, all in one piece to my mind, during full waking consciousness some time after an ET abduction where I think it originated, bit for what purpose, I dunno.
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Re: Let's talk about reincarnation!

Post by Bychan Wulf »

Hey there!
1) I believe that our soul chooses or is given a body (animal or human) depending on what it has to learn. When we finish our quest, we probably remain in between dimensions and aid the souls that still have to complete their "education". I also believe that doomed/punished souls, are also existing there, only that they are trapped. The souls who fulfilled their education, are able to remain with the Deity or be given a body ( my explanation for geniuses and their death at a young age)
2) I think in that type of passive Deity which is active only at the birth of the Earth, our birth and death, and sends help if asked for. Otherwise, it doesen't interfere with life....everything is based on the Newton's Law: each action has a reaction. That's why, we have the option, after death, to stay in the Summerland or Valhalla (still not sure which one convinces me more) Untill the soul feels ready to take another journey.
3) Not sure. I think that we choose our next life after each death. ( or like Heartsong said, I'm still exploring all options)
4) Yes I do, like I said at 1, we live again and again untill we finish our education (I have no idea how to call it). Then, we are allowed to exist in this alternative dimension and someone interfere with humans for different purposes.
5) I never had something that special, but I only know that I say and sometimes know things from the past, that I have never read or heard about. Like, something that was put in the history books, only recent.
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Re: Let's talk about reincarnation!

Post by Lord_of_Nightmares »

Cyliciana wrote:So let's talk about reincarnation! From Latin meaning "entering the flesh again". How about we see what people believe?
1. Do you believe that souls that were once human can be reincarnated into animals and vice versa?
2. There are currently more people on earth than ever before. Where do you think the souls come from?
If you believe they can be plants and animals too, at one time, then that answers your questions. But I also think gods have their own souls and can incarnate, and other supernatural beings, too. Rather than just "human souls". On top of believing new ones are created as well.
3. Do you think that it is possible to see "future" lives, as it has been proven that time does not travel in a straight line?
I have no idea how to answer this question. I do believe a person can be reincarnated within their own lifetimes and surpass their original lifetime in a different place.
4. Since you believe in reincarnation, what are your thoughts on the afterlife/do you believe the afterlife exists?
Yes. I believe people can break the cycle of reincarnation and that there are various afterlives.
5. How you had any deep revelations about reincarnation that you would like to share?
The reason no one automatically remembers their past lives is because they inhabit a new body with a new brain, which is essentially, a blank slate. The memories of the former life do not reside in the brain or mind, therefore. So I find it odd people look there.

Strange feelings towards people, places, things, and situations... When you ask where your feelings come from or how you "know" certain things without ever doing them before... That's when you begin to dig deeper. Especially, if such bonds are strong. If these people (If they are still alive.) or places or things are around you and those feelings come back, it is more easily to "remember" such lives. Magic, itself, is very strongly connected to our emotions and so is the soul.
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Re: Let's talk about reincarnation!

Post by SnowCat »

I have had flashes of other lifetimes. I don't know what the source was, although I suspect the Akashic records since it usually happens in a dream. In waking moments I have felt a familiarity with some places that I was not aware of visiting before.

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Re: Let's talk about reincarnation!

Post by IsaacIcarus »

1. Well, I believe like Heartsong, that "souls" are just concentrated bits of energy, so when you die that energy is simply returned. It could become anything. Likely plants. I don't think our energy stays together, though. I'd imagine it would disperse.

2. Again, souls are just bits of energy from the universe so. No shortage of that haha

3. No, not personally. I don't think our energy has any consciousness outside of its current state. I also don't think time is linear, so who knows what's possible.

4. Personally I don't currently believe in any kind of afterlife aside from the fact that when I end, my energy will go on.

5. Not me personally, but so many other people have and I think that's incredibly interesting. Curious to hear what others think of the cause of their experiences. My mom thinks that in a past life I was born male and in this life for whatever reason I just couldn't adjust to being a woman. Personally I think that's baloney, she's just trying to reconcile the fact that I'm trans in a way she understands. Interested to hear what somebody else thinks of that re:trans people, though.
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Re: Let's talk about reincarnation!

Post by Deerstep »

Cyliciana wrote:So let's talk about reincarnation! From Latin meaning "entering the flesh again". How about we see what people believe?
1. Do you believe that souls that were once human can be reincarnated into animals and vice versa?
2. There are currently more people on earth than ever before. Where do you think the souls come from?
3. Do you think that it is possible to see "future" lives, as it has been proven that time does not travel in a straight line?
4. Since you believe in reincarnation, what are your thoughts on the afterlife/do you believe the afterlife exists?
5. How you had any deep revelations about reincarnation that you would like to share?
You know, this actually ties into a theory I have on Divinity.

1. Yes. Because while the properties of energy change depending on its vibrational state, it still operates on more or less the same frequency. (Sort of.)

2. This is where my theory comes into play, aside from question 4.
I feel that all spirit is splintered from a common source, similar to how all life on earth evolved from the same strands of self-replicating amino acids. Because we share this common 'soul', we often hold similar values, ideals, hopes, and patterns of behavior. For example, nearly all humans consider peace to be a common goal. Nearly all humans seek companionship of other humans. The reason being, they came from the same 'parent'. If that makes any sense whatsoever.

3. Yes. Current quantum mechanics have shown sub atomic particles such as electrons being not only in two places at the same time, but moving backwards, forwards, and in every direction simultaneously. Another theory is that electrons exist on all levels of reality simultaneously, including alternate dimensions. I can't link a direct reference here, mostly because I can't recall what study it was exactly, but it was very, very interesting.

4. This is where my theory starts getting more and more holes in it.

Since all life and spirit splintered from a single source, it stands to reason it wants to rejoin that source. Sort of like how the Big Bang scattered matter across the Universe and eventually gravity will draw it back to the same source, resulting in another Big Bang.

Since nearly all cultures believe in an afterlife of some variety, and energy can never be destroyed, logically it goes somewhere. We've interpreted this as Heaven, Nirvana, Valhalla, the Summerlands, etc. Some people have crossed this threshold and returned from this place, wherever it was. Almost all have described a being made of light. Some say Vishnu, others say Jesus, an Angel, Valkyries, or a beloved relative who has passed on. Most write this off as the last vestiges of consciousness trying to make sense of a collapsing nervous system, but I interpret it differently. It's a soul rejoining the collective psyche of humanity.

Which, by the way, I feel is where Gods and Goddesses come from. They are manifestations of the collective wishes, fears, and willpower of the human heart and soul. They are a hard-wired part of our brains that link us to where all spirit comes from. I suppose you could say that this makes all religions true to a certain extent. When you pray, cast a spell, or try to manifest your desires, you draw on this 'source of souls' to bend probability to your favor. But, since the Ether is in a constant state of flux (think of people and creatures dying and being born all the time) some spells fizzle out while others work exactly as they should. No current mathematical model can predict which spell/prayer/supplication will or will not work, but exertion of psychic energy is a common denominator.

Or, alternatively, the Gods could be souls that have reincarnated so frequently, they've come to create their own sort of spiritual gravity that draws human thought to them.

But, like I said, this is just my own pet theory. It's likely to be wrong, but it's made some sense to me.

5. None. To be honest, I'm a little bit scared of looking into my past lives and seeing myself repeating the same failures and shortcomings I'm making right now. But I know that it's a reality.
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Re: Let's talk about reincarnation!

Post by SnowCat »

I've been getting more flashes of past lives lately. Some of it has been rather disturbing. And I never know what's going to trigger it.

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Re: Let's talk about reincarnation!

Post by kevin »

Snowcat has just pointed Me back to this site, after My computer died with it's legs up in in the air ( I wonder if it's an apple now?)
It's good to be back ( as the reincarnated said?)

I have a huge interest in megalithic structures, at one called ...the whispering knights I experienced conversations with My eternal 5D self.
Memory which My computer lacked is what all is.

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Re: Let's talk about reincarnation!

Post by kevin »

http://www.rollrightstones.co.uk/index. ... ts-dolmen/

I stood on top of those stones ....and tripped out of this reality.
A three way conversation started with my physical body, Me the occupant of said body, and My 5D eternal self.

It was quite comical as My body was annoyed at not having any hands or feet, or ground to stand on, My 5D eternal self then entered in the conversation between Me and My vehicle and instructed Me to repeat all it told Me, otherwise I would have no local memory in My memory field ( this is similar to why dreams are forgot)

I don't know how long I was stood there but My vehicle was becoming annoyed.

The site I was stood upon has very special geometries involved where shaman ( some call them witches) enabled reincarnation back to the local tribe to be achieved relative to lunar and sun locations, where consciousness reverses , and the fabulous constructions offered up resistance to the incoming flow of consciousness to better enable the soul ( for want of a better descriptive word) to spiral out of the planets memory and into an impregnated female within the construction, or so I told myself.
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Re: Let's talk about reincarnation!

Post by Firebird »

The spiral :D like the double helix of DNA we spin in and spin out!
I've come to believe that as in science we have and electrical component to our "energy" source, call it a soul ...and since electricity can never die or end, it can only change form, that has given me great comfort. I trust I will be reborn into the arms of my mother.
The fact that memory of another life is only fleeting is that it is in the "all"... the enrgy that surrounds. The cosmic switchboard.
I think about the 7 gates of Inanna in which parts were striped away as she entered the underwold, memory being one of them.
Then there is the Taliesin poem, Preiddeu Annwn, that has this troup from the court of King Arthur and in association with the grail mysteries, going into a castle that revolves where the poem reads "except seven, none returned". 7 went in and 7 came out, indicating reincarnation.
There is a copy here but it is in Welsh

http://www.lundyisleofavalon.co.uk/text ... pranwn.htm

Oi I'm tired I'll have to come spell check tomorrow
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Re: Let's talk about reincarnation!

Post by kevin »

Hope You are refreshed.
And I consider that all has an electrical basis, and when We sleep We are plugging our electrical vehicles in to the universal supply of consciousness.
Whilst this occurs I consider that our 5d selves trip onto 5D to download information.
This is also what occurs at so called death, but in a total manner.
Our vehicles at death set solid( rigor) until the planets memory takes over to enable the vehicle to become part of the planet.
Our 5D selves have though tripped off out of the vehicle into our eternal selves( possibly to fully rest up and charge up after having to cope with this crackpot place?)

When We are ready , and desire new information, We then trip into a new vehicle, whether this is always human I doubt,
But back as humans may be required by many.
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Re: Let's talk about reincarnation!

Post by Firebird »

Oh very much so, thank you kevin. I had quite a bit to clean up eh?
kevin wrote:Whilst this occurs I consider that our 5d selves trip onto 5D to download information.
This is also what occurs at so called death, but in a total manner.
Yes, since we do spend aprox 1/3 of our life asleep. Seems like it would be a waste to spend all that time out of comission without something important going on. I envy folks who can lucid dream, they would be connected to that cosmic switchboard, absolutely. So I'm curious, do you feel the information gets downloaded regardless of ones ability to recall dreams or meditate well? Or is it more of a charging situation going on.

I've seen glimpses of that place through meditation where what I like to call "perfect knowledge" exists.
I've seen it on the faces of those who have crossed over, they get this wry smile like, ah ha, it all makes sense. :wink:
Some one was talking about future lives. I get so focused on where I've been and where I came from (as in past life regressions) that it rarely comes up as a active exploration as to where this life may go from here.
That poem I mentioned we use as a preemptive study when we do past life work. I wonder if it could be used to go forward also? (Scratches head) either way you must journey through the revolving castle, forward or backward.
Rechage makes good sense, we must plug in our "electronic" body for recharging and that is best done in the span of darkness. (I don't think we, in these times, are sleeping enough) maybe contributing the crackpot mentality?

Bb, Firebird
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Re: Let's talk about reincarnation!

Post by kevin »


As a dowser I can determine each living entities consciousness field, it is the store of information, not the brains, they are switching devices.
Our limited consciousness field in the here and now is measurable, young children are commonly 50 feet radius, whilst those with dementia are down to a few feet radius.

Imagine a huge 5D consciousness field relative to each , it's a big universe.
Our limited memory field only contains that which We have observed or been indoctrinated with, when I first encountered My 5D self the first instruction was to repeat, repeat what I was informed, otherwise the information would not be burned onto My here and now memory, and this is why dreams are difficult to remember as the information is not transferred and stored, We couldn't handle the amount of past life experiences, and We crave new experience/s.

The Egyptians were attaining local reincarnation, imho, and I often wander about the British museum checking the artifacts in My odd ball manner, not simply BELIEVING as told.

They were master manipulators of consciousness, it is the enabler of all life, and there is no such thing as time involved, that is merely the rate of input over output of each creation, We are by products of this planets memory field ( time field)
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